Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

Trump actually DID take an oath and swore loyalty to the American people and the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anyone should swear loyalty to one man. In fact the entire thing is written to prevent that. Trump needs to be impeached and jailed. He has committed high crimes.
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Says the partisan Trump whore.
Let's see what someone with great credibility says..
Former Director of National Intelligence and former general of the Air Force, James Clapper:
"Watergate pales" with what the US is confronting now, said James Clapper.

Yeah nothing. Lmao
Tomorrow you will be very upset that you stayed up sooooooooo late :badgrin:
Things do not look good for ol Donnie.
Trump actually DID take and oath and swore loyalty to the American people and the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anyone should swear loyalty to one man. In fact the entire thing is written to prevent that. Trump needs to be impeached and jailed. He has committed high crimes
Look up chain of command fool. The president has every right to ask for loyalty from his appointees... Just like a Capt. of a ship. Get it?
If Mike Flynn is looking at 30 years in jail, like he may, what do you think he's going to do?
He's going to finger someone to save his hide.
This is exactly what happened with Watergate..

Yeah this is nothing says the clueless Trumpies.
Trump actually DID take and oath and swore loyalty to the American people and the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anyone should swear loyalty to one man. In fact the entire thing is written to prevent that. Trump needs to be impeached and jailed. He has committed high crimes
Look up chain of command fool. The president has every right to ask for loyalty from his appointees... Just like a Capt. of a ship. Get it?
Bullshit. Asking for loyalty is something a mob boss does. Not a president.
Read the fucking Constitution and see who these elected officials owe their allegiance and loyalty to.
Trump actually DID take and oath and swore loyalty to the American people and the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anyone should swear loyalty to one man. In fact the entire thing is written to prevent that. Trump needs to be impeached and jailed. He has committed high crimes
Look up chain of command fool. The president has every right to ask for loyalty from his appointees... Just like a Capt. of a ship. Get it?

You're confused, you think North Korea is the political norm in the world. It is to orange-turd-blossom but not to the Western Democracies. It's time to remove this pustule from America's consciousness.
Comey serves at the pleasure of the President the removal from office can be either with or without cause. Like not being loyal fools!!!!:badgrin:
Trump actually DID take and oath and swore loyalty to the American people and the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anyone should swear loyalty to one man. In fact the entire thing is written to prevent that. Trump needs to be impeached and jailed. He has committed high crimes
Look up chain of command fool. The president has every right to ask for loyalty from his appointees... Just like a Capt. of a ship. Get it?

The people who run those agencies have an oath to protect and defend the constitution as well as loyalty to the American people. That means if a president is not following the law, they have the right to not follow that president.
Comey serves at the pleasure of the President the removal from office can be either with or without cause. Like not being loyal fools!!!!:badgrin:

He can be fired but he is not required to take an oath of loyalty to the president.
I have the inside scoop and you guys are going to be so sad tomorrow that I already feel bad for you. Comey has nothing to say that is even close to what CNN has said he does. I really do feel bad for ya. Another let down in monster proportions.
The people who run those agencies have an oath to protect and defend the constitution as well as loyalty to the American people. That means if a president is not following the law, they have the right to not follow that president.
I really feel bad for you snowflakes my info tells me Trump will be very happy tomorrow....
I have the inside scoop and you guys are going to be so sad tomorrow that I already feel bad for you. Comey has nothing to say that is even close to what CNN has said he does. I really do feel bad for ya. Another let down in monster proportions.

Well the problem with all your hubris is that there is a special counsel looking into this situation and all involved are going to have to face this person and his committee who will have all the information and power necessary to make people testify to the truth. Until that happens, it would be very wise for those like you to stay quiet.
Well the problem with all your hubris is that there is a special counsel looking into this situation and all involved are going to have to face this person and his committee who will have all the information and power necessary to make people testify to the truth. Until that happens, it would be very wise for those like you to stay quiet
There is no there there.......
A person is not required to have blind loyalty to the fucking president. OK? Since decent language doesn't seem to register with you maybe this will
Answer the question; who asked for an oath?
Well the problem with all your hubris is that there is a special counsel looking into this situation and all involved are going to have to face this person and his committee who will have all the information and power necessary to make people testify to the truth. Until that happens, it would be very wise for those like you to stay quiet
There is no there there.......

Of course not. So like I said, it would be wise for you to stay quiet until this is over.

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