Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

The sentence that will haunt Trump and his merry band of morons right up to the impeachment.
" I hope you can let this go."

Trying to obstruct a criminal investigation.
Trumps an idiot. He's stuck in his world of business, kiss his ass, keep your job.

Different rules apply on Penna Ave.

Then how did he defeat the entire Democratic party army of professional politicians winning 30 states? OH SNAP your ancestors felt that one :laugh::laugh::laugh:
It's not proper for the president to ask for loyalty from the FBI director. One swears loyalty to the US, not the president.

WTF, you lefties....sometimes you eliminate words (as in "illegal" immigrants), other times you want to add words (a previous post indicated a loyalty "oath"). Not sure, you hear voices in your head only part of the time or always.
It's not proper for the president to ask for loyalty from the FBI director. One swears loyalty to the US, not the president.

WTF, you lefties....sometimes you eliminate words (as in "illegal" immigrants), other times you want to add words (a previous post indicated a loyalty "oath"). Not sure, you hear voices in your head only part of the time or always.

Did you really expect the left to discuss this with honesty? Lies, half truths, blatant distortions are their MO.
Democrats hate that Trump is working towards bringing honesty and integrity back into our government.


On tape...Tramp saying he DIDNT ask Comey to back off the investigations..
Today. Comey released a statement saying that's
And the Trump whores think this is good news lol
Let us know when you're able to excerise some common sense.[/QUOTE]

well it has exonerated trump


you really got him this time

Trump demanded 'loyalty' and asked for an end to the Flynn investigation, Comey will testify

Trump demanded 'loyalty' and asked for an end to the Flynn investigation, Comey will testify

Former FBI Director James B. Comey feared from their first meeting that President Trump was trying to forge a “patronage relationship” between the two of them and was intruding on the “FBI’s role as an independent investigative agency,” he plans to tell Congress.

In testimony released a day before he is to appear Thursday at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Comey recounts Trump’s demand for “loyalty” and his request that the bureau drop at least part of its investigation of former national security advisor Michael Flynn.
Trump demanded 'loyalty' and asked for an end to the Flynn investigation, Comey will testify

Trump demanded 'loyalty' and asked for an end to the Flynn investigation, Comey will testify

Former FBI Director James B. Comey feared from their first meeting that President Trump was trying to forge a “patronage relationship” between the two of them and was intruding on the “FBI’s role as an independent investigative agency,” he plans to tell Congress.

In testimony released a day before he is to appear Thursday at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Comey recounts Trump’s demand for “loyalty” and his request that the bureau drop at least part of its investigation of former national security advisor Michael Flynn.
There's nothing illegal or even questionable about asking for loyalty from those upon whom you depend.

So meh, who cares if leftards *approve* of what was said, they don't know shit about anything, anyway.

The takeaway..he did nothing un proper, certainly no laws were broken. Big fat pile of nothing. But the left will continue to spasm over nothing, while ignoring reality. It's what they do.
Trump outright asked Comey to make the Flynn investigation go away you dumb broad.

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LOL When the fat senile old orange clown does something that once again proves how unfit he is for that office, don't acknowledge it, just yell Obama or Hillary.
Won't do them any good though.


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I'll be looking forward to seeing the meltdown from democrats when he doesn't give them what they want.

This should be good. lol :)

What we want is for him to testify. It'll be funny watching you trying to discredit hI'm at every turn but the fire is too hot for lame deflections.
What we want is for him to testify. It'll be funny watching you trying to discredit hI'm at every turn but the fire is too hot for lame deflections.
What will be funny is watching your head explode when you realize that Comey has zip zero nada bad to say about Trump...I just got an insider heads up...the left is going to go nuts. Suicide watch will be needed:banana:
Comey has nothing, Trump wins again...
Says the partisan Trump whore.
Let's see what someone with great credibility says..
Former Director of National Intelligence and former general of the Air Force, James Clapper:
"Watergate pales" with what the US is confronting now, said James Clapper.

Yeah nothing. Lmao

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