Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

Does anyone know if this has ever happened before? A former FBI Director has just testified under oath that the President of the United States is a LIAR and his honesty can not be trusted? What does it mean when such a high-ranking former government official such as an FBI Director calls the President a LIAR while under oath during a Senate Hearing?

Maybe, did Comey testify about Obama's claim that you can keep your doctor and plan under Obamacare and save $2,500 a year on your health insurance?
There you go, deflection. A lame one, but still, a deflection.

Did Comey ever comment on Hillary's claim to have landed under sniper fire in a war zone? Why yes I am mocking you, Bill, Hillary, Obama, all confirmed liars. Not one lie a pattern of lying multiple times. You people have no cred.
Another deflection. Why can't you stay on topic?

The topic is a joke
No the joke is DT being president.
Rubio smoked him....
Rubio asked Comey if the three things Trump asked for in their meetings were: 1.) To ask for Comey’s loyalty, 2.) To ask Comey to “let” the investigation go and 3.) For Comey to make it known that Trump was not being investigated.

“Why didn’t that get leaked,” Rubio asked Comey of his third point regarding Trump not being investigated.

Rubio, So Far, Provides Line of Questioning Which Best Defends Trump
Yeah Rubio and other R's are desperately trying to make the serial sex offender look good.Not possible. You have no sense of right or wrong. That you're showing.

Off to ignore you go....bye
Scared of me I see. The truth frightens the shit out of you.
The alt right are pissing in their pants.

I'm not that alt right crap you over use but I'm rolling my eyes at Comey and his "feelings"

It's a nothing burger
sassafrass, you are an alt right cheer leader.

Sit down, clown. You think anyone a degree right of center is some of that stupid alt right shit....because you're far left of center

Comey has nothing, just as I suspected
You are not a degree of center. You are not mainstream. You are an alt right hater of the worst sort, sassafras. Now go to corner and behave.

While there, listen to the GOP senators.
McCain - so this report says %$^&*%%*$ what do you have to say about it?
That guy - I cant disclose confidential matters and you cant believe the WP.
McCain - That's a shame. So this report says
That guy - You cant believe it.
McCain - So the WP says
That guy - :rofl:
Then he says "I have never been pressured at all during my entire time in Washington blah blah

Somehow he was dodging the question :lol:
Does anyone know if this has ever happened before? A former FBI Director has just testified under oath that the President of the United States is a LIAR and his honesty can not be trusted? What does it mean when such a high-ranking former government official such as an FBI Director calls the President a LIAR while under oath during a Senate Hearing?

Maybe, did Comey testify about Obama's claim that you can keep your doctor and plan under Obamacare and save $2,500 a year on your health insurance?
There you go, deflection. A lame one, but still, a deflection.

Did Comey ever comment on Hillary's claim to have landed under sniper fire in a war zone? Why yes I am mocking you, Bill, Hillary, Obama, all confirmed liars. Not one lie a pattern of lying multiple times. You people have no cred.
Another deflection. Why can't you stay on topic?

The topic is a joke
The President being called a liar at a publicly held Senate Hearing by a former high-ranking government official is not a joke. It is a serious topic. The OP asked if this had ever been done before. So far, no one has found an example of it happening before.
FAKE NEWS is real

During Comeys testimony he was asked if he had ever seen reports on the news or in print, based on inside sources our supposed leaked documents, that was innacurate or false.

He smiled, laughed under his breath and said ALL THE TIME.

I bet CNN & BSNBC don't cover that today....
Breaking news. The media sometimes makes mistakes when they're reporting on news 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The media( not Breitbart, Infowars, Gateway pundit) gets it right 99% of the time.
We learned today and the past 2 years Trump lies 99% of the time.
That is quite alarming

ANY president that requests a meeting without whitehouse council present is whats really alarming.


Obama met with Comey sans council on many occasions.

I know, that's different.

Great point!

Comey's notes may be worthless. His alleged contemporaneous notes would have evidentiary value only if they were in fact contemporaneous. It is incumbent upon Comey to prove the notes were made when he said they were and not after he was fired. Absent proof that the notes were made prior to his firing, they prove nothing. Anyone who watched a few episodes of Judge Judy should know that.

I want to know who saw his notes and when, or in the alternative who he spoke to at that time and said the same thing as the notes depict. Without that, the notes are nothing more than a self-serving attempt to add credibility to his sworn testimony; a cheap trick by a cunning and desperate man.
Except for the fact that the existence of such notes was known to a number of people at the time they were written.

Dream another dream, that dream is over.

Save your childish insults for someone who cares about what you think. I don't. Now, about your statement, that others knew about the notes at the same time Comey says they were written, tell me the names of those individuals you claim heard it. I follow the news closely and so far every reference is to “unnamed sources.” I don't have a clue who you are, but I have a doctorate in law and I go by the evidence. So far, there is no evidence – other than Comey's self-serving statement – that his notes were in fact contemporaneous. In your world “unnamed sources” have credibility, but not in my world. My advice to you: Don't apply for admission to law school.

You have the last word. I will not waste my time debating with you.

I do not have a doctorate in law.......but I do watch Judge Judy every day

Comey immediately wrote down his notes from the meetings and emailed them to associates
Trump claimed to have recorded the meetings but demurred when challenged to provide them

I say Comey wins on credibility
How many times is this asshole going to say "I feel..."? Just offer up facts you jackass, your "feelings" don't mean shit
How this wasn't your argument yesterday when those two clowns kept referring to their feelings when SPECIFICALLY asked outright factual questions?

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

It's telling that the attempted blowback here seems to be all about ------ feelings rather than facts...

Comey is coming off as vindictive.

LOL I'd like to see this spineless worm run...he'd get the beat down he deserves

he's just coming off as a butt hurt vindictive clown

his manstrating is getting old

Comey sounds like a scared little girly man.

Preening little bitch is so transparent
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FAKE NEWS is real

During Comeys testimony he was asked if he had ever seen reports on the news or in print, based on inside sources our supposed leaked documents, that was innacurate or false.

He smiled, laughed under his breath and said ALL THE TIME.

I bet CNN & BSNBC don't cover that today....
Breaking news. The media sometimes makes mistakes when they're reporting on news 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The media( not Breitbart, Infowars, Gateway pundit) gets it right 99% of the time.
We learned today and the past 2 years Trump lies 99% of the time.
Do you bleed partisanship?
Comey also said that while he didn’t want to express an opinion on whether Trump was seeking to obstruct the ongoing investigation
Laws aren't based on opinions. Something is very wrong here.

uh huh, laws shouldn't be based on opinion, as mr comey expressed himself.

meanwhile president trump EVIDENTLY had no clue that was the case, and THAT is what's wrong here.

i hope the FBI can let this illicit collusion investigation go, cuz flynn is a good guy

mr trump and the ignorant trumpswabs are an utter EMBARRASSMENT to our country.
You are. That quote isn't obstruction by any means. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
McCain - so this report says %$^&*%%*$ what do you have to say about it?
That guy - I cant disclose confidential matters and you cant believe the WP.
McCain - That's a shame. So this report says
That guy - You cant believe it.
McCain - So the WP says
That guy - :rofl:
Then he says "I have never been pressured at all during my entire time in Washington blah blah

Somehow he was dodging the question :lol:

The guy was Coat...

And again you refuse to see that Coat would not answer if Trump asked him or knew of Trump asking to back off of Flint..
FAKE NEWS is real

During Comeys testimony he was asked if he had ever seen reports on the news or in print, based on inside sources our supposed leaked documents, that was innacurate or false.

He smiled, laughed under his breath and said ALL THE TIME.

I bet CNN & BSNBC don't cover that today....
Breaking news. The media sometimes makes mistakes when they're reporting on news 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The media( not Breitbart, Infowars, Gateway pundit) gets it right 99% of the time.
We learned today and the past 2 years Trump lies 99% of the time.
Do you bleed partisanship?
I bleed truth and that always comes first which makes it literally impossible to be a trump supporter..
McCain - so this report says %$^&*%%*$ what do you have to say about it?
That guy - I cant disclose confidential matters and you cant believe the WP.
McCain - That's a shame. So this report says
That guy - You cant believe it.
McCain - So the WP says
That guy - :rofl:
Then he says "I have never been pressured at all during my entire time in Washington blah blah

Somehow he was dodging the question :lol:

The guy was Coat...

And again you refuse to see that Coat would not answer if Trump asked him or knew of Trump asking to back off of Flint..
see? :lol:
FAKE NEWS is real

During Comeys testimony he was asked if he had ever seen reports on the news or in print, based on inside sources our supposed leaked documents, that was innacurate or false.

He smiled, laughed under his breath and said ALL THE TIME.

I bet CNN & BSNBC don't cover that today....
Breaking news. The media sometimes makes mistakes when they're reporting on news 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The media( not Breitbart, Infowars, Gateway pundit) gets it right 99% of the time.
We learned today and the past 2 years Trump lies 99% of the time.
Do you bleed partisanship?
Put that dumbfuck on ignore.

Thank me later
In a 60 Minutes interview, October 2014, James Comey said he was aware of only “a dozen or so” Americans who had joined ISIS. Obama administration officials said there were 100 or more.

Comey said he knew the identification of these alleged dozen, and that the FBI was watching them. He added that if these jihadists want to return to America, they are “entitled to come back”, unless their passports are revoked.

The fact that they have committed treason by joining a terrorist group committed to our destruction, apparently didn’t change the equation. Welcome to 2014 (Obama’s) America, where even ISIS fighters are “entitled”.

Also according to Comey, >> “Someone who has fought with ISIL, with an American passport, that wants to come back, we will track them very carefully.” Forgive if I don’t feel reassured.

Enough of Comey’s dereliction of duty. Now to put this into the context of sanity >> These ISIS lunatics should be arrested the minute they step off the plane in the US, very shortly tried and convicted, and soon afterward, executed for treason.

Erick Stakelbeck, ISIS Exposed, 2015, pg. 66-67

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