Trump Asks Betsy DeVos to Study Fed Overreach in Education

Another far left drone using old religious dogma not based in reality..

You are right that is sad as that is all you drones have. Far left religious dogma not connected to reality!
More #Pizzagate coding....reaching out to your #Pizzagate pals through secret codes?

See how the far left acts when you start using facts?
What facts did you use?

The fact you are far left drone using far left religious dogma not based in reality!

I realize you are far left drone, but do try and keep and answer questions that are poised to you with real answers!
So...your educational institution (which you are not willing to tell us what it was) failed you by not teaching you the distinction between Fact and Opinion. I believe that's something taught in 4th or 5th grade.

See how the far left will not answer a simple question!

They use far left religious dogma over reality!

And yes we know you have nothing but far left religious dogma to spew!

Just expect to be called on it!
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?

See how the far left can answer a simple question?

See how they act when you force them to face reality?

And yes there are no facts posted by any far left drones!

Maybe one day you will break free from the far left religious cult and join us in reality!
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?

See how the far left can answer a simple question?

See how they act when you force them to face reality?

And yes there are no facts posted by any far left drones!

Maybe one day you will break free from the far left religious cult and join us in reality!
Where you educated in a public school? (Poor district if so)
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?

See how the far left can answer a simple question?

See how they act when you force them to face reality?

And yes there are no facts posted by any far left drones!

Maybe one day you will break free from the far left religious cult and join us in reality!
Where you educated in a public school? (Poor district if so)

See how the far left will drone on and on after you ask them a question that would conflict with their religious dogma?
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?
You should do some research!

I know, I can't believe I even suggested it.
You still are not able to articulate what you believe is wrong with public education. If you can't even tell us what you believe is wrong, how are we to take your complaints seriously?
It's not that I can not articulate the problems - I can. Instead I chose to challenge you to SEE FOR YOURSELF what some of those problems are by watching the documentary. I can see you have no interest in seeing the problems for yourself, so I will provide you with some of my beliefs:

Massive over-lapping government
- "Education is being corrupted by government and bureaucracy. As we spend more and more of society’s money in education, not directly as learners, but as taxpayers via massive organizations with their own agendas and interests, the responsibility and choices of individuals get lost, and the waste just gets larger and larger, and the results, the achievements just plummet.”
* Bureaucracy is the enemy of education for public schools

Teachers UNIONS and the inability to fire teachers are STILL massive Problem
- City to spend $29M paying educators it can’t fire

"The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired"

As of Friday, there were 326 city educators who have been reassigned away from the classroom yet were still collecting pay, a sharp rise from 2012, when 218 ousted teachers drained $22 million from city coffers, Education Department records show.

The teachers and school administrators are accused of abusing kids, breaking rules or just being lousy educators. But they're still collecting salaries because of a controversial firing process that makes it too difficult to terminate bad employees, education officials charge.

Back in 2010, Mayor Bloomberg and the city teachers union agreed to eliminate the shameful "rubber rooms" that house these expensive educational pariahs, but critics say the only difference is that today the accused teachers are spread out in spare offices across the city instead of being herded together."

Many 'libtards' still push the idea of not wanting to give kids grades because low grades and actual teaching could 'hurt kids' feelings'
- I am a journalism major, so when my daughter showed me a report she had written I nearly hit the roof. My daughter was in the 6th grade, and her spelling was atrocious yet not corrected in the teacher's grading of the paper. I contacted the teacher and asked her WHY her mistakes had not been corrected. I was told that 'as THIS POINT we don't really care how well the child can spell. I care more about communicating full coherent thoughts'. WTF?!

Many kids graduate - some can't even READ.

The level / quality of education is piss-poor. Maybe we would not have to hand out special visas and bring in foreigners to take technical jobs if our education was better.

Then of course, are the story after story of biased political assholes teaching our kids their political views as if they were 'the gospel' - classrooms turned into Liberal Indoctrination Camps.
-- 'Barak Hussein Obama....'Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm'. Gee, you never heard schools teaching kids songs praising Conservative Presidents.....

There are a lot of problems with out school systems - not all the schools' fault - parents, too.
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?

See how the far left can answer a simple question?

See how they act when you force them to face reality?

And yes there are no facts posted by any far left drones!

Maybe one day you will break free from the far left religious cult and join us in reality!
Where you educated in a public school? (Poor district if so)
You do know that the poor districts are the ones that get the most money from the feds, right?

So why aren't the poor districts, the best districts? They are the ones who have access to all that goodness, after all....
Here is a perfect example of Far left policies that do nothing but hurt people!


The federal government needs to give priority to people who are struggling to survive over the companies that collect their loan payments. That means ending the practice of seizing the Social Security benefits of poor or disabled student loan debtors.
You still are not able to articulate what you believe is wrong with public education. If you can't even tell us what you believe is wrong, how are we to take your complaints seriously?
It's not that I can not articulate the problems - I can. Instead I chose to challenge you to SEE FOR YOURSELF what some of those problems are by watching the documentary. I can see you have no interest in seeing the problems for yourself, so I will provide you with some of my beliefs:

Massive over-lapping government
- "Education is being corrupted by government and bureaucracy. As we spend more and more of society’s money in education, not directly as learners, but as taxpayers via massive organizations with their own agendas and interests, the responsibility and choices of individuals get lost, and the waste just gets larger and larger, and the results, the achievements just plummet.”
* Bureaucracy is the enemy of education for public schools

Teachers UNIONS and the inability to fire teachers are STILL massive Problem
- City to spend $29M paying educators it can’t fire

"The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired"

As of Friday, there were 326 city educators who have been reassigned away from the classroom yet were still collecting pay, a sharp rise from 2012, when 218 ousted teachers drained $22 million from city coffers, Education Department records show.

The teachers and school administrators are accused of abusing kids, breaking rules or just being lousy educators. But they're still collecting salaries because of a controversial firing process that makes it too difficult to terminate bad employees, education officials charge.

Back in 2010, Mayor Bloomberg and the city teachers union agreed to eliminate the shameful "rubber rooms" that house these expensive educational pariahs, but critics say the only difference is that today the accused teachers are spread out in spare offices across the city instead of being herded together."

Many 'libtards' still push the idea of not wanting to give kids grades because low grades and actual teaching could 'hurt kids' feelings'
- I am a journalism major, so when my daughter showed me a report she had written I nearly hit the roof. My daughter was in the 6th grade, and her spelling was atrocious yet not corrected in the teacher's grading of the paper. I contacted the teacher and asked her WHY her mistakes had not been corrected. I was told that 'as THIS POINT we don't really care how well the child can spell. I care more about communicating full coherent thoughts'. WTF?!

Many kids graduate - some can't even READ.

The level / quality of education is piss-poor. Maybe we would not have to hand out special visas and bring in foreigners to take technical jobs if our education was better.

Then of course, are the story after story of biased political assholes teaching our kids their political views as if they were 'the gospel' - classrooms turned into Liberal Indoctrination Camps.
-- 'Barak Hussein Obama....'Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm'. Gee, you never heard schools teaching kids songs praising Conservative Presidents.....

There are a lot of problems with out school systems - not all the schools' fault - parents, too.
Nice cut and paste.

But would be even nicer if you could think for yourself.

What do you suggest as a solution for students who refuse to show up to school?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who won't do their work?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who disrupt classes so others cannot work?
What do you suggest as a solution for parents who will not or cannot participate in their child's education?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that do not support their teachers?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that keep spending money on the new latest and greatest thing to the point that their students become nothing but annual guinea pigs and the teachers are never allowed to become proficient in teaching any one thing.
What do you suggest as a solution for schools having to pick up the slack for parents on being simply fed and dressed properly?

Some things you can talk about.
doesn't each state run their own Board of Education?

is this about the federal mandate to the states for testing, in the ''no child left behind act''?

I thought the dept of education federally uses their money for poor kids being fed in schools and stuff like that, along with giving money to States for colleges?

I'd love to know what else they do, if anything?

Another far left drone that does not understand how government works!
Where's your facts? Where you educated in a public school?

See how the far left can answer a simple question?

See how they act when you force them to face reality?

And yes there are no facts posted by any far left drones!

Maybe one day you will break free from the far left religious cult and join us in reality!
Where you educated in a public school? (Poor district if so)
You do know that the poor districts are the ones that get the most money from the feds, right?

So why aren't the poor districts, the best districts? They are the ones who have access to all that goodness, after all....
So...the ONLY money a district gets is from the Feds? The ONLY money? And is Fed money designated for anything in particular?
How is that a personal attack? Break it down for us. And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you.
Why do you have to twist things? I never said our public education system is a huge success - I asked if you believed that.

Tell ya what, why don't we just get back to the topic - the snowflake attack on DeVos and the great idea Trump had of studying Federal Overreach in education.

Excessive Government Bureaucracy is a problem everywhere, not just in the Education system.
I quoted you......see the quotes. So...let's get back to the topic......what is it that you think are the problems in public education?

No, I don't see that, you LIAR! I see you cutting off the 1st part of my quote to create a false argument, a false claim against me.

You're a LIAR, Bo.

You wrote / 'quoted':
'And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you'

YOU FALSELY and deceptively left out the 1st part of my quote, which was this:

"So, am I to assume you think our public education system is a HUGE success'?"

As my post clearly shows - as my REAL quote clearly shows - I never claimed our public school system is a huge success. I ASKED YOU if YOU thought it was!

You have slandered me, intentionally misquoted what I said, all to present a LIE! You don't have any argument unless you LIE and MISQUOTE me the way you did.

You just exposed the fact that you are a LIAR and have NO CREDIBILITY!
Last edited:
How is that a personal attack? Break it down for us. And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you.
Why do you have to twist things? I never said our public education system is a huge success - I asked if you believed that.

Tell ya what, why don't we just get back to the topic - the snowflake attack on DeVos and the great idea Trump had of studying Federal Overreach in education.

Excessive Government Bureaucracy is a problem everywhere, not just in the Education system.
I quoted you......see the quotes. So...let's get back to the topic......what is it that you think are the problems in public education?

No, I don't see that, you LIAR! I see you cutting off the 1st part of my quote to create a false argument, a false claim against me.

You're a LIAR, Bo.

You wrote / 'quoted':
'And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you'

YOU FALSELY and deceptively left out the 1st part of my quote, which was this:

"So, am I to assume you think our public education system is a HUGE success'?"

As my post clearly shows - as my REAL quote clearly shows - I never claimed our public school system is a huge success. I ASKED YOU if YOU thought it was!

You have slandered me, misquoted what I sais, all to present a LIE! You don't have any argument unless you LIE and MISQUOTE me the way you did.

You just exposed the fact that you are a LIAR and have NO CREDIBILITY!
She is a liar, and she doesn't have credibility. Likewise, she is totally irrelevant, which is why most people just ignore her.
You still are not able to articulate what you believe is wrong with public education. If you can't even tell us what you believe is wrong, how are we to take your complaints seriously?
It's not that I can not articulate the problems - I can. Instead I chose to challenge you to SEE FOR YOURSELF what some of those problems are by watching the documentary. I can see you have no interest in seeing the problems for yourself, so I will provide you with some of my beliefs:

Massive over-lapping government
- "Education is being corrupted by government and bureaucracy. As we spend more and more of society’s money in education, not directly as learners, but as taxpayers via massive organizations with their own agendas and interests, the responsibility and choices of individuals get lost, and the waste just gets larger and larger, and the results, the achievements just plummet.”
* Bureaucracy is the enemy of education for public schools

Teachers UNIONS and the inability to fire teachers are STILL massive Problem
- City to spend $29M paying educators it can’t fire

"The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired"

As of Friday, there were 326 city educators who have been reassigned away from the classroom yet were still collecting pay, a sharp rise from 2012, when 218 ousted teachers drained $22 million from city coffers, Education Department records show.

The teachers and school administrators are accused of abusing kids, breaking rules or just being lousy educators. But they're still collecting salaries because of a controversial firing process that makes it too difficult to terminate bad employees, education officials charge.

Back in 2010, Mayor Bloomberg and the city teachers union agreed to eliminate the shameful "rubber rooms" that house these expensive educational pariahs, but critics say the only difference is that today the accused teachers are spread out in spare offices across the city instead of being herded together."

Many 'libtards' still push the idea of not wanting to give kids grades because low grades and actual teaching could 'hurt kids' feelings'
- I am a journalism major, so when my daughter showed me a report she had written I nearly hit the roof. My daughter was in the 6th grade, and her spelling was atrocious yet not corrected in the teacher's grading of the paper. I contacted the teacher and asked her WHY her mistakes had not been corrected. I was told that 'as THIS POINT we don't really care how well the child can spell. I care more about communicating full coherent thoughts'. WTF?!

Many kids graduate - some can't even READ.

The level / quality of education is piss-poor. Maybe we would not have to hand out special visas and bring in foreigners to take technical jobs if our education was better.

Then of course, are the story after story of biased political assholes teaching our kids their political views as if they were 'the gospel' - classrooms turned into Liberal Indoctrination Camps.
-- 'Barak Hussein Obama....'Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm'. Gee, you never heard schools teaching kids songs praising Conservative Presidents.....

There are a lot of problems with out school systems - not all the schools' fault - parents, too.
Nice cut and paste.

But would be even nicer if you could think for yourself.

What do you suggest as a solution for students who refuse to show up to school?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who won't do their work?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who disrupt classes so others cannot work?
What do you suggest as a solution for parents who will not or cannot participate in their child's education?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that do not support their teachers?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that keep spending money on the new latest and greatest thing to the point that their students become nothing but annual guinea pigs and the teachers are never allowed to become proficient in teaching any one thing.
What do you suggest as a solution for schools having to pick up the slack for parents on being simply fed and dressed properly?

Some things you can talk about.
You are a LIAR - already proven - so I am going to pretty much ignore you.

I shared with you my views and supported them with facts and information, something snowflakes rarely do but condemn others for when they do so.

So STFU, Liar, and get back to the topic, which is how butt-hurt liberals are condemning a great idea to try to help make our education system better and the snowflake attack on a woman (LIBERAL 'War on Women')...or don't. I don't care. After you LIED about me, altering my quote to create your false accusation, I don't give a damn what you do.
How is that a personal attack? Break it down for us. And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you.
Why do you have to twist things? I never said our public education system is a huge success - I asked if you believed that.

Tell ya what, why don't we just get back to the topic - the snowflake attack on DeVos and the great idea Trump had of studying Federal Overreach in education.

Excessive Government Bureaucracy is a problem everywhere, not just in the Education system.
I quoted you......see the quotes. So...let's get back to the topic......what is it that you think are the problems in public education?

No, I don't see that, you LIAR! I see you cutting off the 1st part of my quote to create a false argument, a false claim against me.

You're a LIAR, Bo.

You wrote / 'quoted':
'And while you are at it....point out where anyone said that "our public education system is a HUGE success".....besides you'

YOU FALSELY and deceptively left out the 1st part of my quote, which was this:

"So, am I to assume you think our public education system is a HUGE success'?"

As my post clearly shows - as my REAL quote clearly shows - I never claimed our public school system is a huge success. I ASKED YOU if YOU thought it was!

You have slandered me, intentionally misquoted what I said, all to present a LIE! You don't have any argument unless you LIE and MISQUOTE me the way you did.

You just exposed the fact that you are a LIAR and have NO CREDIBILITY!
You need to use bigger're not very convincing until you use really big font and caps.....lots of caps.
You need to use bigger're not very convincing until you use really big font and caps.....lots of caps.
Shut up, LIAR! Your own post exposed you for your LIES! That is all anyone needs to see from you.
You still are not able to articulate what you believe is wrong with public education. If you can't even tell us what you believe is wrong, how are we to take your complaints seriously?
It's not that I can not articulate the problems - I can. Instead I chose to challenge you to SEE FOR YOURSELF what some of those problems are by watching the documentary. I can see you have no interest in seeing the problems for yourself, so I will provide you with some of my beliefs:

Massive over-lapping government
- "Education is being corrupted by government and bureaucracy. As we spend more and more of society’s money in education, not directly as learners, but as taxpayers via massive organizations with their own agendas and interests, the responsibility and choices of individuals get lost, and the waste just gets larger and larger, and the results, the achievements just plummet.”
* Bureaucracy is the enemy of education for public schools

Teachers UNIONS and the inability to fire teachers are STILL massive Problem
- City to spend $29M paying educators it can’t fire

"The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired"

As of Friday, there were 326 city educators who have been reassigned away from the classroom yet were still collecting pay, a sharp rise from 2012, when 218 ousted teachers drained $22 million from city coffers, Education Department records show.

The teachers and school administrators are accused of abusing kids, breaking rules or just being lousy educators. But they're still collecting salaries because of a controversial firing process that makes it too difficult to terminate bad employees, education officials charge.

Back in 2010, Mayor Bloomberg and the city teachers union agreed to eliminate the shameful "rubber rooms" that house these expensive educational pariahs, but critics say the only difference is that today the accused teachers are spread out in spare offices across the city instead of being herded together."

Many 'libtards' still push the idea of not wanting to give kids grades because low grades and actual teaching could 'hurt kids' feelings'
- I am a journalism major, so when my daughter showed me a report she had written I nearly hit the roof. My daughter was in the 6th grade, and her spelling was atrocious yet not corrected in the teacher's grading of the paper. I contacted the teacher and asked her WHY her mistakes had not been corrected. I was told that 'as THIS POINT we don't really care how well the child can spell. I care more about communicating full coherent thoughts'. WTF?!

Many kids graduate - some can't even READ.

The level / quality of education is piss-poor. Maybe we would not have to hand out special visas and bring in foreigners to take technical jobs if our education was better.

Then of course, are the story after story of biased political assholes teaching our kids their political views as if they were 'the gospel' - classrooms turned into Liberal Indoctrination Camps.
-- 'Barak Hussein Obama....'Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm'. Gee, you never heard schools teaching kids songs praising Conservative Presidents.....

There are a lot of problems with out school systems - not all the schools' fault - parents, too.
Nice cut and paste.

But would be even nicer if you could think for yourself.

What do you suggest as a solution for students who refuse to show up to school?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who won't do their work?
What do you suggest as a solution for students who disrupt classes so others cannot work?
What do you suggest as a solution for parents who will not or cannot participate in their child's education?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that do not support their teachers?
What do you suggest as a solution for administrations that keep spending money on the new latest and greatest thing to the point that their students become nothing but annual guinea pigs and the teachers are never allowed to become proficient in teaching any one thing.
What do you suggest as a solution for schools having to pick up the slack for parents on being simply fed and dressed properly?

Some things you can talk about.
You are a LIAR - already proven - so I am going to pretty much ignore you.

I shared with you my views and supported them with facts and information, something snowflakes rarely do but condemn others for when they do so.

So STFU, Liar, and get back to the topic, which is how butt-hurt liberals are condemning a great idea to try to help make our education system better and the snowflake attack on a woman (LIBERAL 'War on Women')...or don't. I don't care. After you LIED about me, altering my quote to create your false accusation, I don't give a damn what you do.
And....HOW am I a liar? Is this you blowing smoke so you don't have to admit that you cannot provide any solutions to the questions I asked? Just like to complain? Can't even articulate what problems you specifically have with public education? And you certainly cannot offer up any solutions?

Nice Punt.
You need to use bigger're not very convincing until you use really big font and caps.....lots of caps.
Shut up, LIAR! Your own post exposed you for your LIES! That is all anyone needs to see from you.

So you want me to shut up......I'm asking too many hard questions, am I?
NO, you are LYING. You have been exposed as a LIAR, having NO CREDIBILITY! You altered my comment, posted a FAKE, DOCTORED quote in your post - as I showed / proved - so you could make a false accusation against me. YOU ARE A LIAR! 'Nuff SAID / PROVEN!

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