Trump Asks Betsy DeVos to Study Fed Overreach in Education

Righttt. Her degree only comes from the #1 ranked college in the midwest by US News.
It would be better if she studied some of the things that would help her do her job. I watched the hearings. She didn't have the slightest idea how to go about it.
This will probably be the first time she's studied anything.

What does business economics have to do with heading an education department. It's not a business, and it would be stupid to try to run it as one.

Actually 'business economics' should be very much looked at when heading the Education Dept. The Education Dept effectively runs a bank for student loans (i think it is about $85 billion), so the usual banking issues occur, ability to repay, bad debts, early payment.....

But she didn't know that earlier.. She looked clueless when answering the questions...

But as soon as she got in she attempted to screw it up:
DeVos dials back consumer protections for student loan borrowers

This woman will destroy public education.
You're full of shit. Just like a good little liberal.

DeVos Undoes Obama Student Loan Protections
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday rolled back an Obama administration attempt to reform how student loan servicers collect debt.

Obama issued a pair (PDF) of memorandums (PDF) last year requiring that the government’s Federal Student Aid office, which services $1.1 trillion in government-owned student loans, do more to help borrowers manage, or even discharge, their debt. But in a memorandum (PDF) to the department’s student aid office, DeVos formally withdrew the Obama memos.

The previous administration’s approach, DeVos said, was inconsistent and full of shortcomings. She didn’t detail how the moves fell short, and her spokesmen, Jim Bradshaw and Matthew Frendewey, didn’t respond to requests for comment.
"Doing her job" is something that you cannot say about Betsy Devos, since she's never had one.
No credibility....Before you decide to lie in the future, maybe you should do a little research:

Betsy Devos:
Republican National Committeewoman
- Chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party
- Member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Chairwoman of the board of the Alliance for School Choice
- Chairwoman of the Action Institute
- Headed the All Children Matter PAC
"Doing her job" is something that you cannot say about Betsy Devos, since she's never had one.
No credibility....Before you decide to lie in the future, maybe you should do a little research:

Betsy Devos:
Republican National Committeewoman
- Chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party
- Member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Chairwoman of the board of the Alliance for School Choice
- Chairwoman of the Action Institute
- Headed the All Children Matter PAC
No job there. Just a bunch of special interest politics.
"Doing her job" is something that you cannot say about Betsy Devos, since she's never had one.
No credibility....Before you decide to lie in the future, maybe you should do a little research:

Betsy Devos:
Republican National Committeewoman
- Chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party
- Member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Chairwoman of the board of the Alliance for School Choice
- Chairwoman of the Action Institute
- Headed the All Children Matter PAC
No job there. Just a bunch of special interest politics.
The fact that you can't recognize a job when you see it make me wonder if you have one.
"Doing her job" is something that you cannot say about Betsy Devos, since she's never had one.
No credibility....Before you decide to lie in the future, maybe you should do a little research:

Betsy Devos:
Republican National Committeewoman
- Chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party
- Member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education
- Chairwoman of the board of the Alliance for School Choice
- Chairwoman of the Action Institute
- Headed the All Children Matter PAC
No job there. Just a bunch of special interest politics.
The fact that you can't recognize a job when you see it make me wonder if you have one.
Using hubby's inheritance to buy your way into the GOP Michigan establishment is not a job
It would be better if she studied some of the things that would help her do her job. I watched the hearings. She didn't have the slightest idea how to go about it.
That is her job. A cabinet position fulfills the wishes of the president. Education is a mess and people like you think doing the same thing will get different results.
a cabinet position fulfills the requirements of the congress who created and funds the position, the President as the executive simply directs and prioritizes their duties is how I believe it was set up??
It would be better if she studied some of the things that would help her do her job. I watched the hearings. She didn't have the slightest idea how to go about it.
That is her job. A cabinet position fulfills the wishes of the president. Education is a mess and people like you think doing the same thing will get different results.
a cabinet position fulfills the requirements of the congress who created and funds the position, the President as the executive simply directs and prioritizes their duties is how I believe it was set up??
Well I seem to remember obama creating a few new ones. Czar this and that. But what requirement did congress put on the sec. of education?
Whose Side Is Betsy DeVos On?

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is inexplicably backing away from rules that are meant to prevent federal student loan borrowers from being fleeced by companies the government pays to collect the loans and to guide people through the repayment process.

On Tuesday, she withdrew a sound Obama administration policy that required the Education Department to take into account the past conduct of loan servicing companies before awarding them lucrative contracts — and to include consumer protections in those contracts as well.
Using hubby's inheritance to buy your way into the GOP Michigan establishment is not a job
Nice OPINION. Is it ALL WOMEN you hate or just Conservative women?
I have a problem with any woman that attacks teachers and tries to take away money from programs that help children because she wants to funnel money to religious institutions.
"The department is doing the loan industry’s bidding at a time when student debt has crippled a generation financially and the country’s largest loan servicing company, Navient, is facing several lawsuits accusing it of putting its own interest before that of the borrowers it is supposed to help."

Federal Loan Forgiveness, Cancellation, and Discharge
Excellent move. It's the opposite of fascism, but the left will spin it that way anyway.

President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday calling on the Education Department to study whether the federal government has overstepped state and local control of education.

“We know that local communities do it best and know it best,” Trump said during a signing ceremony on Wednesday, according to the White House press pool. “Previous administrations have wrongly forced states and schools to comply with federal whims and dictates for what our kids are taught. The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

Under the executive order, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will have 300 days to review any regulations or guidance that might be deemed as overstepping the federal department’s bounds.

President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday calling on the Education Department to study whether the federal government has overstepped state and local control of education.

“We know that local communities do it best and know it best,” Trump said during a signing ceremony on Wednesday, according to the White House press pool. “Previous administrations have wrongly forced states and schools to comply with federal whims and dictates for what our kids are taught. The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students achieve success.”

Under the executive order, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos will have 300 days to review any regulations or guidance that might be deemed as overstepping the federal department’s bounds.

Trump asks Betsy DeVos to study federal overreach in education
So....another study. How much $$$ with this "study" cost?
The department is doing the loan industry’s bidding at a time when student debt has crippled a generation financially and the country’s largest loan servicing company, Navient, is facing several lawsuits accusing it of putting its own interest before that of the borrowers it is supposed to help.
Government backed loans is why tuition has skyrocketed. What do you suppose will happen to auto prices if government provides auto loans?
I have a problem with any woman that attacks teachers and tries to take away money from programs that help children because she wants to funnel money to religious institutions.
TRANSLATION: You want to deny parents of 'CHOICE', the choice to send their kids to better schools instead of failed 'liberal indoctrination camps'.

Got it...
I have a problem with any woman that attacks teachers and tries to take away money from programs that help children because she wants to funnel money to religious institutions.
TRANSLATION: You want to deny parents of 'CHOICE', the choice to send their kids to better schools instead of failed 'liberal indoctrination camps'.

Got it...
Nobody buys that bullshit. Betsy Devos is there to shutter schools, increase classroom sizes, and slash already low teacher pay. Nothing more.
It would be better if she studied some of the things that would help her do her job. I watched the hearings. She didn't have the slightest idea how to go about it.
That is her job. A cabinet position fulfills the wishes of the president. Education is a mess and people like you think doing the same thing will get different results.
Why do you think education is a mess?
I have a problem with any woman that attacks teachers and tries to take away money from programs that help children because she wants to funnel money to religious institutions.
TRANSLATION: You want to deny parents of 'CHOICE', the choice to send their kids to better schools instead of failed 'liberal indoctrination camps'.

Got it...
Parents have ALWAYS had the choice. Always. How about we give public schools the Choice that Private schools and tutors have always had.

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