Trump asks DOJ to drop charges

His clearance obviously allowed it. Trust me. If you don't have the clearance, you don't even get in, much less get to handle the documents.
One of the take-aways from these 4 'classified docs' brouhahas (Hillary, DonT, Pence, Joe) that the protocols, oversights, and disciplines vis-a-vis America's secrets need some tightening up and housekeeping. Hopefully, those folks most responsible for that are taking note and effecting changes.

And poster White6 below offers one of the most traction-full insight on the difference between one suspect and another suspect. Differences that make a difference.

To wit:

Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts," the report noted. "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite."

Lastly, while I mildly enjoy the gossipboard lawyering that some engage in, if I was truly interested in this Mar-A-Lago doc case I'd go to the indictments against Don Trump, read 'em thoroughly, and then review what evidence has been assembled.
But if such evidence is not yet available to us, then I'd wait until it was.

I personally think those two developments ---actual indictments and supporting evidence ----- would make the gossipboard-lawyering a tad more credible.

But that's just me.
"To preempt comparisons to the Trump case, Hur's report included explicit mention of Trump's conduct compared to Biden's.

"Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts," the report noted. "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite."

The combination of Biden's conduct -- as well as concerns about proving the case beyond a reasonable doubt -- resulted in Hur recommending against charges."

Your link reads just Hur's covering for Biden; smoke'n'mirrors!
Especially, since DOJ went to Mar-A-Lago at one point, saw where docs were stored and locked, then deemed the locks as sufficient.
Your link reads just Hur's covering for Biden; smoke'n'mirrors!
Especially, since DOJ went to Mar-A-Lago at one point, saw where docs were stored and locked, then deemed the locks as sufficient.
False. Your boy is going down. He should have gladly given all documents back, when ask, instead refusing, saying they were his, attempting to hide them, having employees move them to avoid being found, asking employees to destroy video evidense of where the documents were found, lying to his own lawyers, to get them to cover up on the document, and basically attempting to be a lawless asshole, refusing to cooperate.
And poster White6 below offers one of the most traction-full insight on the difference

Facts, show otherwise.
Facts verify that the DNC --OOPS! I meant, the DOJ, knew Trump was sending docs back as they requested --therefore DOJ had to seize the moment for the DNC by hurrying to raid Mar-A-Lago before docs were sent back, ensuring they could weaponize that agency and accomplish election interference...

Facts verify that the DNC --OOPS! I meant, the DOJ, knew Trump was sending docs back as they requested --therefore DOJ had to seize the moment for the DNC .... ensuring they could weaponize that agency and accomplish election interference...

Let's sidestep for the moment the histrionics of above and note the link provided by the good poster Phactotum.

He suggests that the reportage (from USToday) proves that the DOJ was weaponized to interfere with the election ala' this stolen document allegation.

I would demur.

Demur that that is what the reportage demonstrates. Rather, the Trump official quoted is a defense attorney for Don Trump, Christina Bobb. An attorney now under scrutiny by the DOJ for falsification of records.

Phactotum's link states this:

"According to Bobb, Trump’s lawyers earlier this year searched through two to three dozen boxes of material in a storage area, looking for possible presidential records, and they turned over “a few pages” that might meet the definition.

Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall."


Ms Bobb, who no longer works for Trump, signed a document that a thorough search was conducted by Trump's staff and no further documents were found.
Unfortunately, for her and Don Trump, a subsequent search by the FBI demonstrated that Ms Bobb's and her immediate boss, lawyer Corcoran were untruthful. There were a lot more documents.

Ms Bobb was a talking head on OAN, the One America Network, when plucked out of that job to work on Trump's behalf.
Here is reportage on events surrounding those documents she signed and are now alleged to have been intentionally false:

"The lawyer, M. Evan Corcoran, met Ms. Bobb at the president’s residence and private club in Florida and asked her to sign a statement for the department that the Trump legal team had conducted a “diligent search” of Mar-a-Lago and found only a few files that had not been returned to the government.

Ms. Bobb, a 39-year-old lawyer juggling amorphous roles in her new job, was being asked to take a step that neither Mr. Trump nor other members of the legal team were willing to take ........

“Wait a minute — I don’t know you,” Ms. Bobb replied to Mr. Corcoran’s request....... She later complained that she did not have a full grasp of what was going on around her when she signed the document, according to two people who have heard her account.

She "didn't have a full grasp of what she signed"?


I regret that poor poster Phactotum's mischaracterization of the DOJ's efforts to secure for America America's secrets would imply any 'weaponization' whatsoever. Such mischaracterizations are corrosive to America. Corrosive to an unknown degree, but still corrosive.

Facts, show otherwise.
Facts verify that the DNC --OOPS! I meant, the DOJ, knew Trump was sending docs back as they requested --therefore DOJ had to seize the moment for the DNC by hurrying to raid Mar-A-Lago before docs were sent back, ensuring they could weaponize that agency and accomplish election interference...

the DOJ knew Trump still had classified documents from a first hand witness who came forward, with some sort of proof, and told the DOJ where to look and which rooms to search. The DOJ had the affidavit swearing there were no more top secret docs being kept by Trump at Mara lago, which showed Trump lawyers lied or signed a document as being the truth, when it was NOT....obstructing retrieval of classified documents investigation.

There was no choice but to request a search warrant from a judge due to the LACK OF COOPERATION from Trump, and his team after they had been subpoenaed for them.
After the DOJ failed to charge Joe Biden with mishandling classified documents Trump wants equal justice. To not do so would show just how political the DOJ has become.

If Trump did the same as Biden or Pence.
There wouldn't be an issue.
Yeah, there would. You’re not kidding anyone. Had Trump gave them back right away, the dems would still be wanting to prosecute him for even having them.

So, trump didn’t comply fast enough, and they are hammering him with espionage charges. If you think Biden “complied” out of a sense of doing what’s right, you’re kidding yourself. Biden had no intention of returning those documents until the Trump thing blew up, then the Biden had an “oh shit” moment and scrambled to get those docs out of there. If it hadn’t been for that, Biden would still be sitting on those docs.
False. Your boy is going down. He should have gladly given all documents back, when ask, instead refusing, saying they were his, attempting to hide them, having employees move them to avoid being found, asking employees to destroy video evidense of where the documents were found, lying to his own lawyers, to get them to cover up on the document, and basically attempting to be a lawless asshole, refusing to cooperate.
Wrong you lying TDS suffering moron. The Trump case will be tossed despite all your crying and lying. Hey dumbfuck, Trump cooperated with the agencies involved, and they KNEW where everything was. Everything you claim Trump did, your God Xiden ACTUALLY did. As Lastmender said, never again wonder why everybody thinks you’re stupid.
from now on when every prez leaves, everything he takes should be noted by a 3rd party on exit

Well, i think Nara is supposed to know where those documents are. They need to make sure they are returned before the president leaves office.

It seems that is exactly what Nara was doing with Trump, but failed to do with Biden. Again, benefits of the letter D…
f a bad infectionWell, i think Nara is supposed to know where those documents are. They need to make sure they are returned before the president leaves office.

It seems that is exactly what Nara was doing with Trump, but failed to do with Biden. Again, benefits of the letter D…
they say jimmi carter has a full accounting of what every prez, vp, and EVERYONE in the admin leave with,every sentence archived........what is permitted to leave stop this nonsense..........pfffttt...clinton had docs in his jizzy undie wear drawer................that will keep the SS out of there for fear of catching something

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