Trump asks God to bless America in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

If the Christians are so confident in Trump...

Trump doesn't go to church... Is not an Active member...
Donald Trump is not an active member, church says -

Trump can't mention his favourite phrase from the Bible.

If Trump was on the Blue Team you would be calling the Anti Christ:
Pride - Are you serious? Do you want the quotes of him being boastful.
Envy - Look at the tweets at him losing the popular votes.
Wrath - Former Miss World, Khan Family, Megan Kelly.......
Gluttony - he magically grew an inch in his 70 year to not be clinically Obese.
Lust - Pussygate, but could fill a book on this one...
Sloth - I was going to give him this but he has attended only 2 intelligence briefings and failed to study actual facts of the job ahead.
Greed - Trump Foundation, he is a billionaire and uses other peoples money to buy himself gifts...

Where are you going with your Christian King. The guy is anything but, he is quite immoral by any Christian, Muslim, Hindu..

And all the you are worried about is a 'God Bless America'
God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Why can't the Lord bless everyone, including Obama? At least Obama is not a fake like Trump, who pretends to praise the Lord, then grabs stranger pussy.
Obama could have ask for the Lords blessing, for himself and the USA. But he does not give a shit about God, the Devil never does
Did you forget that God loves us ALL unconditionally, like Jesus preached?
If God did not love Obama, he would never have been president.
Look asswipe, the post is not about Gods love, but about Obama asking for Gods guidance and to invoke Gods blessing on the USA. So your twist means nothing, except in your delusional mind.
Sorry, i don't wipe asses; i prefer to deal with adults on this forum, and i thought you were one.
Listen kid, no one needs to ask for God's blessing, especially for only USA ... as if it's "us vs them" and "God is on our side". That's so-o-o immature.
God loves ALL his creations.
If you feel inadequate, perhaps YOU should pray to God for forgiveness. Obama already received God's blessing to be a 2-term POTUS for USA & world affairs.
Why can't the Lord bless everyone, including Obama?
Because he doesn't acknowledge that God. He only speaks well of Allah, aka "the devil"
If you did no know this; Allah = God.
Just a different nomenclature from a different culture.
No, Allah is THE god worshipped by the Muslims. He is not the same as YHVH.
There is only ONE God, according to the Abrahamic religions, regardless if your prophet is Moses, Jesus, or Mohammad.
If you prefer multiple gods, try Roman, Greek, Hindu, or other myths.

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