Trump asks God to bless America in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness

Trump talks the talk. Obama walks the walk.
Obama prances the red line.

Do you think Trump lives a more Christian way of life than Obama?
What matters is his leadership, Barry has been a real shitty leader for the country as a whole... no doubt

He has been an excellent leader, and that fact that his leadership has made RWnuts so angry is a good part of the proof of that.
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness

Trump talks the talk. Obama walks the walk.
Obama prances the red line.

Do you think Trump lives a more Christian way of life than Obama?
What matters is his leadership, Barry has been a real shitty leader for the country as a whole... no doubt

He has been an excellent leader, and that fact that his leadership has made RWnuts so angry is a good part of the proof of that.
From diseased minds come liberal claims of delusionment.
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness

Trump talks the talk. Obama walks the walk.
Obama prances the red line.

Do you think Trump lives a more Christian way of life than Obama?
What matters is his leadership, Barry has been a real shitty leader for the country as a whole... no doubt

He has been an excellent leader, and that fact that his leadership has made RWnuts so angry is a good part of the proof of that.
He sure is a great leader for Mexicans in Tijuana getting free healthcare.....................

So you're claiming the US led coalition has not killed any ISIS fighters.

Oh, the COALITION has killed ISIS fighters, but Hillary and Obama supplied them, financed them, armed them, protected them, warned them attacks were coming, and gave them free access into Iraq.
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness

Trump talks the talk. Obama walks the walk.
Obama prances the red line.

Do you think Trump lives a more Christian way of life than Obama?
What matters is his leadership, Barry has been a real shitty leader for the country as a whole... no doubt

He has been an excellent leader, and that fact that his leadership has made RWnuts so angry is a good part of the proof of that.
Yeah he is good at drawing red lines with his crayons.
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness

Trump talks the talk. Obama walks the walk.
Obama is fixing to go down as the worst president ever. Carter is gracious.
Trump could actually have a 44 gallon drum with a lit coal fire in the rose garden titles Obummas legacy and have an official burning of Obamas legacy, starting with Obamacare
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Maybe Obama prefers to pray in private, as the Bible calls for that, too!

Thanks for God's blessings at this critical time, and may God's plans soon bring together Christian leaders left and right to unite and inspire the nation and world to do the same. In Jesus name Amen!
God needs to inspire ALL religious leaders to untie to minimize differences and return the world to virtue and faith. Relying on humans to lead us to peace and cooperation has never worked.

You'll never get the Muzzies on board
Zudhi Jasser......yo....
Trump asks God to bless America in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well you have to remember that Barry attended a church where they believed and was raised / mentored by an anti-American racist who taught Barry for decades that it's NOT 'God bless America', it's 'God d@mn America'!

Wright damned America for the Iraq war. You know, the one Trump damned America for.

Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Maybe Obama prefers to pray in private, as the Bible calls for that, too!

Thanks for God's blessings at this critical time, and may God's plans soon bring together Christian leaders left and right to unite and inspire the nation and world to do the same. In Jesus name Amen!
God needs to inspire ALL religious leaders to untie to minimize differences and return the world to virtue and faith. Relying on humans to lead us to peace and cooperation has never worked.

You'll never get the Muzzies on board
Zudhi Jasser......yo....

Had to Google him....maybe there is hope after all
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Maybe Obama prefers to pray in private, as the Bible calls for that, too!

Thanks for God's blessings at this critical time, and may God's plans soon bring together Christian leaders left and right to unite and inspire the nation and world to do the same. In Jesus name Amen!
God needs to inspire ALL religious leaders to untie to minimize differences and return the world to virtue and faith. Relying on humans to lead us to peace and cooperation has never worked.
That is babble dude, because all religious leaders are humans.

The fact is the Obama is the Devil
Then we're fucked aren't we.....
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Maybe Obama prefers to pray in private, as the Bible calls for that, too!

Thanks for God's blessings at this critical time, and may God's plans soon bring together Christian leaders left and right to unite and inspire the nation and world to do the same. In Jesus name Amen!
God needs to inspire ALL religious leaders to untie to minimize differences and return the world to virtue and faith. Relying on humans to lead us to peace and cooperation has never worked.

You'll never get the Muzzies on board
Zudhi Jasser......yo....

M Zuhdi Jasser
November 24 at 7:19pm · IContact Social Tools ·
In an effort to further radicalize the American Muslim population, on social media and emails CAIR spread the fear that phone calls were being made by the "government or conservatives" seeking to know our faith identity.. turns out like so many of their other Islamist fictions, it was actually a Muslim group calling. See the link below.

File this under, you pick..."crying wolf", "fear mongering", 'I told you so", "Islamist radicalization." H/t Daniel Pipes.
God has a lot more to answer for than Obama if all the signs are wrong and it turns out he's actually real.
No, God said turn your back on him, he will turn his back on you. Since we have turned our back on him, we have gone from the word war 1 generation. To the I need safe spaces and I cannot choose what sex I am generation. Thanks to Godless liberals.
God needs to bless the true Americans who voted for Trump who will do everything in his power to stop world war three, thats what all liberals wanted! and Trump actually won by 12 Million votes!! Dead People arent allowed to vote !!!!
I wonder if Trump prayed for a successful outcome for his Trump University lawsuit.
I wonder if Trump prayed for a successful outcome for his Trump University lawsuit.
I wonder if Trump prayed for a successful outcome for his Trump University lawsuit.
View attachment 100054
one major difference between Trump and Hillary Supporters: "In God We Trust" and "In Re-Constituted Compost We Trust". {did i spell that right?}
Trump asks God to ‘bless America’ in Thanksgiving address. Obama doesn’t (again)

Well I guess the Devil will not invoke the Lord God.............................

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Oh yay. Another president that talks to an imaginary friend. Last clown we had that did that got us into 2 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Poor baby, feel free to leave at any time

God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Why can't the Lord bless everyone, including Obama? At least Obama is not a fake like Trump, who pretends to praise the Lord, then grabs stranger pussy.
God bless Donald Trump, may the Lord guide the Donald and the USA to wisdom, peace and happiness
Why can't the Lord bless everyone, including Obama? At least Obama is not a fake like Trump, who pretends to praise the Lord, then grabs stranger pussy.
Obama could have ask for the Lords blessing, for himself and the USA. But he does not give a shit about God, the Devil never does

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