Trump Astounds The UN!

20. And, now for a well placed kick where it belongs:

"Too often, the focus of this organization has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process. In some cases, states that seek to subvert this institution's noble ends have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them.

For example, it is a massive source of embarrassment to the United Nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the U.N. Human Rights Council.

The United States is one out of 193 countries in the United Nations, and yet we pay 22 percent of the entire budget and more. In fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes.

The United States bears an unfair cost burden. But, to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it."

I hope everyone knows the history of the was created by Stalin for global socialist aims....


Enforce the current immigration laws.

If Progs don't like the current laws, get your legislators to change the laws via a bill being voted on in Congress.

Its literally that simple.

They tried and failed multiple times, that's why they just ignore our immigration laws.
Are you morons still stupid enough to think Nk is at all afraid of the 70 year old 8th grader we elected as president?

It beats the fuck out of the Obama lining up to blow KJU.

Did you get your KJU Solidarity haircut? Jake got his and he swears the wimmen find him irresistible now
You're such a pussy. Rather than actually try and argue my point, you deflect to Obama because it's the only way you know how to argue. It's so predictable.

What point? Trump is using Reagan's "Peace Through Strength" Idea for that you call him an 8th grader and you're surprised I don't take you seriously?
lol why are you so stupid to think that strategy is working?

How's the USSR these days?
There is no USSR.
I wonder how much diplomatic success this administration is having with Japan and South Korea? Instead of tough talk we should be helping the Japanese shoot down anything the North Koreans send over Japan. I read where South Korea won't allow re-deployment of nuclear weapons there. I guess if we can't twist our allies arms is talk the best we can do at this point? I noticed long ago that the right eats up tough talk to extent that at times the result seems secondary.

By the time Dung's missiles are over Japan they're in outer space. They can't be hit until they re-enter the atmosphere and would be if they were intended to hit Japan. Don't be shocked if it's the JAPANESE who attack N.Korea.....they certainly have the know how and technology to have weapons we don't know about or aren't talking about.

We need to immediately deploy nukes to Japan. We had them in Japan but removed them to appease players in Asia in the 1970s.

We also HAVE to get China to help deal with the Cabbage Patch kid.

I'd like to see a coup or assassination of the Supreme Leader.

The CIA was clearly working with the brother in law who was assassinated.

This is a tough issue.
It beats the fuck out of the Obama lining up to blow KJU.

Did you get your KJU Solidarity haircut? Jake got his and he swears the wimmen find him irresistible now
You're such a pussy. Rather than actually try and argue my point, you deflect to Obama because it's the only way you know how to argue. It's so predictable.

What point? Trump is using Reagan's "Peace Through Strength" Idea for that you call him an 8th grader and you're surprised I don't take you seriously?
lol why are you so stupid to think that strategy is working?

How's the USSR these days?
There is no USSR.

I invested in the Soviet Union....and it split 18 for 1.

Old economics joke......
We need to immediately deploy nukes to Japan. We had them in Japan but removed them to appease players in Asia in the 1970s.

First I'd like assurances that WW2 is over for them....I remember back in the 80's when it was Japan instead of China who was wiping out American industries. Some say they never really surrendered but simply changed tactics to keep fighting us. I wouldn't give them nukes until I knew they wouldn't point them at us for payback.
Enforce the current immigration laws.

If Progs don't like the current laws, get your legislators to change the laws via a bill being voted on in Congress.

Its literally that simple.

They tried and failed multiple times, that's why they just ignore our immigration laws.

Democracy in action. If you can't get your laws passed, just break the laws you do not like.

Isnt that how it works?

I dont like paying taxes, so I dont have to, right?
We need to immediately deploy nukes to Japan. We had them in Japan but removed them to appease players in Asia in the 1970s.

First I'd like assurances that WW2 is over for them....I remember back in the 80's when it was Japan instead of China who was wiping out American industries. Some say they never really surrendered but simply changed tactics to keep fighting us. I wouldn't give them nukes until I knew they wouldn't point them at us for payback.

Under US command...not Japanese command.

We have 40,000 US troops in Japan.
21. " the Western Hemisphere, the United States has stood against the corrupt, destabilizing regime in Cuba and embraced the enduring dream of the Cuban people to live in freedom.

My administration recently announced that we will not lift sanctions on the Cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms."

22. more anti-Bolshevist comment by a real American President:

"We have also imposed tough, calibrated sanctions on the socialist Maduro regime in Venezuela, which has brought a once-thriving nation to the brink of total collapse.

The socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country. This corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried. To make matters worse, Maduro has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule.

The Venezuelan people are starving and their country is collapsing. Their democratic institutions are being destroyed. This situation is completely unacceptable, and we cannot stand by and watch."

9. It is an eternal credit to the American character that even after we and our allies emerged victorious from the bloodiest war in history, we did not seek territorial expansion or attempt to oppose and impose our way of life on others.

Except for the time we denied freedom to the Millions of SE Asians by re-imposing Western Colonialism resulting eventually in what we know as the Vietnam War.

Not to mention how we broadened our sphere of interventionism to include the oil fields of the ME.

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