Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
....I'm sure someone has said it but Barron is not an activist/publicity monger/etc like Greta is--do you understand what that means? she tacitly agrees to being attacked--like all publicity mongers
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Democrats love to use pawns with medical conditions or handicaps as propaganda parrots because they're untouchable props, can't be criticized because that's being mean. No one is using Barron Trump as a propaganda parrot.
Barron Trump is not at all a political figure, he is Trump's son.

How difficult is this to get? Even the 80 IQ leftists should have gotten it by now. It is page 37 for god's sake.
The president of the United States should not lower himself to such childishness.

Having said that, any person who has decided to enter the public realm is fair game for criticism, so criticism of this manufactured figurehead is entirely warranted. Going after a kid just because a person hates their father, isn't.

Except nobody went after Barron... they just made a play on words.

Rather than criticize this kid directly, such criticism should be aimed at the media that created her and then congratulated itself for the effectiveness of their choice by making her person of the year. It is all very cynical and represents the way our media has shifted from reporting on the news to creating it in order to serve an agenda.

I find our agenda driven media to be a far worse problem right now than global warming.

Well, yes, because the human race is going to go extinct because of the media, and not global warming... um, no, wait.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

Jitler, you exemplify the problem in the GOP today. If you don't like the science, you deny it.

Back in the 1980's, Scientists went to Ronald Reagan and told him if we didn't stop producing CFC's, the Ozone Layer would become so weak that we would suffer the effects of UV Rays.

Ronald Reagan did not say, "Well, I'm going to listen to these quack hired by the CFC industry and ignore your science."

Ronald Reagan did not whine about how it was going to affect our lifestyle if we couldn't use hairspray and underarm deodorant.

Nope. Ronald Reagan did what a real leader SHOULD do. He listened to the science and formulated policies to address the problem.

Not today's GOP. They are so in the thrall of industry that they keep dancing even after the big corporations stop playing the tune.
no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

Jitler, you exemplify the problem in the GOP today. If you don't like the science, you deny it.

Back in the 1980's, Scientists went to Ronald Reagan and told him if we didn't stop producing CFC's, the Ozone Layer would become so weak that we would suffer the effects of UV Rays.

Ronald Reagan did not say, "Well, I'm going to listen to these quack hired by the CFC industry and ignore your science."

Ronald Reagan did not whine about how it was going to affect our lifestyle if we couldn't use hairspray and underarm deodorant.

Nope. Ronald Reagan did what a real leader SHOULD do. He listened to the science and formulated policies to address the problem.

Not today's GOP. They are so in the thrall of industry that they keep dancing even after the big corporations stop playing the tune.
The corporates you can not stand are rumored to have maneuvered people into removing those CFC's for greater profits. DuPont went from Freon to the new products and made out like a bandit. You are listening to a 16 year old special needs girl who is also spoiled.
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
Huh? Lowering the standards of a bank loan to give people houses they can’t pay for is not deregulation lol, deregulation is when you loosen the laws on agriculture farming, building standards, but come try again with your fake news
no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

Jitler, you exemplify the problem in the GOP today. If you don't like the science, you deny it.

Back in the 1980's, Scientists went to Ronald Reagan and told him if we didn't stop producing CFC's, the Ozone Layer would become so weak that we would suffer the effects of UV Rays.

Ronald Reagan did not say, "Well, I'm going to listen to these quack hired by the CFC industry and ignore your science."

Ronald Reagan did not whine about how it was going to affect our lifestyle if we couldn't use hairspray and underarm deodorant.

Nope. Ronald Reagan did what a real leader SHOULD do. He listened to the science and formulated policies to address the problem.

Not today's GOP. They are so in the thrall of industry that they keep dancing even after the big corporations stop playing the tune.
Great story,, what does this have to do with anything?
Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
Huh? Lowering the standards of a bank loan to give people houses they can’t pay for is not deregulation lol, deregulation is when you loosen the laws on agriculture farming, building standards, but come try again with your fake news
The left had to do more than loosen the laws againt making bad lians to unqualified poor people

they had to twist the bankers arms
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
Huh? Lowering the standards of a bank loan to give people houses they can’t pay for is not deregulation lol, deregulation is when you loosen the laws on agriculture farming, building standards, but come try again with your fake news
The left had to do more than loosen the laws againt making bad lians to unqualified poor people

they had to twist the bankers arms

No "the left" didn't. Democrats did. I've never argued otherwise and that doesn't make it OK.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

OMG......Does Big Oil have you brainwashed
That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
Huh? Lowering the standards of a bank loan to give people houses they can’t pay for is not deregulation lol, deregulation is when you loosen the laws on agriculture farming, building standards, but come try again with your fake news
The left had to do more than loosen the laws againt making bad lians to unqualified poor people

they had to twist the bankers arms

No "the left" didn't. Democrats did. I've never argued otherwise and that doesn't make it OK.
So you want to control my entire life before if we don’t the world will blow up lol hahahahah hahahahhaha
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
This whole time i thought she was just a retard.

Funny how irate Conservatives got when it was suggested Barron acted like he has Aspergers

Yet they mock a young lady who admits she has it
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

OMG......Does Big Oil have you brainwashed
No I base my opinion on facts
Is Barron trying to pass polices that will return us to slave days? lol

That would be his dad.
Deregulation protecting free speech and gun rights is a return to slavery? Lol

no Regulating our production to control how we earn a living where we live how we get our energy is Beyond slavery.. leave them girl alone. Stop pimping her out..

My remark was mostly a throw away remark but since you replied in a decent manner I felt a reply in return was justified.

De-regulation led to the taxpayers having to spend billions and billions to bail out the economy putting them in a position to pay off a debt they will never get out from under.
Huh? Lowering the standards of a bank loan to give people houses they can’t pay for is not deregulation lol, deregulation is when you loosen the laws on agriculture farming, building standards, but come try again with your fake news
The left had to do more than loosen the laws againt making bad lians to unqualified poor people

they had to twist the bankers arms
A myth

It was not poor people who caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008. It was the wealthy speculating on an inflated real estate market, the banks selling the public on refinancing for more than the home was worth.
Barron Trump is not at all a political figure, he is Trump's son.

How difficult is this to get? Even the 80 IQ leftists should have gotten it by now. It is page 37 for god's sake.

Barron is Trumps son. When some people looked at Barrons awkward public appearances, reluctance to smile, social awkwardness and suggested Aspergers could be the cause......The Trumps and Conservatives were outraged......How dare you say that about a child?

But when Greta openly admits Aspergers and displays symptoms......Trump and his minions attack her as rude, anger issues, call her a retard .......But, but...she deserves it
Barron Trump is not at all a political figure, he is Trump's son.

How difficult is this to get? Even the 80 IQ leftists should have gotten it by now. It is page 37 for god's sake.

Barron is Trumps son. When some people looked at Barrons awkward public appearances, reluctance to smile, social awkwardness and suggested Aspergers could be the cause......The Trumps and Conservatives were outraged......How dare you say that about a child?

But when Greta openly admits Aspergers and displays symptoms......Trump and his minions attack her as rude, anger issues, call her a retard .......But, but...she deserves it
Baron didn’t smile so he has a mental illness? Lol and you wonder why you can’t win elections haha
Barron Trump is not at all a political figure, he is Trump's son.

How difficult is this to get? Even the 80 IQ leftists should have gotten it by now. It is page 37 for god's sake.

Barron is Trumps son. When some people looked at Barrons awkward public appearances, reluctance to smile, social awkwardness and suggested Aspergers could be the cause......The Trumps and Conservatives were outraged......How dare you say that about a child?

But when Greta openly admits Aspergers and displays symptoms......Trump and his minions attack her as rude, anger issues, call her a retard .......But, but...she deserves it

Holy shit dude. You truly are remarkably low IQ.

Barron Trump did not publicly advocate policy positions. He did not tell us how to live. His involvement in anything is squarely the function of being Trump's relative.

This really is not complicated, why are you making it so? Greta is a public figure, Barron is Trump's son. On related news, kids who commit crime also get to go to jail.

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