Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
As far as I am concerned, her Asperger's has zero relevance, unless he is specifically mocking it.

Of course Trump would never mock someone with a disability would he?
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
As far as I am concerned, her Asperger's has zero relevance, unless he is specifically mocking it.

Of course Trump would never mock someone with a disability would he?
I dont think that's the question you meant to ask. I think you meant to ask if Trump would mock someone's disability itself. And clearly, the answer is yes, he would.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
As far as I am concerned, her Asperger's has zero relevance, unless he is specifically mocking it.

Of course Trump would never mock someone with a disability would he?
I dont think that's the question you meant to ask. I think you meant to ask if Trump would mock someone's disability itself. And clearly, the answer is yes, he would.

No, I asked what I meant to ask.

Trump mocks disabled reporter
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
As far as I am concerned, her Asperger's has zero relevance, unless he is specifically mocking it.

Of course Trump would never mock someone with a disability would he?
I dont think that's the question you meant to ask. I think you meant to ask if Trump would mock someone's disability itself. And clearly, the answer is yes, he would.

No, I asked what I meant to ask.

Trump mocks disabled reporter
No, you didn't. As your link makes clear. Mocking someone with a disability and mocking someone's disability are not the same thing. If i mock a guy in a wheelchair by making fun of something he did or said, that is not the same as mocking his disability.

And yes, clearly trump would mock someone's disability, as your link shows.
As far as I understand he was not even acting like a jerk. The media lied about it, which is why he is suing.

You're right. Sandman was like a deer caught in the headlights and, in my opinion, intentionally or unintentionally showed great restraint as that radical activist walked up to him beating his tom-tom in the kid's face. Had it been me at that age, I'd have clocked the old man for getting in my face for no reason.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
As far as I am concerned, her Asperger's has zero relevance, unless he is specifically mocking it.

Of course Trump would never mock someone with a disability would he?
I dont think that's the question you meant to ask. I think you meant to ask if Trump would mock someone's disability itself. And clearly, the answer is yes, he would.

No, I asked what I meant to ask.

Trump mocks disabled reporter
No, you didn't. As your link makes clear. Mocking someone with a disability and mocking someone's disability are not the same thing. If i mock a guy in a wheelchair by making fun of something he did or said, that is not the same as mocking his disability.

And yes, clearly trump would mock someone's disability, as your link shows.

He mocked a guy with a disability . Period. You have to be a pretty lousy individual to do that.
It’s a baby it has nerves, can feel every snip. I’m glad you like science, it’s not going in your favor.. and if it’s just a fetus should they show 50 million woman videos of babies fighting back in the womb from being snipped? Would you be ok with that? Heheh

Why would they do that? Do they show videos of other medical procedures before they let you get them?

Most abortions are performed before 12 weeks, before the fetus can feel anything.
You're right. Sandman was like a deer caught in the headlights and, in my opinion, intentionally or unintentionally showed great restraint as that radical activist walked up to him beating his tom-tom in the kid's face. Had it been me at that age, I'd have clocked the old man for getting in my face for no reason.

Look out, we got another internet tough guy.

What he should have done is walk away. Not Smirk, not taunt, not act like a little punk.

Instead, he got some high-powered publicists who told him to not wear his MAGA Nazi hat, not smirk,and look really hurt on the Today Show
It’s a baby it has nerves, can feel every snip. I’m glad you like science, it’s not going in your favor.. and if it’s just a fetus should they show 50 million woman videos of babies fighting back in the womb from being snipped? Would you be ok with that? Heheh

Why would they do that? Do they show videos of other medical procedures before they let you get them?

Most abortions are performed before 12 weeks, before the fetus can feel anything.
Huh? Killing a baby is a medical procedure? Lol wow
The left doesn't care about the American people and that's why they're unwilling to work with Trump.

I don't think that is true. Most Americans think Trump is a cocksucking fuckwit loser. Only his Deplorable base like him. Ironically it's not reciprocated. He thinks his base are losers. He just doesn't come out and say it. And least us normal folk give you the respect of calling what you are to your face....even if it is via a messageboard.


Friday, December 13, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove.

I thought you guys said polls lie? Or is that only during presidential elections?
Liberals attacked a boy for standing in one place and not running away when some crazy Indian started beating his drum in his face. Because he didn't react in horror....the media and the Hollywood liberals started issuing deaththreats against him.
All Trump did was suggest that Gretta get a life.

Get a life Mud. The adolescent wasn't attacked at all. And don't sound like he was some poor kid minding his own business. He was being a smart arse little prick lacking respect. You being a Trumphite, you'd give him a free pass. Why wouldn't you? Trump and his supporters are nothing but white trailer trash anyway. He was wearing a MAGA hat. And yes, anybody who wears that stupid hat is open for derision. Death threats? No. Made a laughing stock? Absolutely.
As far as I understand he was not even acting like a jerk. The media lied about it, which is why he is suing.

Absolutely he was acting like a jerk - his shit-eating grin and his friends laughing in the background.
Liberals attacked a boy for standing in one place and not running away when some crazy Indian started beating his drum in his face. Because he didn't react in horror....the media and the Hollywood liberals started issuing deaththreats against him.
All Trump did was suggest that Gretta get a life.

Get a life Mud. The adolescent wasn't attacked at all. And don't sound like he was some poor kid minding his own business. He was being a smart arse little prick lacking respect. You being a Trumphite, you'd give him a free pass. Why wouldn't you? Trump and his supporters are nothing but white trailer trash anyway. He was wearing a MAGA hat. And yes, anybody who wears that stupid hat is open for derision. Death threats? No. Made a laughing stock? Absolutely.

Meanwhile a 16 year old telling adults that it is time to panic and how dare they - nothing wrong with that.

Welcome to the land of the far left.
Meanwhile a 16 year old telling adults that it is time to panic and how dare they - nothing wrong with that.

Welcome to the land of the far left.

I think Greta went a little OTT in her delivery. Her message was on the button though. You don't get to treat both situations as equal just because you fall more politically on one side than the other. They are two different things. Sandman and his pals were taking the piss and being disrespectful. Was the reporting of the incident OTT? yeah, I think so. But, please, don't act like this was some innocent boy not knowing what was going on. He was giving Philips a condescending grin and his mates were dancing like morons, also taking the piss. Greta was asking politicians and multinationals to stop pumping shit into the air and fucking up the planet. Stop acting like these two incidents are equal or even on the same level. Go score your cheap political point if you want. But us normal folk aren't giving you a free pass.
Liberals attacked a boy for standing in one place and not running away when some crazy Indian started beating his drum in his face. Because he didn't react in horror....the media and the Hollywood liberals started issuing deaththreats against him.
All Trump did was suggest that Gretta get a life.

Get a life Mud. The adolescent wasn't attacked at all. And don't sound like he was some poor kid minding his own business. He was being a smart arse little prick lacking respect. You being a Trumphite, you'd give him a free pass. Why wouldn't you? Trump and his supporters are nothing but white trailer trash anyway. He was wearing a MAGA hat. And yes, anybody who wears that stupid hat is open for derision. Death threats? No. Made a laughing stock? Absolutely.
Fuck off you lying fuck!! LOL
Liberals attacked a boy for standing in one place and not running away when some crazy Indian started beating his drum in his face. Because he didn't react in horror....the media and the Hollywood liberals started issuing deaththreats against him.
All Trump did was suggest that Gretta get a life.

Get a life Mud. The adolescent wasn't attacked at all. And don't sound like he was some poor kid minding his own business. He was being a smart arse little prick lacking respect. You being a Trumphite, you'd give him a free pass. Why wouldn't you? Trump and his supporters are nothing but white trailer trash anyway. He was wearing a MAGA hat. And yes, anybody who wears that stupid hat is open for derision. Death threats? No. Made a laughing stock? Absolutely.
Fuck off you lying fuck!! LOL

He is a leftist, so he lies.

As bonus highlights the absurdities of leftism.

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