Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Is it surprising?
It's somewhat surprising that you liars cant see the difference.
I disagree on a minor point. This is NOT of her own doing. It is 100% the doing of her parents. In my opinion, parents should have their parental rights denied. Intentionally putting your child out there for certain mental abuse is, in my opinion, child abuse.

Even though it is wrong, those who run for president know that their kids will get stupid things said about them. Are you saying they shouldn't run?
Putting Baron Trump in a cage with pedophile is just a "stupid thing" to you. Indeed you swine are evil.

That statement - yes - it is a stupid thing to say. The speaker has no power to enact it. It reflects on the speaker as a disgusting example of humanity. Not much different than the statements of some of those attacking Greta. Or Obama's children. Or the kid in the Maga hat.
But ok for Barron! Ahhh got it
The comment that was made about Barron by the Hollywood leftist rated a lasso and a good drag through some cactus.
Most Probably one of the leftist males masterbated
Because of what her parents have done to her, the people they have exposed her to, I see a teen heroin overdose in her future when the world media forgets about her like a cute puppy grown too old.
The left will use her until she is no longer useful.
Because of what her parents have done to her, the people they have exposed her to, I see a teen heroin overdose in her future when the world media forgets about her like a cute puppy grown too old.
The left will use her until she is no longer useful.
What they do. She will be the Macaulay Caulkin of the environmental movement.
The corporates you can not stand are rumored to have maneuvered people into removing those CFC's for greater profits. DuPont went from Freon to the new products and made out like a bandit. You are listening to a 16 year old special needs girl who is also spoiled.

Rumored by who? Nutbags.

The science was pretty much settled. CFC's destroy ozone. It's FUCKING CHEMISTRY.

You know what else is chemistry? CO2 traps heat.
This message about children is provided to you by the left.


A 16 year old wore a make America great again hat so it's fine to write attack pieces.

Well, that and his behavior was rude and disrespectful. Seriously, the kid makes me miss the good old days when they slapped some shit out of you in Catholic Schools. $6000 a year doesn't buy good manners.
This message about children is provided to you by the left.


A 16 year old wore a make America great again hat so it's fine to write attack pieces.

Well, that and his behavior was rude and disrespectful. Seriously, the kid makes me miss the good old days when they slapped some shit out of you in Catholic Schools. $6000 a year doesn't buy good manners.
Should slap the shit out of some entitled munchkin who cries "How dare you!"

You were doubtless a whiny bitch too at that age.
This message about children is provided to you by the left.


A 16 year old wore a make America great again hat so it's fine to write attack pieces.

Well, that and his behavior was rude and disrespectful. Seriously, the kid makes me miss the good old days when they slapped some shit out of you in Catholic Schools. $6000 a year doesn't buy good manners.
His behavior was appropriate. Sitting Bull shouldn’t have got up in his face. This little Antifa girl is being used as a tool by her parents and the leftist kooks. I think the shit she spews out of her mouth is a methane emission.
The corporates you can not stand are rumored to have maneuvered people into removing those CFC's for greater profits. DuPont went from Freon to the new products and made out like a bandit. You are listening to a 16 year old special needs girl who is also spoiled.

Rumored by who? Nutbags.

The science was pretty much settled. CFC's destroy ozone. It's FUCKING CHEMISTRY.

You know what else is chemistry? CO2 traps heat.
Global warming is natural. This whole thing is sponsored by atomic energy industry.
Great story,, what does this have to do with anything?

That the GOP of today isn't the one of the past. In the past, they respected expertise.
Lol you don’t care about the environment or anyone,, you believe in abortion you kill millions of kids a year, you snip their necks while babies are alive.. all this environment talk is to scare people in to voting for regulations that will make us slaves. Gonna way you democrats are getting voted out lol
The corporates you can not stand are rumored to have maneuvered people into removing those CFC's for greater profits. DuPont went from Freon to the new products and made out like a bandit. You are listening to a 16 year old special needs girl who is also spoiled.

Rumored by who? Nutbags.

The science was pretty much settled. CFC's destroy ozone. It's FUCKING CHEMISTRY.

You know what else is chemistry? CO2 traps heat.
Yeah right, there’s still ozone holes. All bs, to sell new types of products and politicians made bucks off the scam! Too fking funny you believed that nonsense
Lol you don’t care about the environment or anyone,, you believe in abortion you kill millions of kids a year, you snip their necks while babies are alive.. all this environment talk is to scare people in to voting for regulations that will make us slaves. Gonna way you democrats are getting voted out lol

Fetuses aren't people... and less people on the planet would be a good thing, as it is already overpopulated.

Not sure how, "Hey, your car should get decent gas millage" is going to make you a slave, but never mind.
The people who tell you your opinions for one.

Judge allows Nick Sandmann to sue NBC for $275 million over Covington smears

Ain't that the classic left. Telling others that kids are off limits while going after actually innocent children themselves. Whenever leftists blame you of something, you can be sure that they are doing it.

someone needs to bitchslap Sandmann's smirking little face.
Omg you want to attack a child!? Because he showed up a fake indian? Lol
Lol you don’t care about the environment or anyone,, you believe in abortion you kill millions of kids a year, you snip their necks while babies are alive.. all this environment talk is to scare people in to voting for regulations that will make us slaves. Gonna way you democrats are getting voted out lol

Fetuses aren't people... and less people on the planet would be a good thing, as it is already overpopulated.

Not sure how, "Hey, your car should get decent gas millage" is going to make you a slave, but never mind.
Yup keep taking uneducated, I can’t wait until we ban abortions lol the look on your face will be priceless! Haha
Omg you want to attack a child!? Because he showed up a fake indian? Lol

He's a little punk who needs an ass-whooping.

Yup keep taking uneducated, I can’t wait until we ban abortions lol the look on your face will be priceless! Haha

Just as many abortions will happen... Abortions were just as common before Roe as they were after Roe.
Omg you want to attack a child!? Because he showed up a fake indian? Lol

He's a little punk who needs an ass-whooping.

Yup keep taking uneducated, I can’t wait until we ban abortions lol the look on your face will be priceless! Haha

Just as many abortions will happen... Abortions were just as common before Roe as they were after Roe.
Cool so your facial expression won’t change? Hahah

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