Trump Attacks Washington Post Over Anonymous Sources


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The idiot trump’s own people blab to the press regularly, on the condition their names remain secret. It’s all part of that pesky First Amendment, which conservatives hate whenever it protects the “other side”.

One Washington Post anonymous source served the United States well, his name, Mark Felt. People who are old enough to remember that period in U.S. history know Felt better as “Deep Throat”, the man who brought down the corrupt administration of “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Using Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as a conduit enabled Felt to publicize the evidence linking the Watergate break-in directly to the White House.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Woodward and Bernstein describe in their book, “All the President’s Men”, how they “speculated about Deep Throat and his piecemeal approach to providing information. Maybe it was to minimize his risk. Or because one or two big stories, no matter how devastating, could be blunted by the White House. Maybe it was simply to make the game more interesting. More likely, we concluded, ‘Deep Throat was trying to protect the office, to effect a change in its conduct before all was lost.’ ”

Regardless of his motives, Mark Felt is a true American hero.

Rational American know the idiot trump is lying whenever his lips are moving, while the Washington Post’s record for reporting the truth far exceeds that of the idiot trump and all of his lying swamp rats.

Hopefully, another “Deep Throat” will soon come forward to end the regime of the corrupt criminal family of the idiot trump.

Trump attacks Washington Post over anonymous sources

Trump himself is the anonymous source.
Had to go digging for that one. 2012??


The idiot trump’s own people blab to the press regularly, on the condition their names remain secret. It’s all part of that pesky First Amendment, which conservatives hate whenever it protects the “other side”.

One Washington Post anonymous source served the United States well, his name, Mark Felt. People who are old enough to remember that period in U.S. history know Felt better as “Deep Throat”, the man who brought down the corrupt administration of “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Using Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as a conduit enabled Felt to publicize the evidence linking the Watergate break-in directly to the White House.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Woodward and Bernstein describe in their book, “All the President’s Men”, how they “speculated about Deep Throat and his piecemeal approach to providing information. Maybe it was to minimize his risk. Or because one or two big stories, no matter how devastating, could be blunted by the White House. Maybe it was simply to make the game more interesting. More likely, we concluded, ‘Deep Throat was trying to protect the office, to effect a change in its conduct before all was lost.’ ”

Regardless of his motives, Mark Felt is a true American hero.

Rational American know the idiot trump is lying whenever his lips are moving, while the Washington Post’s record for reporting the truth far exceeds that of the idiot trump and all of his lying swamp rats.

Hopefully, another “Deep Throat” will soon come forward to end the regime of the corrupt criminal family of the idiot trump.

Trump attacks Washington Post over anonymous sources


The Supreme Court ruled on this issue. Anonymous sources are First Amendment protected. End of story. That said, patriotic American journalists should be held accountable to at least standards of loyalty to nation, particularly in wartime or disclosure of classified information which meets a condition of imminently actionable violence or appropriation of sensitive information by foreign agencies against American civilian or military assets OCONUS or domestic. That being said, if our President was attacking the Washington Post, it'd be a pile of smoldering embers.

The idiot trump’s own people blab to the press regularly, on the condition their names remain secret. It’s all part of that pesky First Amendment, which conservatives hate whenever it protects the “other side”.

One Washington Post anonymous source served the United States well, his name, Mark Felt. People who are old enough to remember that period in U.S. history know Felt better as “Deep Throat”, the man who brought down the corrupt administration of “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Using Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as a conduit enabled Felt to publicize the evidence linking the Watergate break-in directly to the White House.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Woodward and Bernstein describe in their book, “All the President’s Men”, how they “speculated about Deep Throat and his piecemeal approach to providing information. Maybe it was to minimize his risk. Or because one or two big stories, no matter how devastating, could be blunted by the White House. Maybe it was simply to make the game more interesting. More likely, we concluded, ‘Deep Throat was trying to protect the office, to effect a change in its conduct before all was lost.’ ”

Regardless of his motives, Mark Felt is a true American hero.

Rational American know the idiot trump is lying whenever his lips are moving, while the Washington Post’s record for reporting the truth far exceeds that of the idiot trump and all of his lying swamp rats.

Hopefully, another “Deep Throat” will soon come forward to end the regime of the corrupt criminal family of the idiot trump.

Trump attacks Washington Post over anonymous sources

When you look at news paper who usanonymous sources over and over it makes me think that they are telling fake news and the subject is of a eye opening story then I just have to do a drive by read of it. It is just to easy to write a fake new story without some evidence like a memo or file that would add credibility and proof. The only thing Deep could prove was Nixon lied and tapes were there to prove the story.
I have an anonymous source that says my 1978 Pinto is in great condition and worth the price I'm asking.....ready to write me a check????
This compost paper famously wrote how we should hate men.

There really is no defense for defending such a hate rag. Fake news and division is all they do.

They have their freedom to say whatever stupid fake things they want. We have our freedom to condemn and stop them on their tracks.
There are anonymous sources, then there is make up the nrws out of nothing and call it an anonymous source.

You will still wake up in the morning and Trump will still be president.

The idiot trump’s own people blab to the press regularly, on the condition their names remain secret. It’s all part of that pesky First Amendment, which conservatives hate whenever it protects the “other side”.

One Washington Post anonymous source served the United States well, his name, Mark Felt. People who are old enough to remember that period in U.S. history know Felt better as “Deep Throat”, the man who brought down the corrupt administration of “Tricky Dick” Nixon.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Using Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as a conduit enabled Felt to publicize the evidence linking the Watergate break-in directly to the White House.

Felt “was a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent and the Bureau's Associate Director, the FBI's second-highest-ranking post, from May 1972 until his retirement from the FBI in June 1973.”

Woodward and Bernstein describe in their book, “All the President’s Men”, how they “speculated about Deep Throat and his piecemeal approach to providing information. Maybe it was to minimize his risk. Or because one or two big stories, no matter how devastating, could be blunted by the White House. Maybe it was simply to make the game more interesting. More likely, we concluded, ‘Deep Throat was trying to protect the office, to effect a change in its conduct before all was lost.’ ”

Regardless of his motives, Mark Felt is a true American hero.

Rational American know the idiot trump is lying whenever his lips are moving, while the Washington Post’s record for reporting the truth far exceeds that of the idiot trump and all of his lying swamp rats.

Hopefully, another “Deep Throat” will soon come forward to end the regime of the corrupt criminal family of the idiot trump.

Trump attacks Washington Post over anonymous sources


The Washington Post is a mouthpiece for the CFR and part of the Operation Mockingbird media.....I wouldn't read a fucking thing that they have to say.
anon sources are protected, end of story

Trump's lies are not protected, end of story

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