Trump attacks wife of New York Judge Engoron after gag order reinstated by court

Democrats attack any woman that doesn't do as they are told by democrats
WTF, you some yankee transplant? No way in hell you were born in North Carolina. At least not where I am from. A man's wife is off limits, in more ways than one. I mean North Carolina has alienation of affection statues and criminal conversation laws. But hell, if you are a paramour that is the least of your worries. Damn, around here, you don't even dance with another man's wife.

WTF, you some yankee transplant? No way in hell you were born in North Carolina. At least not where I am from. A man's wife is off limits, in more ways than one. I mean North Carolina has alienation of affection statues and criminal conversation laws. But hell, if you are a paramour that is the least of your worries. Damn, around here, you don't even dance with another man's wife.

I'm surprised you have a wifey... considering
WTF, you some yankee transplant? No way in hell you were born in North Carolina. At least not where I am from. A man's wife is off limits, in more ways than one. I mean North Carolina has alienation of affection statues and criminal conversation laws. But hell, if you are a paramour that is the least of your worries. Damn, around here, you don't even dance with another man's wife.

Funny shit leftist you attack women who don't do as they are told.
Can you people look at yourself? I mean for the love of God, attack a man's wife? What kind of cowardly low-life piece of shit does that? And you applaud that? That is beyond the pale, for real. And not like it ain't the first time. Remember Trump attacking Cruz's wife. If there was any justice in this world Ted would have walked across the debate stage and delivered a right cross to Trump's damn left jaw. I know I sure as hell would have.

Remind us again, what were you clowns saying about Melania's attire at the Carter funeral?
Funny shit leftist you attack women who don't do as they are told.
That makes no sense. Can you provide examples? I mean it is the Southern Baptist that believe a woman should listen to her man. Did they suddenly become Democrats and I missed it?

I mean this is some sick ass shit. Man up dude. Defend Trump's actions, because God knows, no one else has attempted to do it. Democrats attack women, lookey over here, shiny thing. Come on, say it. Trump is being totally respectful and has every right to attack the wife of the judge presiding over his trail.

I mean what a damn dumbass. The verdict is already in. It has already been decided. Trump committed fraud. And yeah, Trump could have had a jury trial, but he didn't ask for one. The only thing to be decided now is what the penalty will be. I mean how fawking STUPID do you have to be to be attacking the wife of the very judge that is going to making that determination?
That makes no sense. Can you provide examples? I mean it is the Southern Baptist that believe a woman should listen to her man. Did they suddenly become Democrats and I missed it?

I mean this is some sick ass shit. Man up dude. Defend Trump's actions, because God knows, no one else has attempted to do it. Democrats attack women, lookey over here, shiny thing. Come on, say it. Trump is being totally respectful and has every right to attack the wife of the judge presiding over his trail.

I mean what a damn dumbass. The verdict is already in. It has already been decided. Trump committed fraud. And yeah, Trump could have had a jury trial, but he didn't ask for one. The only thing to be decided now is what the penalty will be. I mean how fawking STUPID do you have to be to be attacking the wife of the very judge that is going to making that determination?
She deserves to be attacked by American Patriot Donald Trump.
That makes no sense. Can you provide examples? I mean it is the Southern Baptist that believe a woman should listen to her man. Did they suddenly become Democrats and I missed it?

I mean this is some sick ass shit. Man up dude. Defend Trump's actions, because God knows, no one else has attempted to do it. Democrats attack women, lookey over here, shiny thing. Come on, say it. Trump is being totally respectful and has every right to attack the wife of the judge presiding over his trail.

I mean what a damn dumbass. The verdict is already in. It has already been decided. Trump committed fraud. And yeah, Trump could have had a jury trial, but he didn't ask for one. The only thing to be decided now is what the penalty will be. I mean how fawking STUPID do you have to be to be attacking the wife of the very judge that is going to making that determination?
It's called courage. Ever watch the movie "Braveheart"? It's that same spirit.
It's called courage. Ever watch the movie "Braveheart"? It's that same spirit.
Going after an innocent person because you don't like her husband doing his job is courageous?

Part of the reasoning for imposing that gag order is that Trump naming people as his enemies results in THOUSANDS of threats against that person as is shown by a court filing by the government.

Think about that. You are saying it's courageous to cause harassment if not danger to an innocent person.

That's bullying not courage. But I forget. When Trump's rethoric has real life consequences he can't be held responsible.
I love it. Trump is exposing these treasonous scum for who they are during this unfair trial. We should ALL back Trump in his endeavor.

Or Trump just shouting his mouth off AGAIN. I mean, it got boring back in what, 2015? It's now 8 years later and he's still a foul mouthed high school bully without a clue.

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