Trump attacks wife of New York Judge Engoron after gag order reinstated by court

I realized, a while into this, that they're not only convinced that Trump -- the guy who said the EMMYS were rigged against him -- is being truthful in his claims about the "rigged election". Or any of the other conspiracy theories, like how the Insurrection happened.

Wait, there's more!

It turns out that they ALSO believe that "everyone knows it". That means if you say you're not convinced, that you're lying. Because "everyone knows" it was rigged.

Absolutely incredible to watch. Not fun, but incredible.
If you don't have anything concrete to say, begging the question is what remains.
Gotta love a citizen having their first ammendment rights violated by the court.


Going after an innocent person because you don't like her husband doing his job is courageous?

Part of the reasoning for imposing that gag order is that Trump naming people as his enemies results in THOUSANDS of threats against that person as is shown by a court filing by the government.

Think about that. You are saying it's courageous to cause harassment if not danger to an innocent person.

That's bullying not courage. But I forget. When Trump's rethoric has real life consequences he can't be held responsible.
Bullying is high school reference and not adult.
She published negative comments. The clerk posed with a chief persecutor. Both initiated acts that drew Trumps perfectly reasonable and permissible disdain. That hurt some feelings but far far far from a threat or intimidation so tough shit Pearl clutchers
Bullying is high school reference and not adult.
She published negative comments. The clerk posed with a chief persecutor. Both initiated acts that drew Trumps perfectly reasonable and permissible disdain. That hurt some feelings but far far far from a threat or intimidation so tough shit Pearl clutchers
The clerk took a photo with Chuck Schumer so of course she deserves to be doxxed and harassed?
The clerk took a photo with Chuck Schumer so of course she deserves to be doxxed and harassed?
She set herself up by unwisely doing a smiley faced photo op with Trumps top persecutor.
I’m surprised you acknowledge the legitimacy of Trumps rebuke of that.
She set herself up by unwisely doing a smiley faced photo op with Trumps top persecutor.
I’m surprised you acknowledge the legitimacy of Trumps rebuke of that.
No. I acknowledge that you guys are as deplorable as we said you are.

The way she’s being treated is disgusting and you should all be ashamed.

Is MAGA ....MAGA, without vulgarity, anger, conspiracy theories?
Or, is MAGA really QAnon, wearing a red hat?

Question for the incurably curious:
Which demographic....MAGA's or QAnon'ers .....have more years of schooling? elementary? secondary? community college? GED?

Prolific poster have been shrilling that claim for a couple of years now. You...or your avatar.....has been queried numerous time to back up your word, to show us your proof, to indicate to the forum that you are a serious adult with gravitas and a sense for responsible adult discourse.

So far, mein freund, you have demonstrated ineffectiveness, and failure.

Why be like that?
Your avatar is making you....the person behind it.....look undereducated, weak, indecisive, and frivolous.

Don't be that way. It's a bad look.

Good luck.

Hey guy,

If you're gay, there's nothing wrong with that, it's who you are. But I have a wife and two daughters and they are all the emotional drama I can handle.

If you can calm down the homosexual emotions and have a guy conversation and not a fag one I'd really appreciate it, MAGA man. Thanks!
The frivolous suits trying to get him off the ballot in certain states are getting shot down like HAMAS in the streets of GAZA.
The elites power is just not there yet as of now. We are getting closer to it though. And they will eliminate anyone who runs who they disapprove of. They do now for many of the unknown citizens.
Gotta love a citizen having their first ammendment rights violated by the court.


Trump attacks the Judge's wife because he's a craven criminal lowlife.

Hopefully, the court decsion coming sometime next year puts Trump in the poor house.

Karma is a bitch & so is payback.
Trump attacks the Judge's wife because he's a craven criminal lowlife.

Hopefully, the court decsion coming sometime next year puts Trump in the poor house.

Karma is a bitch & so is payback.

LOL, at first I thought you said Kamala was a bitch. Doesn't matter, Karma is and so is Kamala, MAGA man
I love it. Trump is exposing these treasonous scum for who they are during this unfair trial. We should ALL back Trump in his endeavor.

Another "democrats smart, Republicans stupid" post.
I know, I know.
It has become sort of a 'cliche', hasn't it?
Others say it is merely folk-wisdom. The acknowledgement of what is really real in our world.

However, I'm not sure poster BS, framed the issue properly.
And that's OK. It's the internet.

Others might frame it as 'Trumpers dumb, others not."
Me? I'm neutral on the issue.
Though some DO seem awfully undereducated and obtuse.
Others, maybe not so bad.

But then I'm a tolerant surfer-dude kinda farmer.

CALL: "If you can calm down the homosexual emotions and have a guy conversation and not a fag one I'd really appreciate it..."

RESPONSE: " have demonstrated ineffectiveness, and failure...... making you...look undereducated, weak, indecisive, and frivolous. Don't be that way. It's a bad look. Good luck.
I know, I know.
It has become sort of a 'cliche', hasn't it?
Others say it is merely folk-wisdom. The acknowledgement of what is really real in our world.

However, I'm not sure poster BS, framed the issue properly.
And that's OK. It's the internet.

Others might frame it as 'Trumpers dumb, others not."
Me? I'm neutral on the issue.
Though some DO seem awfully undereducated and obtuse.
Others, maybe not so bad.

But then I'm a tolerant surfer-dude kinda farmer.

Maybe you're just delusional.

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