Trump aupporters hate everyone else's free speech

What would the reaction be at the DNC if someone held up a sign that said "Criminals should go to prison"?
I gurantee that even though they wouldn't agree, they wouldn't throw a tantrum like Trump dough bags do.

I guarantee you're either extremely naïve or a bald-faced liar
Trump supporters by and large, just hate. I can't remember seeing more hatred and division spewed at a convention.
Trump supporters are not the ones outside the opposing party's convention dousing themselves with urine and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag.

Trump supporters are not calling for the deaths of all whites and cops, celebrating the deaths of cops, taunting cops after the assassinations of their commrades, and declaring they will overthrow the govt if the opposing party candidate wins the election.

Trump's supporters are not chasing down, beating, and bloodying the other candidate's supporters...

All that, as proven and documented, has been Liberals - HILLARY'S SUPPORTERS.

But 'nice' rant...
Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.

Hey's a private event......fuck you and your weren't fuck off....I'll go in your house with lock her up're such a bitch, I could do it and you wouldn't have the balls to stop me.
Trump supporters by and large, just hate. I can't remember seeing more hatred and division spewed at a convention.
Trump supporters are not the ones outside the opposing party's convention dousing themselves with urine and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag.

Trump supporters are not calling for the deaths of all whites and cops, celebrating the deaths of cops, taunting cops after the assassinations of their commrades, and declaring they will overthrow the govt if the opposing party candidate wins the election.

Trump's supporters are not chasing down, beating, and bloodying the other candidate's supporters...

All that, as proven and documented, has been Liberals - HILLARY'S SUPPORTERS.

But 'nice' rant...
Yep, the fagacrats start shit and don't like it when people fight back...I'd call you Nazis or bolsheviks, but atleast they had balls to fight and not whine about it.
Showing up, throwing urine at each other, and setting yourself on fire while trying to burn an American flag, though? Don't know exactly what message they were trying to get across, but it was pretty ugly / self-defeating.
Showing up, throwing urine at each other, and setting yourself on fire while trying to burn an American flag, though? Don't know exactly what message they were trying to get across, but it was pretty ugly / self-defeating.
We didn't say these people were bright....liberals are entitled and stupid.....but yeah I bet they like water sports....maybe they enjoyed it more than we think?
Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.

Protestors have no right to stage their little demonstrations inside the convention all. The Convention is a private event. Those so-called "protesters" should be tossed out on their asses.
All she did was hold a damn sign. What difference does it make?
The bitch is a traitor.
Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.
Here's some free speech - fuck You libtards A
Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.

Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.
Here's some free speech moron -
Ok so this woman at the RNC held up a banner that said "no racism, no hate". A bunch of Trump supporters like the children they are tried to rip it out of her hands. Eventually someone tried to cover it with an American flag. This is definitely not the first time this has happened.

Now whether or not one agrees with her protest, it's simply childish to throw a tantrum over someone else expressing themselves. These people seriously need to grow the fuck up. They are such hypocrites when it comes the 1st amendment. It's just embarrassing for the rest of the world to see.
Here's some free speech moron - fuck off libtard.
Trump supporters by and large, just hate. I can't remember seeing more hatred and division spewed at a convention.

Apparently you've never watched Hillary give a speech.
Trump supporters by and large, just hate. I can't remember seeing more hatred and division spewed at a convention.
Trump supporters are not the ones outside the opposing party's convention dousing themselves with urine and setting themselves on fire while trying to burn the American flag.

Trump supporters are not calling for the deaths of all whites and cops, celebrating the deaths of cops, taunting cops after the assassinations of their commrades, and declaring they will overthrow the govt if the opposing party candidate wins the election.

Trump's supporters are not chasing down, beating, and bloodying the other candidate's supporters...

All that, as proven and documented, has been Liberals - HILLARY'S SUPPORTERS.

But 'nice' rant...
Yep, the fagacrats start shit and don't like it when people fight back...I'd call you Nazis or bolsheviks, but atleast they had balls to fight and not whine about it.

They use the same tactics the Nazi Brownshirts used. Exactly the same.

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