Trump averaging about one tweet every ten minutes this morning

I am so sick of this Reality TV host..... he has ruined this once great Nation and turned us in to a joke.... :(

Only in the minds of those suffering TDS.
I'm sorry, but the only people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are his followers, who have sold their very souls and every thing they ever stood for, regarding ethics, morals, decency, and their Nation, to him.

I, on the other hand, have not changed who I am, or my standards of what is right vs. what is clearly wrong.

Don't blame the messengers, who stick true to their beliefs of right vs wrong and call them, the Deranged ones....

Me thinks you all, need to look in a mirror and ask yourselves, how could you let yourself, become, what you have become....?
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Actually, our amazing Pres. Trump received 46.1% of the votes cast and the lions share of the electoral college votes. I'm sure the numbers will be higher when Trump wins the 2020 presidential election. ... :thup:

Also, why should we care what other countries think?

I know that I don't. .... :cool:
Lol true....and he loves muslims he even danced with a sword in his hands with Saudis on his first visit outside the US....allah akbar we love our brother Trump.
I hope our amazing Pres. Trump never quits tweeting.

Because it drives the looney liberals into a crazed frenzy of grief. ... :thup:

So basically you don't care if the US becomes a shithole country. As long as us liberals are upset.

Nice. You're a true patriot. God bless you.
#BIPOL (Because it pisses off liberals)

This is all these Trumpsters care about. The whole country could literally be on fire and they would be like " we're sticking it to dem liberals. MAGA"
Actually, our amazing Pres. Trump received 46.1% of the votes cast and the lions share of the electoral college votes. I'm sure the numbers will be higher when Trump wins the 2020 presidential election. ... :thup:

Also, why should we care what other countries think?

I know that I don't. .... :cool:

Your "Amazing POTUS" lost by 3 million popular votes and pinched out EC by 77,000 votes in three states with assistance from Putin.

he is UNHINGED....

Possessed, is probably the more appropriated word! :eek:

I really don't know who is worse, the President yanking people's chain or the retards on the left that still haven't caught on and keep drinking his Kool-Aid every fricken day. I mean it takes a special kind of stupid to follow the man down the rabbit hole and then bitch about where he keeps leading you. Bless all y'all's precious little hearts, and pack a lunch for the same journey tomorrow.
Your "Amazing POTUS" lost by 3 million popular votes and pinched out EC by 77,000 votes in three states with assistance from Putin.
I am very proud that we have such an amazing President leading our country!! ... :cool:

And if Putin helped put him in the White House.

All I can say is, "Thank you Comrade"!! ..... :thup:
The President can fix the economy, win trade wars, campaign for other candidates, kick CNN’s ass, get the Koreas together, punish Iran, bring jobs back, play golf, AND still have time to tweet! The man’s a machine!

A "Machine"? Sure he is - Looks a little like THIS "machine"

So he can do all that and still make you expose yourself to be a fool.
Actually, our amazing Pres. Trump received 46.1% of the votes cast and the lions share of the electoral college votes. I'm sure the numbers will be higher when Trump wins the 2020 presidential election. ... :thup:

Also, why should we care what other countries think?

I know that I don't. .... :cool:
And by “lion’s share,” you mean just 57%. You know the second worst of any president going back the last 38 years since Reagan beat Carter in 1980.
he is UNHINGED....

Possessed, is probably the more appropriated word! :eek:

I really don't know who is worse, the President yanking people's chain or the retards on the left that still haven't caught on and keep drinking his Kool-Aid every fricken day. I mean it takes a special kind of stupid to follow the man down the rabbit hole and then bitch about where he keeps leading you. Bless all y'all's precious little hearts, and pack a lunch for the same journey tomorrow.
Yes, Trump is very good at that, and the media does go crazy, along with the left....

but the reason to this madness, is that it would be worse, much much worse, for everyone in the long run, if we NORMALIZED his abnormal behavior, as being normal and acceptable.... for the President of the United States of America....

it's not, and never will be, and should never be, acceptable for Trump or any future President of the USA.
Yes, Trump is very good at that, and the media does go crazy, along with the left....

but the reason to this madness, is that it would be worse, much much worse, for everyone in the long run, if we NORMALIZED his abnormal behavior, as being normal and acceptable.... for the President of the United States of America....

it's not, and never will be, and should never be, acceptable for Trump or any future President of the USA.

If you normalize anything that comes out of Washington DC or the media you run the risk of being an idiot. It doesn't matter what side you pick, Alice.
I LOVE it -----DR Loooooooooooove
we LOVE Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we want MORE tweets
Well, in Trump's defense he may have had a bad case of constipation this morning.

Rumor has it that John Kelly shouted, "Someone give that guy a enema!"

Donnie has a tough time crapping on anything but his sold gold toilet in Trump Tower :D

You are so wrong...….

Trump has Shit all over you libtards.

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