Trump avoids work again to lie in New Mexico

27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Ah poor little thing. So you are unhappy that he is not in Washington, you are unhappy when he is. Kind of hard to make you happy, right?

I always love when one side complains about a candidate lying and somehow over looks the lies of their own side. It does no good to point them out b cause there is always going to be some way to excuse them.
Lying is as much a part of the political process as rallies.
Oh come off it. Yes, politicians lie (really more of an exaggeration thing usually) but tRump is setting new records for untruthfulness every single day. And he lies about stupid shit, like insisting that the Democratic party is really named the "Democrat" party or that he has built new wall. Things that are easily verifiable and/or well known.

And the tRumpkins lick it up and come screeching back for more! It's like they've all turned their brains off. Well, those that had them to start with that is.
Funny how many crazy people still defend the last retard that was in the White House for eight years. There are people that are cheerleaders for everyone of the Democratic candidates and you make fun of Trump voters. Wehen it comes to politics most have their crazy followers.
Go back to your country
What is trump winning at?? He screwed up Obamas deal with Iran ,he' lets Un of NK build nukes ,he has Europe hating him and China will shit on him Congrats Republicans Out of all the crap for you to support you've picked the slimiest pos of all
Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

He's campaigning for re-election, not giving speeches as part of his job explaining what is going on the the American People in a transparent manner and carrying out his Constitutional duties. What happened to the customary press briefings? Where are his tax returns? Why aren't the executive-branch departments complying with subpoenas from the legislative branch that would allow the legislative branch to exercise it's Constitutional oversight function? Note that he is stealing funds that Congress appropriated to the Defense Department for other purposes intended to defend this nation and using them for his "wall."

The content of his speeches, in which all he does is slam supporters of the Democratic Party, has shown that he is only president of members of the republican party, not the president of the entire country, not "our president" or CNN's president. He falsely equates being an American with being a supporter of the current republican party.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Lies and thousands of blacks getting killed every year in towns run by democrats hmmmmm let’s lets focus on so called lies very politician is guilty of.. where is your priorities?
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.
So, you are excusing Trump's lies because you think the economy is good?

Skyrocketing debt. Not so great job reports, begging the Fed to lower rates. Not good signs.
I am sorry that you don't understand that new jobs during nt open up when companies already have openings that are going unfilled. Sorry that you believe that part time jobs are good jobs.
What debt would you cut? Snap, perhaps welfare, ACA?

I can see you don't understand how the fed raising rates eight times in such a short period was wrong.

I have no doubt that you hate the idea of minorities having jobs. Them having a chance to actually have a business. It must kill you to think of people actually receiving pay raises.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

CNN ? CNN ?!?!?!?!?!
Well've proven excellent taste in finding reliable sources for your information

27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.
So, you are excusing Trump's lies because you think the economy is good?

Skyrocketing debt. Not so great job reports, begging the Fed to lower rates. Not good signs.
I am sorry that you don't understand that new jobs during nt open up when companies already have openings that are going unfilled. Sorry that you believe that part time jobs are good jobs.
What debt would you cut? Snap, perhaps welfare, ACA?

I can see you don't understand how the fed raising rates eight times in such a short period was wrong.

I have no doubt that you hate the idea of minorities having jobs. Them having a chance to actually have a business. It must kill you to think of people actually receiving pay raises.

The Left needs a permanent underclass to be their base. Right now, they are really concerned about Latinos and blacks rising up and getting jobs under The Trumpster. They'd really like to get these guys back in front of the TV watching Springer and drinking malt liquor waiting for their welfare checks. Their party depends on it.
What is trump winning at?? He screwed up Obamas deal with Iran ,he' lets Un of NK build nukes ,he has Europe hating him and China will shit on him Congrats Republicans Out of all the crap for you to support you've picked the slimiest pos of all
He's campaigning for re-election, not giving speeches as part of his job explaining what is going on the the American People in a transparent manner and carrying out his Constitutional duties. What happened to the customary press briefings? Where are his tax returns? Why aren't the executive-branch departments complying with subpoenas from the legislative branch that would allow the legislative branch to exercise it's Constitutional oversight function? Note that he is stealing funds that Congress appropriated to the Defense Department for other purposes intended to defend this nation and using them for his "wall."

The content of his speeches, in which all he does is slam supporters of the Democratic Party, has shown that he is only president of members of the republican party, not the president of the entire country, not "our president" or CNN's president. He falsely equates being an American with being a supporter of the current republican party.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.
Today’s typical wages have about the same purchasing power they did more than 40 years ago, according to the Pew Research Center. “The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would today,” writes Pew’s Drew DeSilver. Plus, DeSilver points out, “what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers.”
Here's how much more Americans are earning in 2019 than they did in 2009

The average American is not doing any better than they were in the 70's.
Love how you play the crazy game. Wages have grown the fastest in over a decade. But it is funny that you had to include things from way back in 2009 to have a point.

Part of the whole thing is people are convinced that they need the new iPhone XXVI. The unlimited talk,text.internet, cigarettelighting plan. The new 10 K 82 inch flat screen. They are buying vehicles with Bluetooth smart backup driverless tech. Most people are buying things that they don't need but are convinced they do.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Have you ever noticed that he has not done it under oath? Under oath means where you are required to tell the truth under penalty of law.
Oh I know law doesn't mean anything unless it helps your side, right?
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Still pushing the lie that Clinton's impeachment was over a BJ. C'mon, you're smarter than that.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""

Clinton's lie was about AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY, ed.

Paula Corbin Jones was sexually harassed by Clinton, and was only asking for the money due her for this.

Clinton lied as a part of that litigation.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics


I see that nasty case of Butt-Hurt you've had
since Hillary lost hasn't gotten any better...


Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""

Clinton's lie was about AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY, ed.

Paula Corbin Jones was sexually harassed by Clinton, and was only asking for the money due her for this.

Clinton lied as a part of that litigation.
How many were sexually harassed by Trump ? How many times has HE avoided responsibility ? How many more pussies will he grab,how many more wives will he rape and cheat on ??? America wants to know
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""

Clinton's lie was about AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY, ed.

Paula Corbin Jones was sexually harassed by Clinton, and was only asking for the money due her for this.

Clinton lied as a part of that litigation.
How many were sexually harassed by Trump ? How many times has HE avoided responsibility ? How many more pussies will he grab,how many more wives will he rape and cheat on ??? America wants to know
All MEN are pussy grabbers. Regarding the rape of his wife, Ivanka recanted that charge. You really need to do some research, Ed.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""

Clinton's lie was about AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY, ed.

Paula Corbin Jones was sexually harassed by Clinton, and was only asking for the money due her for this.

Clinton lied as a part of that litigation.
How many were sexually harassed by Trump ? How many times has HE avoided responsibility ? How many more pussies will he grab,how many more wives will he rape and cheat on ??? America wants to know
All MEN are pussy grabbers. Regarding the rape of his wife, Ivanka recanted that charge. You really need to do some research, Ed.
I knew that I also know that money talks ,and talks loudly
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Lies and thousands of blacks getting killed every year in towns run by democrats hmmmmm let’s lets focus on so called lies very politician is guilty of.. where is your priorities?

What in the heck do the murders of Americans of African descent have to do with anything on this thread? Is there a link here between what the orange whore says in his speeches and the murders of African-Americans?

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