Trump avoids work again to lie in New Mexico

27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

He is now in California starting a war on environmental protection

Damn it, we need a wall to keep that asshole out of CA. Maybe we can get Mexico to pay for it - wouldn't that be ironic?
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.

I agree all of those things are illegal.

Yet Trump did none of those things.

How do you know?

Mueller investigated Trump for years, and found he was as clean as a hound's tooth.

Mueller did not find any such thing.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

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27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

The Senate voted and found Kav innocent by a bipartisan majority.

And the libs definitely did accuse him of weekly gang rape parties in Montgomery County,, where girls were drugged and the guys lined up to commit the rapery.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.

Wishful thinking ^^^
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

The Senate voted and found Kav innocent by a bipartisan majority.

And the libs definitely did accuse him of weekly gang rape parties in Montgomery County,, where girls were drugged and the guys lined up to commit the rapery.
The Republicans voted for a Republican seat on the USSC. They hasve a record of supporting amoral sexual abusers.
Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

The Senate voted and found Kav innocent by a bipartisan majority.

And the libs definitely did accuse him of weekly gang rape parties in Montgomery County,, where girls were drugged and the guys lined up to commit the rapery.
The Republicans voted for a Republican seat on the USSC. They hasve a record of supporting amoral sexual abusers.

The vote for Kav was bipartisan.
What is trump winning at?? He screwed up Obamas deal with Iran ,he' lets Un of NK build nukes ,he has Europe hating him and China will shit on him Congrats Republicans Out of all the crap for you to support you've picked the slimiest pos of all
He's campaigning for re-election, not giving speeches as part of his job explaining what is going on the the American People in a transparent manner and carrying out his Constitutional duties. What happened to the customary press briefings? Where are his tax returns? Why aren't the executive-branch departments complying with subpoenas from the legislative branch that would allow the legislative branch to exercise it's Constitutional oversight function? Note that he is stealing funds that Congress appropriated to the Defense Department for other purposes intended to defend this nation and using them for his "wall."

The content of his speeches, in which all he does is slam supporters of the Democratic Party, has shown that he is only president of members of the republican party, not the president of the entire country, not "our president" or CNN's president. He falsely equates being an American with being a supporter of the current republican party.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.

I agree all of those things are illegal.

Yet Trump did none of those things.

How do you know?

Mueller investigated Trump for years, and found he was as clean as a hound's tooth.
Now you are just being an ass.
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.

LOL, Dave. Libs made a huge deal of President Trump's alleged (and false) dalliances with Russian hookers (reputedly the finest in the world) and now it "doesn't matter"?
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""

Clinton's lie was about AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY, ed.

Paula Corbin Jones was sexually harassed by Clinton, and was only asking for the money due her for this.

Clinton lied as a part of that litigation.
How many were sexually harassed by Trump ? How many times has HE avoided responsibility ? How many more pussies will he grab,how many more wives will he rape and cheat on ??? America wants to know
All MEN are pussy grabbers. Regarding the rape of his wife, Ivanka recanted that charge. You really need to do some research, Ed.

Freudian slip there. Trump wishes Ivanka was his wife.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.

LOL, Dave. Libs made a huge deal of President Trump's alleged (and false) dalliances with Russian hookers (reputedly the finest in the world) and now it "doesn't matter"?
Really? Most of us were already disgusted with Trumps immoral behavior.

That story has not been proven false.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Have you ever noticed that he has not done it under oath? Under oath means where you are required to tell the truth under penalty of law.
Oh I know law doesn't mean anything unless it helps your side, right?
You are correct. How dare we expect the Presidernt of the United States tell Americans the truth.,

What the fuck was I thinking@!!!
Nothing Trump is doing is illegal. So, you simply disagree with Trump. That's your right. God bless America, and have a nice day.
Funneling government money to his businesses is illegal. Lying about his Russia business on government forms is illegal. Getting people to break the law in return for a pardon is illegal.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.
Most people know that the impeachment of Bill Clinton wasn't about consensual sex. You're the liar here.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.

LOL, Dave. Libs made a huge deal of President Trump's alleged (and false) dalliances with Russian hookers (reputedly the finest in the world) and now it "doesn't matter"?
Really? Most of us were already disgusted with Trumps immoral behavior.

That story has not been proven false.

Since when are libs ever disgusted by immoral behavior? Not a peep about the Clintons, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, McGreevey of NJ, etc. And BTW, the hotel mattress urination story wasn't "proven" true or false, Mueller didn't even bother going to the Russian Federation to take DNA samples off of ruined mattresses on Russian landfills.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Have you ever noticed that he has not done it under oath? Under oath means where you are required to tell the truth under penalty of law.
Oh I know law doesn't mean anything unless it helps your side, right?
You are correct. How dare we expect the Presidernt of the United States tell Americans the truth.,

What the fuck was I thinking@!!!
You don't care about the truth.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.
Today’s typical wages have about the same purchasing power they did more than 40 years ago, according to the Pew Research Center. “The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would today,” writes Pew’s Drew DeSilver. Plus, DeSilver points out, “what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers.”
Here's how much more Americans are earning in 2019 than they did in 2009

The average American is not doing any better than they were in the 70's.
Love how you play the crazy game. Wages have grown the fastest in over a decade. But it is funny that you had to include things from way back in 2009 to have a point.

Part of the whole thing is people are convinced that they need the new iPhone XXVI. The unlimited talk,text.internet, cigarettelighting plan. The new 10 K 82 inch flat screen. They are buying vehicles with Bluetooth smart backup driverless tech. Most people are buying things that they don't need but are convinced they do.
2009? Really. How far back does a decade go? 10 years ago was 2009?
You should be happy he isn't doing his job.
You never wanted him to have it anyway.

That is the best answer to Deavey!

That boy complains when Trump does something and complains when Trump does nothing...

Can not make that partisan hack happy at all...

Now maybe RealDave can explain when Pelosi will do her job and bring that trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. up for a vote?

Talking about someone not doing their damn job!
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.

Most people understand that consensual sex between adults is not a subject for the US Senate. To use that to twist something into a lie is ridiculous.

LOL, Dave. Libs made a huge deal of President Trump's alleged (and false) dalliances with Russian hookers (reputedly the finest in the world) and now it "doesn't matter"?
Really? Most of us were already disgusted with Trumps immoral behavior.

That story has not been proven false.

Since when are libs ever disgusted by immoral behavior? Not a peep about the Clintons, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, McGreevey of NJ, etc. And BTW, the hotel mattress urination story wasn't "proven" true or false, Mueller didn't even bother going to the Russian Federation to take DNA samples off of ruined mattresses on Russian landfills.

We really do not know how people thought about Bill Clinton. Most of the affairs, etc did not come out until after his second election. Clinton had one charge of rape from a woman who had sworn under oath that it never happened. His other complaints were basically Clinton exposing himself & asking for sex.

Democrats toss out the offenders. Republicans re-elect them.

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