Trump avoids work again to lie in New Mexico

You should be happy he isn't doing his job.
You never wanted him to have it anyway.

That is the best answer to Deavey!

That boy complains when Trump does something and complains when Trump does nothing...

Can not make that partisan hack happy at all...

Now maybe RealDave can explain when Pelosi will do her job and bring that trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. up for a vote?

Talking about someone not doing their damn job!

Trump sasd he would not golf & do anything but work. He is a liar. I don't like liars. You do.

Pelosi already has lots of shit stacked up on Moscow Mitch's desk. Probably waiting for that to clear.
Please provide a list of corporate moguls who don’t do business with Russia.

Please provide a list of corporate moguls who do business with Russia, LIE THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT, and run for POTUS.

I'll help you. Trump. It's a very short list .............

Did you forget Walmart Bigwig Hillary Clinton, a corporate mogul who gave away 1/4 of America's plutonium reserves to the Russian Federation?

So, the thread is about HRC now?

Did she obtain loans from Russian banks connected to the Russian mafia nearly 3 decades ago, like Trump, and then LIE about being OWNED by Russian interests?

Why don't you go make your own little thread about Hillary? :9:

I think the point is that the sun never sets on the Trump Organization. Donald J. Trump does business around the globe and always has, the fact that some people of Russian ethnicity have done business with him is expected. Trump's name is synonymous with the idea of outstanding successes in the Field of Excellence, and people knew that long before he entered politics

What you either fail to understand, or admit is this: Trump FAILED financially decades ago.

At that point in time no US bank would loan $$$$$ to Trump & his sham companies.

Trump sought other sources for funding, namely Russian, Saudi, and German sources.

But that was NOT ENUFF for Trump; He had to go and LIE to the world about his sources of funding.

You & other Trump supporters are either naive & stupid, or you fully support a complete fraud & liar.

Neither one of those positions will offer you, or any Trump supporter a sliver of credibility.
You know who else runs the US and loses money hand over fist in failed endeavors?
Bill Gates.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Lies and thousands of blacks getting killed every year in towns run by democrats hmmmmm let’s lets focus on so called lies very politician is guilty of.. where is your priorities?

What in the heck do the murders of Americans of African descent have to do with anything on this thread? Is there a link here between what the orange whore says in his speeches and the murders of African-Americans?
Because you created a post that is irrelevant to America’s problems,, politicians have microphones in their face 24 hours a day if they could ,, do let’s post about America’s problems violence and murder
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

The Senate voted and found Kav innocent by a bipartisan majority.

And the libs definitely did accuse him of weekly gang rape parties in Montgomery County,, where girls were drugged and the guys lined up to commit the rapery.

There was no vote that he was innocent.

With the current state of dishonesty and dishonor of the republicans in the Senate, I think that they would vote for just about anything. They would vote for a child molester, so long as his victims were girls and not boys. They probably already have.
You should be happy he isn't doing his job.
You never wanted him to have it anyway.

That is the best answer to Deavey!

That boy complains when Trump does something and complains when Trump does nothing...

Can not make that partisan hack happy at all...

Now maybe RealDave can explain when Pelosi will do her job and bring that trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. up for a vote?

Talking about someone not doing their damn job!

Trump sasd he would not golf & do anything but work. He is a liar. I don't like liars. You do.

Pelosi already has lots of shit stacked up on Moscow Mitch's desk. Probably waiting for that to clear.

Ummm, Gun Control is not being passed in the Senate, so you know this already...

Pelosi is not wanting to put the trade deal up for a vote because of 2020 being around the corner...

So she is playing politics with people lives with not doing her job as usual...

Also Davey as I told you before you can look back to 2016 and note the many times I called Trump a charlatan, so why do you lie Davey?

Is it because you believe if I am not foaming at the mouth with hate like you have I must be a Trumpster?

Tell Pelosi to do her job and remember Davey fix your political party before demanding the other one need to be fixed...

Who am I kidding you believe the Democrats are never broken or have never lied once...
No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
You dumb F's think you're winning?? What have you won ?? The election with the help of Putin is all there is

Anyone who really believes all that "Russian" bullshit this far along, obviously has mental problems. Go get some help already, ok?

The TDS and leftist butthurtedness are epic in this thread. :laughing0301:

Oh sure; it's all fake, comrade :9:

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia - Wikipedia

Trump's business history with Russia is a long and colorful one
Please provide a list of corporate moguls who don’t do business with Russia.

Please provide a list of corporate moguls who do business with Russia, LIE THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT, and run for POTUS.

I'll help you. Trump. It's a very short list .............

I would say zero.

trump isn't a corporate mogul.

He played one on TV.
well, this would explain the inbred Jerry Falwell Jr.

The Falwell v Flynt case was thrown out because the Supreme Court determined that you would really have to be a moron to believe Flynt's lies.
So, I guess that's why RWNJs all believe tRump's lies then.
Did you jus
You watch WAY too much CNBC. The economy is slowing, just not to the extent the liberals want. The slowing is due to the rest of the world slowing. The liberal nuts in the EU are killing their economies and that will eventually spill over here. If one of the idiots on the left gets elected in 2020, we will quickly be in a recession because their idiotic answer to helping the economy is to raise taxes on individuals and corporations, add more regulations, allow China to continue to exploit us and the WTO, allow more illegals into our country and pay for their healthcare, forgive student debt, provide free college, provide a universal income for those unable OR unwilling to work, pass the Green New Deal, stop fracking, stay in the Paris Accord, etc. It is mind-boggling just how ignorant Democrats can be.
Your plan of tax cuts & increasing spending i is obviously the answer.

Seeing as how we're beating you Democrats by almost 3X in political campaign contributions, people seem to like our plan...

Republican Party Raises Record $23.5 Million in August
Rich people do. What a shocker.

I am so proud to be considered rich.
Republicans think Dems can't be rich

The two richest men in America are liberal democrats. Who started their businesses in the liberal democratic state of Washington.
This is what Trump does; this is what Trump has done his entire miserable life; LIE.

Recently Trump came to the defense of a SCOTUS justice after a report in the NYT.

Trump suggested that the justice take legal action against the NYT for libel.

Well, we see Trump has the same opportunity to take legal action against CNN in regard to this report.

From looking at the CNN article in the OP it would seem that CNN has already done their job of fact checking.

So, go ahead Trump; you lying sack of shit. Sue CNN for those 27 lies. But we all know you won't sue CNN for those lies; why?
Because that is all true.

Trump = lying sack of shit.

Trump's base = love a lying sack of shit.

I bet you’re ready to pay 70% of your income to taxes.

LOL, no one pays 70% of all of their income. Only a fool will suggest some pay that amount. Ooops.
The do-nothing democrats spend their time trying to undo the last presidential election and they accuse the President of "avoiding work". You gotta laugh.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

Giving speeches is a major part of the President's job, Dave.

As far as Fake News CNN's claims about their president, what do you expect from the leader in fake news.

Hasn't this week's attacks against Justice Kavanaugh taught you anything?

This is campaigning. Even a stupid fuck like you knows this but here you are lying for Trump.

AS for Kavanaugh,I learned that you assfucks embrace the most despicable, amoral people.

Kav was found by a majority of the Senate to be actually INNOCENT of organizing the Gang Rape Parties the libs accused him of.

Kavanaugh was not found to be innocent, that is a damn lie, as is the claim that "libs" accused him of organizing "Gang Rape Parties".

The Senate voted and found Kav innocent by a bipartisan majority.

And the libs definitely did accuse him of weekly gang rape parties in Montgomery County,, where girls were drugged and the guys lined up to commit the rapery.

Kavanaugh was confirmed by 52 votes, and rejected by 48. He was not found to be innocent, nor was the found to be guilty.

Provide the evidence that "libs" accused him of weekly gang rape parties. Or, admit you are a liar.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Fake news.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
Ah poor little thing. So you are unhappy that he is not in Washington, you are unhappy when he is. Kind of hard to make you happy, right?

I always love when one side complains about a candidate lying and somehow over looks the lies of their own side. It does no good to point them out b cause there is always going to be some way to excuse them.
Lying is as much a part of the political process as rallies.
Oh come off it. Yes, politicians lie (really more of an exaggeration thing usually) but tRump is setting new records for untruthfulness every single day. And he lies about stupid shit, like insisting that the Democratic party is really named the "Democrat" party or that he has built new wall. Things that are easily verifiable and/or well known.

And the tRumpkins lick it up and come screeching back for more! It's like they've all turned their brains off. Well, those that had them to start with that is.
Funny how many crazy people still defend the last retard that was in the White House for eight years. There are people that are cheerleaders for everyone of the Democratic candidates and you make fun of Trump voters. Wehen it comes to politics most have their crazy followers.
Go back to your country
Love that you could think of nothing to say. Good on you.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics

No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.

Wishful thinking ^^^
I believe that you meant to say that Dems are nothing but wishful thinking. Thanks for pointing that out.
No, you haven't had enough of this President. You're going to get four more years of him because we ain't no ways tired of winning.
We're not "winning." He's lying to you.
Lol. Considering how many have jobs, the rise in pay. We won't even mention that China is actually negotiating because their economy is collapsing. Dems have run completely of the rails and running full speed over the cliff.
Today’s typical wages have about the same purchasing power they did more than 40 years ago, according to the Pew Research Center. “The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 had the same purchasing power that $23.68 would today,” writes Pew’s Drew DeSilver. Plus, DeSilver points out, “what wage gains there have been have mostly flowed to the highest-paid tier of workers.”
Here's how much more Americans are earning in 2019 than they did in 2009

The average American is not doing any better than they were in the 70's.
Love how you play the crazy game. Wages have grown the fastest in over a decade. But it is funny that you had to include things from way back in 2009 to have a point.

Part of the whole thing is people are convinced that they need the new iPhone XXVI. The unlimited talk,text.internet, cigarettelighting plan. The new 10 K 82 inch flat screen. They are buying vehicles with Bluetooth smart backup driverless tech. Most people are buying things that they don't need but are convinced they do.
2009? Really. How far back does a decade go? 10 years ago was 2009?
I could be wrong here but Trump has hardly been in office that long. I know, I know crazies think he has.
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
I heard it was only 19.
Then impeach him.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Have you ever noticed that he has not done it under oath? Under oath means where you are required to tell the truth under penalty of law.
Oh I know law doesn't mean anything unless it helps your side, right?
You are correct. How dare we expect the Presidernt of the United States tell Americans the truth.,

What the fuck was I thinking@!!!
Damn you want to roast trump but forget about every other president that has ever been in the White House. You seem to have a small problem understanding the difference between being under oath and not being.well it just goes to prove that some have trouble with certain concepts.
BS you know it would be batting our heads against a wall In the senate sits the lowest of the low ,yellow cowards afraid to step out of line We call those scum republicans
Yeah, kinda like the scum Democrats that wouldn't convict Bill Clinton, huh.
A lie about a BJ Oh please ! Trump tells bigger whoppers every day "Who's gonna pay for that wall""
Have you ever noticed that he has not done it under oath? Under oath means where you are required to tell the truth under penalty of law.
Oh I know law doesn't mean anything unless it helps your side, right?
You are correct. How dare we expect the Presidernt of the United States tell Americans the truth.,

What the fuck was I thinking@!!!
Damn you want to roast trump but forget about every other president that has ever been in the White House. You seem to have a small problem understanding the difference between being under oath and not being.well it just goes to prove that some have trouble with certain concepts.
Max I know the diff,,,I also know that Trump is a lifetime slime bag and can't understand how anyone can support him ,,,
27 lies told at his rally ion New Mexico.

As we enter Trump's 5th (2 golfing 3 campaigning) day away from the White House (As tensions are high in the Middle East), it is bad enough he can't do his job.

But he returns to the campaign trail with 27 lies in one rally alone.

So, why does he lie? If everything is as great as he claims, he should be able to promote himself in a speech without lying. Right? Enough of this part time President.
Fact Check: Trump makes at least 27 false claims at New Mexico rally - CNNPolitics
CNN? They have to lie about the lies they told to remember the lies they lied about.

The only poles that are correct at CNN are the ones those whores dance on.
You dumb F's think you're winning?? What have you won ?? The election with the help of Putin is all there is

Anyone who really believes all that "Russian" bullshit this far along, obviously has mental problems. Go get some help already, ok?

The TDS and leftist butthurtedness are epic in this thread. :laughing0301:

Oh sure; it's all fake, comrade :9:

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia - Wikipedia

Trump's business history with Russia is a long and colorful one
Please provide a list of corporate moguls who don’t do business with Russia.

Please provide a list of corporate moguls who do business with Russia, LIE THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT, and run for POTUS.

I'll help you. Trump. It's a very short list .............

I would say zero.

trump isn't a corporate mogul.

He played one on TV.
Why do repubs think he won't release his financial records ? Think it just might be because he's not nearly as wealthy as he says or that he doesn't give shit to charity??? I'd put money on it

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