Trump awarded Nobel prize for ending Korean conflict

If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it. He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch. Live by partisanship, choke on it too.
If Trump pulls it off, he will get my praise. If he somehow screws up a sure thing, he will be condemned by history
Well, this is no sure thing. NK has a long history of lies and head fakes.

If he personally screws it up, that's one thing; if they just act per their history, that's another.

There needs to be some checks and balances. We need to proceed with lots of caution as they have played us well before.
Will that be a future headline on all the media outlets? .... :dunno:
Barry got it for 'unrealized potential'. Trump will have actually earned his.

If I were Trump and was offered the award I would politely decline. Barry got one for nothing, after which the ward lost a lot of prestige.

I am not saying this will lead to success, but it is worth a shot.

It's worth a shot doing the same thing which didn't work last time?

It's worth taking a shot when everyone can see what he's playing at?

Yes, because to do nothing is worse.

Is it? Your giving this guy what he wants. He'll just keep going.

It's like not dealing with a child properly. "Oh, if I give him sugar, he's quiet, so I'll keep on doing it. Not giving it to him is worse"

So you are all for doing what we have been doing for 25 years and getting 0 results. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!
It's worth a shot doing the same thing which didn't work last time?

It's worth taking a shot when everyone can see what he's playing at?

Yes, because to do nothing is worse.

Is it? Your giving this guy what he wants. He'll just keep going.

It's like not dealing with a child properly. "Oh, if I give him sugar, he's quiet, so I'll keep on doing it. Not giving it to him is worse"

So you are all for doing what we have been doing for 25 years and getting 0 results. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?
When HELL freezes over the democrat propaganda wing might president Trump credit for... SOMETHING.
uh he is contiuning the war in syria that bastards Bush and Obama started so highly unlikely and face facts,you are a disgrace to the human race the fact you are a hypocrite troll who ignores facts you cheer on a CRIMINAL organization the cheatriots and QB who is a criminal since he would be put behind bars had he been under oath for his outright are NO BETTER than the zionists hypocrite and hurt the cause of the palestines since you cant accept that fact about yourself and CHANGE your corrupt ways.

Obviously some bed wetter's posting bot is on the fritz, but what little of this was even distinguishable, that "Bush and the meat puppet faggot" started the Syrian war...

That isn't just the bot needing to be updated, it's proof that the programmer is a complete blithering idiot.


bed wetter faggot Sunni Man indeed. True that Bushwacker and Obomination started the war. By Trumps actions,I am afraid it looks like he is doing what Obama did though and is expanding it as well.

Bullshit. President Trump has not called for “regime change” with Assad, unlike the Hussein. We’re not going to war with Syria or Russia.

Yeah right...

Trump could cure cancer, AIDs, wipe out the common cold and flu, destroy every nuclear, bio and chemical weapon on earth, establish an abundant food supply for twice the population on earth, so that we used potatoes to supply the whole world with electricity, stopped using fossil fuels and the bed wetters would still hate him if George Soros' puppets told them too.

That's how stupid the left is, and the left awards NP's to terrorists like Arafat and bullshit frauds like algore and the meat puppet faggot.

It would diminish Trump's esteem if someone threw a NP at him if you ask me.

If he did ANY of that, I’d be grateful.
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.
You sure about that?
No, that's not what I mean. Certainly the Left wouldn't give him any credit for it. But the rest of the country would be totally justified in giving it to him.

That's just how silly partisan politics is. Never give credit for anything good to the other guys, and blame them hard for everything bad.

In other words, pure bullshit.

Two people in this thread already said they would, but sure; you keep right on playing both sides against the middle.
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.

He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch.

Live by partisanship, choke on it too.

You sure about that?

When the USSR finally shit the bed after Reagan beat them in the arms race, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so badly that a few million tribesmen in Afghanistan repulsed them with second class weapons we gave away did Reagan get any credit from the left?

From my perspective the left mourns the loss of the USSR. They DO NOT consider it a victory and they never viewed the USSR as the hell hole it was. They do not acknowledge that Stalin was far more brutal, repressive and evil than hitler was. They even insist to this day that hitler was "right wing". Of course he might have been compared to the modern left, but so was JFK by a wide margin.

Does Reagan get any credit at all for the decade of unprecedented prosperity not only in the US, but across europe as our technology helped them recover and flourish?

If you ask a moonbat things only got worse under Reagan, and it's a shame we were not liberated by soviet troops.

Are you fucking kidding me. My entire life I’ve been aware of what Russia is and what they are capable of. It’s completely flipped me the fuck out that the right is fine with anything that Russia says or does these days. For reasons which completely escape me, they do not want an investigation into Russian’s actions in our last election. I do not know why.

I’ve read a lot of shit on this board over the past several months but this post pretty much takes the cake.
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.

He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch.

Live by partisanship, choke on it too.

You sure about that?

When the USSR finally shit the bed after Reagan beat them in the arms race, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so badly that a few million tribesmen in Afghanistan repulsed them with second class weapons we gave away did Reagan get any credit from the left?

From my perspective the left mourns the loss of the USSR. They DO NOT consider it a victory and they never viewed the USSR as the hell hole it was. They do not acknowledge that Stalin was far more brutal, repressive and evil than hitler was. They even insist to this day that hitler was "right wing". Of course he might have been compared to the modern left, but so was JFK by a wide margin.

Does Reagan get any credit at all for the decade of unprecedented prosperity not only in the US, but across europe as our technology helped them recover and flourish?

If you ask a moonbat things only got worse under Reagan, and it's a shame we were not liberated by soviet troops.

Are you fucking kidding me. My entire life I’ve been aware of what Russia is and what they are capable of. It’s completely flipped me the fuck out that the right is fine with anything that Russia says or does these days. For reasons which completely escape me, they do not want an investigation into Russian’s actions in our last election. I do not know why.

I’ve read a lot of shit on this board over the past several months but this post pretty much takes the cake.

The right is fine with anything Russia says are does these days?

You idiots play both sides all the time. No matter what happens, you spit stupidity out both sides of your filthy mouth.

WHO WAS IT.... that allowed Russia to waltz into Crimea and start a war with Ukraine?

WHO WAS IT... that allowed Russia to directly support the Syrian government?

WHO WAS IT.... that attacked Mitt Romney in 2012 saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,”?


You wonder why no right-wingers care what you left-wingers say? It's because you are so full of hypocrisy, lies, and fifth, that none of us could care less what you think about ANYTHING.

You are trash. You are a trash human, with trash opinions, and trash moral values.

You are the reason Assad is gassing his people with Russian chemical weapons. You the reason that Russia is still killing people in Ukraine. You are the reason Russia is a global threat today.

Everything that is happening today, is due to the lack of integrity, you and those like you have displayed.

You want to complain about who is at fault over Putin? Look in your mirror.

Until you own up to your responsibility, none of us on the right will ever give a crap what you think about anything.
Yes, because to do nothing is worse.

Is it? Your giving this guy what he wants. He'll just keep going.

It's like not dealing with a child properly. "Oh, if I give him sugar, he's quiet, so I'll keep on doing it. Not giving it to him is worse"

So you are all for doing what we have been doing for 25 years and getting 0 results. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.

He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch.

Live by partisanship, choke on it too.

You sure about that?

When the USSR finally shit the bed after Reagan beat them in the arms race, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so badly that a few million tribesmen in Afghanistan repulsed them with second class weapons we gave away did Reagan get any credit from the left?

From my perspective the left mourns the loss of the USSR. They DO NOT consider it a victory and they never viewed the USSR as the hell hole it was. They do not acknowledge that Stalin was far more brutal, repressive and evil than hitler was. They even insist to this day that hitler was "right wing". Of course he might have been compared to the modern left, but so was JFK by a wide margin.

Does Reagan get any credit at all for the decade of unprecedented prosperity not only in the US, but across europe as our technology helped them recover and flourish?

If you ask a moonbat things only got worse under Reagan, and it's a shame we were not liberated by soviet troops.

Are you fucking kidding me. My entire life I’ve been aware of what Russia is and what they are capable of. It’s completely flipped me the fuck out that the right is fine with anything that Russia says or does these days. For reasons which completely escape me, they do not want an investigation into Russian’s actions in our last election. I do not know why.

I’ve read a lot of shit on this board over the past several months but this post pretty much takes the cake.

The right is fine with anything Russia says are does these days?

You idiots play both sides all the time. No matter what happens, you spit stupidity out both sides of your filthy mouth.

WHO WAS IT.... that allowed Russia to waltz into Crimea and start a war with Ukraine?

WHO WAS IT... that allowed Russia to directly support the Syrian government?

WHO WAS IT.... that attacked Mitt Romney in 2012 saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,”?


You wonder why no right-wingers care what you left-wingers say? It's because you are so full of hypocrisy, lies, and fifth, that none of us could care less what you think about ANYTHING.

You are trash. You are a trash human, with trash opinions, and trash moral values.

You are the reason Assad is gassing his people with Russian chemical weapons. You the reason that Russia is still killing people in Ukraine. You are the reason Russia is a global threat today.

Everything that is happening today, is due to the lack of integrity, you and those like you have displayed.

You want to complain about who is at fault over Putin? Look in your mirror.

Until you own up to your responsibility, none of us on the right will ever give a crap what you think about anything.

Okay. As stated previously, I just have a really tough time interacting with the criminally insane so I'm going to go now, you're on ignore, have a lovely evening, don't forget to take your meds.
Is it? Your giving this guy what he wants. He'll just keep going.

It's like not dealing with a child properly. "Oh, if I give him sugar, he's quiet, so I'll keep on doing it. Not giving it to him is worse"

So you are all for doing what we have been doing for 25 years and getting 0 results. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.
So you are all for doing what we have been doing for 25 years and getting 0 results. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.
You sure about that?
No, that's not what I mean. Certainly the Left wouldn't give him any credit for it. But the rest of the country would be totally justified in giving it to him.

That's just how silly partisan politics is. Never give credit for anything good to the other guys, and blame them hard for everything bad.

In other words, pure bullshit.

Two people in this thread already said they would, but sure; you keep right on playing both sides against the middle.
It's so easy. Both ends of the spectrum are so consistently similar in their behaviors.

Whether you want to admit it or not.
That's clearly not what I said.

You're the one talking about using a similar strategy to the one Bush Dubya used. That didn't work, by the way, but made Bush look good for a while.

For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.
For most of the last 25 years we have just ignored them and sanctioned the suit out of them, it hasn't worked. The only thing we are going to do is try to sit down and talk with them. Sanctions are still on them, everything else is the same but they well talk. Let's give it a try, it is doubtful it will lead to anything meaningful, but to do nothing is stupid!

You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.
You're making the assumption that there is a solution. Why?

Why should the US get to dictate what happens in North Korea anyway? It's no where near the US.

Is the US the world's government?

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

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