Trump awarded Nobel prize for ending Korean conflict

I do not know if there is a solution, do you. What is the harm of talking to them! Doing nothing has worked so well has it not!

I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

You have to explore every avenue. And where did I say drop sanctions. Obviously certain strict criteria need be met for this to happen. So yes keep trying how is doing nothing been working for ya?
I know what the situation is with China, and I know the US can't do anything because China won't allow that to happen.

The US wants something it can't have. That's it. Simple as.

So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

You have to explore every avenue. And where did I say drop sanctions. Obviously certain strict criteria need be met for this to happen. So yes keep trying how is doing nothing been working for ya?

I said drop sanctions because this is what they did in 2007.

You do know what happened in 2007 and 2008 right? Please to God tell me you have the slightest clue what happened then.
So just give up, unacceptable!

And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

You have to explore every avenue. And where did I say drop sanctions. Obviously certain strict criteria need be met for this to happen. So yes keep trying how is doing nothing been working for ya?

I said drop sanctions because this is what they did in 2007.

You do know what happened in 2007 and 2008 right? Please to God tell me you have the slightest clue what happened then.

Yup I do, I am saying lets sit down and listen, you just never know.
Our awesome Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. .... :thup:

Yet, this is what gets a Nobel Peace Prize

The Obama Legacy:

1. The largest number of refugees in the history of the world were wandering around the planet as a direct result of Barack Obama’s incompetence in the Middle East and North Africa, ….some 65 million refugees….more than during or after WWII….due to Barack Obama’s blithering idiocy.

2. Obama ... the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and he gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in our young people.....
....with the proceeds paying for IEDs that they use on our soldiers.
And what do you want to achieve?

Most of it will be impossible and it's pretty clear what most of that is.

So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

You have to explore every avenue. And where did I say drop sanctions. Obviously certain strict criteria need be met for this to happen. So yes keep trying how is doing nothing been working for ya?

I said drop sanctions because this is what they did in 2007.

You do know what happened in 2007 and 2008 right? Please to God tell me you have the slightest clue what happened then.

Yup I do, I am saying lets sit down and listen, you just never know.

Except we do know.....

Being taken for a ride....
"This is an enormous gamble by a very unprepared president. This president we know doesn't read. He gets impatient in briefings, and he doesn't have a team in place to deal with North Korea. Other than that, what could go wrong?"
So your answer is do nothing? Of course the goal would be denuclearization. Is it achievable, ya prolly not so just quit and do nothing when even the slimmest of chances is there and it will cost you NOTHING to try? Sounds like doing nothing would be lazy and stupid.

Yes, do nothing.

You want North Korea to denuclearize. Okay. They did that in 2007, they got North Korea to "denuclearize" and got rid of sanctions and gave them a load of things in return.

How'd that work out for ya?

You have to explore every avenue. And where did I say drop sanctions. Obviously certain strict criteria need be met for this to happen. So yes keep trying how is doing nothing been working for ya?

I said drop sanctions because this is what they did in 2007.

You do know what happened in 2007 and 2008 right? Please to God tell me you have the slightest clue what happened then.

Yup I do, I am saying lets sit down and listen, you just never know.

Except we do know.....

Being taken for a ride....

Except we don't know because they haven't sit down to talk.
President Trump ended the North Korean conflict.

He deserves the Nobel Prize more than anybody else!

Yeah while I am not thrilled with his actions in Syria,I do tip my cap off to him for ending that conflict.:thup:
word is the deep state it trying to sabotoge it and blame it all on trump in falling apart so lets see what happens on that.

You know the fact Trump IS fighting the deep state,maybe the bombings in Syria were NOT approved by him,thats very possible,something i could very well have overlooked.
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.

He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch.

Live by partisanship, choke on it too.

You sure about that?

When the USSR finally shit the bed after Reagan beat them in the arms race, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so badly that a few million tribesmen in Afghanistan repulsed them with second class weapons we gave away did Reagan get any credit from the left?

From my perspective the left mourns the loss of the USSR. They DO NOT consider it a victory and they never viewed the USSR as the hell hole it was. They do not acknowledge that Stalin was far more brutal, repressive and evil than hitler was. They even insist to this day that hitler was "right wing". Of course he might have been compared to the modern left, but so was JFK by a wide margin.

Does Reagan get any credit at all for the decade of unprecedented prosperity not only in the US, but across europe as our technology helped them recover and flourish?

If you ask a moonbat things only got worse under Reagan, and it's a shame we were not liberated by soviet troops.

you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and the corporate controlled media in their hero worshipping and propaganda on Reagan.NONE of that happened. Here is the REAL Reagan exposed in post# 45 of mine in all these links here.
Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

Here is the REAL truth.:D The OP is an excellent read as well by that poster.the title of that thread is so dead on the truth:up:
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Yeah right...

Trump could cure cancer, AIDs, wipe out the common cold and flu, destroy every nuclear, bio and chemical weapon on earth, establish an abundant food supply for twice the population on earth, so that we used potatoes to supply the whole world with electricity, stopped using fossil fuels and the bed wetters would still hate him if George Soros' puppets told them too.

That's how stupid the left is, and the left awards NP's to terrorists like Arafat and bullshit frauds like algore and the meat puppet faggot.

It would diminish Trump's esteem if someone threw a NP at him if you ask me.

I WOULD applaud this post of yours but it seems you are one of those sheep who only likes Trump because he is a REPUBLICAN.That if he was democrat you would not like him at all the fact you have never looked at the REAL truth on Reagan where i exposed him for the murdering evil traiter he REALLY was in my previous post i just made to you a few minutes ago.

My experience with people on the net is they NEVER can admit when they have been proven wrong and never will take the time to look at the evidence of a president that they have liked so much over the years unable to deal with the facts they have been defending a criminal their whole lives so something tells me of course,you will not bother to look at that evidence or read it and will just dismiss it.

Happens here EVERYDAY at USMB.:rolleyes:
Yes let's get a show of hands in the world of people that think Kim Jong Batshit is going to a) entirely denuclearize and b) live up to ANY agreement he signs. He's doing exactly what he and his numbnut father did the past 20 years, scare everyone, then make nicey nice to get a huge aid package, then ignore any deal they signed.

But Un like Putin know Trump is a child pretending to be an adult and will be easily fooled. Sorry Charlie.

this being a post from a paid shill and the fact that he OTHER paid shill USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger liked the post,proves none of this post is true so we can all take comfort in knowing that NONE of that will happen.LOL:thup:
What republicrat has taken a hard line against the Norks? Name ONE.

The Norks were not even on the fuckin radar until Bush 43 who wore the same soft mittens the Clinton regime wore when they gave the fuckers nuclear technology.


Have you thought about reading a book (or even wikipedia) on the nuclear history of N. Korea instead of listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.

The N. Korean nuclear framework, like the Iranian nuclear deal did the one thing that prevents a country from making nuclear weapons, and that's access to the nuclear material. We can't control technology, in fact bomb designs from the days of slide rules are available on the internet.

He indeed listens wayyy too much to Rush Limbaugh and Hannity. makes sense how he has been brainwashed on Reagan and does not know the REAL facts about him.LOL
Peace Prize?

Gotta start multiple wars to get one like Obumble earned.

Yeah sadly,the world view has a different idea of what a Nobel Peace Prize now than back in the good old days when patriot and hero MLK got one.:rolleyes: That is WHY Trump wont get one.You got to start multiple wars across the country as Bush and Obama did. Bush being white is WHY he did not get one as Obomination did.:D
If this happens, he gets the credit. It's on his watch. That's it.

He'll sure as hell get blame for anything BAD that happens on his watch.

Live by partisanship, choke on it too.

You sure about that?

When the USSR finally shit the bed after Reagan beat them in the arms race, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so badly that a few million tribesmen in Afghanistan repulsed them with second class weapons we gave away did Reagan get any credit from the left?

From my perspective the left mourns the loss of the USSR. They DO NOT consider it a victory and they never viewed the USSR as the hell hole it was. They do not acknowledge that Stalin was far more brutal, repressive and evil than hitler was. They even insist to this day that hitler was "right wing". Of course he might have been compared to the modern left, but so was JFK by a wide margin.

Does Reagan get any credit at all for the decade of unprecedented prosperity not only in the US, but across europe as our technology helped them recover and flourish?

If you ask a moonbat things only got worse under Reagan, and it's a shame we were not liberated by soviet troops.

Are you fucking kidding me. My entire life I’ve been aware of what Russia is and what they are capable of. It’s completely flipped me the fuck out that the right is fine with anything that Russia says or does these days. For reasons which completely escape me, they do not want an investigation into Russian’s actions in our last election. I do not know why.

I’ve read a lot of shit on this board over the past several months but this post pretty much takes the cake.

Are you fucking kidding me. My entire life I’ve been aware of what Russia is and what they are capable of. It’s completely flipped me the fuck out that the right is fine with anything that Russia says or does these days. For reasons which completely escape me, they do not want an investigation into Russian’s actions in our last election. I do not know why.

I’ve read a lot of shit on this board over the past several months but this post pretty much takes the cake.


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