Trump awarded Nobel prize for ending Korean conflict

Will that be a future headline on all the media outlets? .... :dunno:

"Koreans Unite Despite Trump's Bungling"

Very accurate headline

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Trump doesn't need the media's accolades that's the great thing about Trump.

That is why he whines like a 12 year old on Twitter when people do not thank him or when the media does not cover his amazingness

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Trump calls out the left's lies, this gives you people butthurt.

Trump whines like a 12 year old girl and that gives you people a woody and circle jerk material

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"This is an enormous gamble by a very unprepared president. This president we know doesn't read. He gets impatient in briefings, and he doesn't have a team in place to deal with North Korea. Other than that, what could go wrong?"
Cretins' Credentialism

Doing things the Ambitious Imbecile "educated" way has always gone wrong. "Experts" are liars for hire.
Yes let's get a show of hands in the world of people that think Kim Jong Batshit is going to a) entirely denuclearize and b) live up to ANY agreement he signs. He's doing exactly what he and his numbnut father did the past 20 years, scare everyone, then make nicey nice to get a huge aid package, then ignore any deal they signed.

But Un like Putin know Trump is a child pretending to be an adult and will be easily fooled. Sorry Charlie.

this being a post from a paid shill and the fact that he OTHER paid shill USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger liked the post,proves none of this post is true so we can all take comfort in knowing that NONE of that will happen.LOL:thup:

Trump doesn't need the media's accolades that's the great thing about Trump.

That is why he whines like a 12 year old on Twitter when people do not thank him or when the media does not cover his amazingness

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Trump calls out the left's lies, this gives you people butthurt.

Trump whines like a 12 year old girl and that gives you people a woody and circle jerk material

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You libs are just mad that we finally have a POTUS who stands up to you filthy lying scumbags, suck it.
Trump doesn't need the media's accolades that's the great thing about Trump.

That is why he whines like a 12 year old on Twitter when people do not thank him or when the media does not cover his amazingness

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Trump calls out the left's lies, this gives you people butthurt.

Trump whines like a 12 year old girl and that gives you people a woody and circle jerk material

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You libs are just mad that we finally have a POTUS who stands up to you filthy lying scumbags, suck it.

The only thing Trump stands up to is the McDonalds counter

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Trump doesn't need the media's accolades that's the great thing about Trump.

That is why he whines like a 12 year old on Twitter when people do not thank him or when the media does not cover his amazingness

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Trump calls out the left's lies, this gives you people butthurt.

Trump whines like a 12 year old girl and that gives you people a woody and circle jerk material

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You libs are just mad that we finally have a POTUS who stands up to you filthy lying scumbags, suck it.

The only thing Trump stands up to is the McDonalds counter

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Are you in 2nd grade?
Very unlikely. Just look at who hands out awards like the Nobel Peace Prize. It's Left/Globalist wankers. They only give each other awards. I mean, how the fluck did Hussein Obama get a bleepin 'Peace Prize?' He bombed more countries than his predecessor did. The answer is, he was a fellow Left/Globalist wanker. So no, there will be no Nobel for Trump.
Very unlikely. Just look at who hands out awards like the Nobel Peace Prize. It's Left/Globalist wankers. They only give each other awards. I mean, how the fluck did Hussein Obama get a bleepin 'Peace Prize?' He bombed more countries than his predecessor did. The answer is, he was a fellow Left/Globalist wanker. So no, there will be no Nobel for Trump.

Alfred Nobel was insanely wealthy and made his money inventing/selling dynamite, explosives, and arms used in wars. And the left accepts his money? Talk about hypocrisy.
Very unlikely. Just look at who hands out awards like the Nobel Peace Prize. It's Left/Globalist wankers. They only give each other awards. I mean, how the fluck did Hussein Obama get a bleepin 'Peace Prize?' He bombed more countries than his predecessor did. The answer is, he was a fellow Left/Globalist wanker. So no, there will be no Nobel for Trump.

Alfred Nobel was insanely wealthy and made his money inventing/selling dynamite, explosives, and arms used in wars. And the left accepts his money? Talk about hypocrisy.

It's just Left/Globalist wankers giving each other awards. It's pretty much like the US Oscar awards. I mean, Hussein Obama and Al Gore getting 'Peace Prizes', says it all. Trump would never receive a Nobel Prize. It is what it is.
Trump awarded Nobel prize for ending Korean conflict
Isn't it the US that keeps the conflict going? I mean, what's stopping peace being declared?
If Trump doesn't get the Nobel Peace Prize, we should just end the Nobel Peace Price or rename it the Nobel War Crimes Prize, which would then make sense for why Obama won.
Yeah, considering Hussein and Al Gore got one, the award has lost a lotta credibility. They did absolutely nothing for world peace. Trump's already accomplished much more in just under 2yrs in office. But he isn't a fellow Left/Globalist, so don't count on him getting the award.

I would wager the two Korean leaders get it. They have achieved a historic peace agreement. And that's gonna splode a lotta heads. Kim Jon Un, a Nobel Peace Price winner? That would be very interesting.

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