Trump: Barr will prosecute the Deep State.

Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

Telling us your wet dreams.

OK bbb1, I'll remind you of your prediction if/when the FISA court indicts for illegal surveillance...

bookmarked this thread so in a year we can see what progress has been made
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.
Who da fuck cares about the UN small arms treaty. They don't rule us......if they don't like it who the hell cares...................

Trample on the Constitution as the left purposely ignores the laws of the land regarding immigration. Sanctuary Cities.............and refuse to HONOR their OATH OF OFFICE regarding our immigration laws. They only Honor the Loop Holes................And would have us ruled by foreign Nations.

Will some peons get nailed..........Maybe.........other than that it will be a dog and pny show. Not going to happen. Enjoy the show.
Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

Telling us your wet dreams.

OK bbb1, I'll remind you of your prediction if/when the FISA court indicts for illegal surveillance...
The FISA court and FISA Appointed judge APPROVED the warrant.

If a warrant is alleged to be wrongly issued, there is a process to remedy it... with 3 FISA judges reviewing it, and monetary restitution for the person wrongly for every day they were illegally under surveillance... No one is locked up....
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The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

So, if Barr ends up no prosecuting anyone, does that mean there is no deep state?

Gotta love this DS blame game , pops up everytime things don't go their way.

The thing they miss is, the DFS, Swamp, whatever one calls it are all the political influences $$$ greases Washington's ride

They are us


There has to be a bad guy, nothing rallies the faithful like a enemy to be afraid of, and fear is also a tool of control...that is why there is always a boogieman out there, or so we are told
The Democrat Party coup on a duly elected President should be an event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime!

Donald Trump accepting the help of Russia is a event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime.
Let me know when Trump tells Putin to wait till the next election, so he can work for him better. Then you can call him a traitor. Oh wait!
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.

Watching the the Left defend the Constitution is a joke when they yell and scream that it was written by white slaveowners. It is further sickening to watch the Left choose the UN as some moral authority over US.
Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

Telling us your wet dreams.

OK bbb1, I'll remind you of your prediction if/when the FISA court indicts for illegal surveillance...
The FISA court and FISA Appointed judge APPROVED the warrant.

If a warrant is alleged to be wrongly issued, there is a process to remedy it... with 3 visa judges reviewing it, and monetary restitution for the person wrongly harmed........ No one is locked up....

Joe Digenova said on FXN that the NSA caught (4) guys for illegal surveillance. I don't know if that's true or not, but I think it wasn't related to the Carter Page FISA warrant that was based on the unverified Steele dossier. So it looks to me that there are two tracks for FISA abuse indictments. (Joe Digenova was one of the lawyers who wrote the FISA law)
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The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.

Watching the the Left defend the Constitution is a joke when they yell and scream that it was written by white slaveowners. It is further sickening to watch the Left choose the UN as some moral authority over US.
We, helped create the UN for OUR purpose and benefit.... we headquartered it in NYC for our purpose and benefit. A history course could help you....?
There is no person in the so called Deep State in our gvt now, deeper in to it, than AG Barr....

Anyone, that knows anything at all about Barr, KNOWS THAT....

He is as deep as it goes.
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.

Watching the the Left defend the Constitution is a joke when they yell and scream that it was written by white slaveowners. It is further sickening to watch the Left choose the UN as some moral authority over US.
We, helped create the UN for OUR purpose and benefit.... we headquartered it in NYC for our purpose and benefit. A history course could help you....?

The US pays about 22% of the UN funding. I thought it was more than the $674m, I'm not sure we're getting enough of a return on investment. The "majority" of UN countries doesn't seem very appreciative.
Visualize the World’s Funding for the United Nations
Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

Telling us your wet dreams.

OK bbb1, I'll remind you of your prediction if/when the FISA court indicts for illegal surveillance...
The FISA court and FISA Appointed judge APPROVED the warrant.

If a warrant is alleged to be wrongly issued, there is a process to remedy it... with 3 visa judges reviewing it, and monetary restitution for the person wrongly harmed........ No one is locked up....

Joe Digenova said on FXN that the NSA caught (4) guys for illegal surveillance. I don't know if that's true or not, but I think it wasn't related to the Carter Page FISA warrant that was based on the unverified Steele dossier. So it looks to me that there are two tracks for FISA abuse indictments. (Joe Digenova was one of the lawyers who write the FISA law)
First, even with the "Release the Memo" campaign of Nunes etc and the release of it, then the democratic release of the parts the R's left out, that shows the Dossier or any unverified allegation, was a major part of the FISA warrant evidence given for probable cause... the Carter page Fisa Warrant application and evidence, was 400 pages, the Dossier's mentioning of Carter Page, was just a handful of paragraphs that could have been used, if it was used at all...

the other 399 pages for the FISA for Page, was other evidence turned in to support the probable cause... and BASIS for the FISA.

In addition to this, the FBI can use unverified information, and can use informants as support, in their FISA requests to the Judge... there is nothing illegal in doing so.,, as long as they have lots of other support as their basis. And the FISA Judges weighs it all together, before they make their decisions.

I have heard nothing about the NSA finding 4 guys illegally surveiling anyone on the Trump team or Trump....? How in the world would Joe DeGenova know anything about that...? Was someone illegally LEAKING this to him???
I'm posting above my pay grade here, you know the law way better than I:

The main points of my argument, based on the cable TV talking heads is:
1. Carter Page was as innocent as they come. He was a Merrill Lynch employee somehow working with Russians?! I wonder what the basis was for the surveillance?? After all the FISA surveillance (4 FISA renewals?) Carter Page is still innocent. It was a political hit job on Trump based on the "two hop rule" meaning that the entire Trump campaign could legally be spied on using the Carter Page FISA warrant. Nothing regarding conspiracy was ever found, as confirmed by Mueller. The FISA surveillance was a political dirty trick by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history.
2. Its my understanding that the FISA application had no independently verified evidence regarding the Steele Dossier, and yet at the top of each page were the words "Verified Data". So the 400 pages was total bullshit, or Carter page would have been charged with something.
3. Its my further understanding that if the FISA court was lied to they can prosecute the ones who swore that the application was correct.
4. Can we believe what Joe DeGenova said? We'll see...
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.

Watching the the Left defend the Constitution is a joke when they yell and scream that it was written by white slaveowners. It is further sickening to watch the Left choose the UN as some moral authority over US.
We, helped create the UN for OUR purpose and benefit.... we headquartered it in NYC for our purpose and benefit. A history course could help you....?

If so. That was then, this is now. Kill off all costly failed ideas quickly.
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

The Dawn of the Right Wing Fruitcakes.

Trump and his acolytes could care less about the Constitution. Trump tramples on the Constitution constantly.

The UN small arms treaty is a prime example of the lies the far right espouses.

Watching the the Left defend the Constitution is a joke when they yell and scream that it was written by white slaveowners. It is further sickening to watch the Left choose the UN as some moral authority over US.
We, helped create the UN for OUR purpose and benefit.... we headquartered it in NYC for our purpose and benefit. A history course could help you....?

I know the history. How’s that working out for US? Third world dictators with egregious human rights violations sitting around a table in Manhattan wagging their fingers at US.
There is the IG (Horowitz), there is the FISA court and the NSA, there is Barr and the FBI/DOJ and then there are the other investigators/leakers. So the crap will start hitting the impeller in a few weeks. I don't want to build it up too much, I'd rather be surprised at the number of indictments....

You forgot Rosenstein, he is very coup plotting deep state :rolleyes:
1. Carter Page was as innocent as they come. He was a Merrill Lynch employee somehow working with Russians?! I wonder what the basis was for the surveillance?? After all the FISA surveillance (4 FISA renewals?) Carter Page is still innocent. It was a political hit job on Trump based on the "two hop rule" meaning that the entire Trump campaign could legally be spied on using the Carter Page FISA warrant. Nothing regarding conspiracy was ever found, as confirmed by Mueller. The FISA surveillance was a political dirty trick by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history.

Thats a bunch of bull.

Carter was a known Russian spy ring cooperator and those Russians even joked that he flies out to Moscow more often then they do. Incidently thats exactly where he headed after his time with the Trump campaign, where he met with high level Gasprom execs.

He was behaving conspicous as hell, even if he evaded any charges.

House Intelligence Committee testimony
On November 2, 2017, Page testified[50] to the House Intelligence Committee that he had he kept senior officials in the Trump campaign such as Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, and J. D. Gordon informed about his contacts with the Russians[51] and had informed Jeff Sessions, Lewandowski, Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016.[52][53][54]

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[55] He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[56] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[52][55][57][58] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.[59]

Page also testified that after delivering a commencement speech at the New Economic School in Moscow, he spoke briefly with one of the people in attendance, Arkady Dvorkovich, a Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet, contradicting his previous statements not to have spoken to anyone connected with the Russian government.[60] In addition, while Page denied a meeting with Sechin as alleged in the Trump–Russia dossier, he did say he met with Andrey Baranov, Rosneft's head of investor relations.[61] The dossier alleges that Sechin offered Page the brokerage fee from the sale of up to 19 percent of Rosneft if he worked to roll back Magnitsky Act economic sanctions that had been imposed on Russia in 2012.[61][62][63] It also alleges that Page confirmed, on Trump's "full authority", that this was Trump's intent.[61][64][65][66][67][68] Page testified that he did not "directly" express support for lifting the sanctions during the meeting with Baranov, but that he might have mentioned the proposed Rosneft transaction.[61]

Carter Page - Wikipedia
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