Trump: Barr will prosecute the Deep State.

Mueller prosecuted several people for lying as part of the collusion investigation, wonder how many lied during the Clinton investigation? I'm guessing (hoping) this time there won't be any immunities granted.

Look, I know how it is, proving somebody guilty of something in the court of public opinion is easier than doing so in a court of law. I find it difficult to believe that Clinton or Obama or anyone in the upper reaches of gov't will be convicted on anything other than maybe lying. Seems like that's the way it is these days, the big fish swim away and the little ones don't. But we probably should be told in detail about what went on; did people within the Obama Administration use the DOJ and FBI for political purposes, and did the top echelons within those agencies allow it to happen? My guess is, yes they did. Chances are, what we'll wind up with is that there is evidence to support wrong-doing but not enough to indict or convict.
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe

So, if Barr ends up no prosecuting anyone, does that mean there is no deep state?
No. Barr will NOT prosecute anyone because he'll still need a job after he is done with the AG gig.

I hate to break it to those on the right, but no one is going to be held accountable.

They never are and never will be. They have all the power and no amount of evidence is going to change the fact that they protect their own.
Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

The FISA court doesn't issue indictments, moron.
Ok, how about "seek indictments"?

For crying out loud, do you not know anything about how your government works? No, the FISA court does not seek indictments, they do not issue indictments, they don't saute indictments in a nice white wine reduction.

The purpose of the FISA court is to provide a classified setting for the government to obtain surveillance warrants and to [allegedly] provide oversight to prevent abuses by intelligence gathering agencies.

Jesus Christ, you are a moron. The FISA court doesn't fight the deep state. They are the deep state.
1. Carter Page was as innocent as they come. He was a Merrill Lynch employee somehow working with Russians?! I wonder what the basis was for the surveillance?? After all the FISA surveillance (4 FISA renewals?) Carter Page is still innocent. It was a political hit job on Trump based on the "two hop rule" meaning that the entire Trump campaign could legally be spied on using the Carter Page FISA warrant. Nothing regarding conspiracy was ever found, as confirmed by Mueller. The FISA surveillance was a political dirty trick by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history.

Thats a bunch of bull.

Carter was a known Russian spy ring cooperator and those Russians even joked that he flies out to Moscow more often then they do. Incidently thats exactly where he headed after his time with the Trump campaign, where he met with high level Gasprom execs.

He was behaving conspicuous as hell, even if he evaded any charges.

House Intelligence Committee testimony
On November 2, 2017, Page testified[50] to the House Intelligence Committee that he had he kept senior officials in the Trump campaign such as Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, and J. D. Gordon informed about his contacts with the Russians[51] and had informed Jeff Sessions, Lewandowski, Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016.[52][53][54]

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[55] He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[56] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[52][55][57][58] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.[59]

Page also testified that after delivering a commencement speech at the New Economic School in Moscow, he spoke briefly with one of the people in attendance, Arkady Dvorkovich, a Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet, contradicting his previous statements not to have spoken to anyone connected with the Russian government.[60] In addition, while Page denied a meeting with Sechin as alleged in the Trump–Russia dossier, he did say he met with Andrey Baranov, Rosneft's head of investor relations.[61] The dossier alleges that Sechin offered Page the brokerage fee from the sale of up to 19 percent of Rosneft if he worked to roll back Magnitsky Act economic sanctions that had been imposed on Russia in 2012.[61][62][63] It also alleges that Page confirmed, on Trump's "full authority", that this was Trump's intent.[61][64][65][66][67][68] Page testified that he did not "directly" express support for lifting the sanctions during the meeting with Baranov, but that he might have mentioned the proposed Rosneft transaction.[61]

Carter Page - Wikipedia

Ok, what charges against Carter Page justified the FISA warrant, and 4 renewals? hint: none
If he was a spy he would have been outed by the surveillance. So the surveillance on Carter Page was a ruse to spy on the Trump campaign. Why would Merrill-Lynch hire a Russian spy? You think they don't have internal security? Can you say nothingburger?
There is the IG (Horowitz), there is the FISA court and the NSA, there is Barr and the FBI/DOJ and then there are the other investigators/leakers. So the crap will start hitting the impeller in a few weeks. I don't want to build it up too much, I'd rather be surprised at the number of indictments....

Why don't you hold your breathe while you wait for those indictments.

No cheating now!
Not only Barr, the FISA court will probably issue indictments before Barr.
Then Barr and Horowitz will keep the "deep state" ball rolling...

The FISA court doesn't issue indictments, moron.
Ok, how about "seek indictments"?

For crying out loud, do you not know anything about how your government works? No, the FISA court does not seek indictments, they do not issue indictments, they don't saute indictments in a nice white wine reduction.

The purpose of the FISA court is to provide a classified setting for the government to obtain surveillance warrants and to [allegedly] provide oversight to prevent abuses by intelligence gathering agencies.

Jesus Christ, you are a moron. The FISA court doesn't fight the deep state. They are the deep state.

Ok we'll see. Joe DeGenova said that the NSA caught illegal surveillance and that the FISA court was going to do something about it. Either he was lying, or you don't know what you are talking about.
The FISA Court almost NEVER turns down requests from the NSA, FBI, and other Gov't is a blank check...................It has requirements to get the warrants for SPYING but it always gives the Green Light.

Even in a case trying to use the Logan act to get surveillance using TRUMPED UP BS to do so...............The Logan Act in itself is a COMPLETE JOKE..............No one has ever been convicted of it............and any judge that would allow it is a JOKE as well..............

This is a set up from the hide the abuse of power from our own government that we've allowed to have too much power................

A few Peons may get burned from this in retalliation to feed the people's desire for revenge of the abuse of power............but nothing else.............

Enjoy the show........that's all it is...........and that is the MAJOR PROBLEM with this country today.
There is the IG (Horowitz), there is the FISA court and the NSA, there is Barr and the FBI/DOJ and then there are the other investigators/leakers. So the crap will start hitting the impeller in a few weeks. I don't want to build it up too much, I'd rather be surprised at the number of indictments....

Why don't you hold your breathe while you wait for those indictments.

No cheating now!
You have now stolen our line for the last 2 years over your Collusion Dellusion...............

OMFG..........only in America.

1. Carter Page was as innocent as they come. He was a Merrill Lynch employee somehow working with Russians?! I wonder what the basis was for the surveillance?? After all the FISA surveillance (4 FISA renewals?) Carter Page is still innocent. It was a political hit job on Trump based on the "two hop rule" meaning that the entire Trump campaign could legally be spied on using the Carter Page FISA warrant. Nothing regarding conspiracy was ever found, as confirmed by Mueller. The FISA surveillance was a political dirty trick by the Obama admin, aka the biggest scandal in US history.

Thats a bunch of bull.

Carter was a known Russian spy ring cooperator and those Russians even joked that he flies out to Moscow more often then they do. Incidently thats exactly where he headed after his time with the Trump campaign, where he met with high level Gasprom execs.

He was behaving conspicuous as hell, even if he evaded any charges.

House Intelligence Committee testimony
On November 2, 2017, Page testified[50] to the House Intelligence Committee that he had he kept senior officials in the Trump campaign such as Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, and J. D. Gordon informed about his contacts with the Russians[51] and had informed Jeff Sessions, Lewandowski, Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016.[52][53][54]

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[55] He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[56] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[52][55][57][58] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.[59]

Page also testified that after delivering a commencement speech at the New Economic School in Moscow, he spoke briefly with one of the people in attendance, Arkady Dvorkovich, a Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet, contradicting his previous statements not to have spoken to anyone connected with the Russian government.[60] In addition, while Page denied a meeting with Sechin as alleged in the Trump–Russia dossier, he did say he met with Andrey Baranov, Rosneft's head of investor relations.[61] The dossier alleges that Sechin offered Page the brokerage fee from the sale of up to 19 percent of Rosneft if he worked to roll back Magnitsky Act economic sanctions that had been imposed on Russia in 2012.[61][62][63] It also alleges that Page confirmed, on Trump's "full authority", that this was Trump's intent.[61][64][65][66][67][68] Page testified that he did not "directly" express support for lifting the sanctions during the meeting with Baranov, but that he might have mentioned the proposed Rosneft transaction.[61]

Carter Page - Wikipedia

Ok, what charges against Carter Page justified the FISA warrant, and 4 renewals? hint: none
If he was a spy he would have been outed by the surveillance. So the surveillance on Carter Page was a ruse to spy on the Trump campaign. Why would Merrill-Lynch hire a Russian spy? You think they don't have internal security? Can you say nothingburger?


That’s not how the law works. To get a warrant you don’t file charges you file REASONABLE SUSPICION, which there was tons of.
There has to be a bad guy, nothing rallies the faithful like a enemy to be afraid of, and fear is also a tool of control...that is why there is always a boogieman out there, or so we are told

You'd think folks would figure this out

It is not against the kaw to have Russian contacts. BO regime had all sorts of (Iran) muslim contacts, before during after. Manafort and others wre already working in Russia?

How many Russian phonies did DNC BO FBI DOJ send in attempts to entrap Trumps people? The Russian Fusion GPS worker Obammy rushed thru Border entry, into TT. But bait not taken.
It is not against the kaw to have Russian contacts.

....who said it was?

His report should be quite illuminating and I hope we all get to see it.

He has loads of ammo in his magazine and I'm sure he will be using it.
There is the IG (Horowitz), there is the FISA court and the NSA, there is Barr and the FBI/DOJ and then there are the other investigators/leakers. So the crap will start hitting the impeller in a few weeks. I don't want to build it up too much, I'd rather be surprised at the number of indictments....
Comey, Crapper, Brennan and the rest of the American KGB now that their coup has failed should quickly find a country that won't extradite.

Countries with No U.S. Extradition Treaty

Afghanistan Ethiopia Nepal
Algeria Gabon Niger
Andorra Guinea North Korea
Angola Guinea-Bissau Oman
Armenia Indonesia Qatar
Bahrain Iran Russia
Bangladesh Kazakhstan Rwanda
Belarus Kosovo Samoa
Bhutan Kuwait São Tomé & Príncipe
Bosnia and Herzegovina Laos Saudi Arabia
Brunei Lebanon Senegal
Burkina Faso Libya Serbia
Burundi Macedonia Somalia
Cambodia Madagascar Sudan
Cameroon the Maldives Syria
Cape Verde Mali Taiwan
the Central African Republic the Marshall Islands Togo
Chad Mauritania Tunisia
China Micronesia Uganda
Comoros Moldova Ukraine
Dem. Republic of the Congo Mongolia United Arab Emirates
Cote d' Ivoire Montenegro Uzbekistan
Cuba Morocco Vanuatu
Djibouti Mozambique the Vatican
Equatorial Guinea Myanmar Vietnam
Eritrea Namibia Yemen

The following countries have been known to refuse U.S. extradition requests, despite having treaties: Bolivia, Ecuador, Iceland, Nicaragua, Switzerland, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Escaping to a non-extradition-treaty country does not mean you are home free. It simply puts you at the mercy of your new hosts. You could become a pawn in a larger game and might be traded away for concessions. The political sands are always shifting, and tomorrow’s government may be more accommodating to the U.S.

The CIA could also kidnap you and bring you back to the U.S. without your host government’s consent. Or you might fall within sight of an armed drone. No matter where you go, there is no shortage of ways the U.S. government can hurt you.

While a drone strike is unlikely (for now), the U.S. government would almost certainly cancel your U.S. passport and seize your U.S. bank accounts., Crapper, Brennan and the rest of the American KGB -escape-to/
Barr Launches Wide-Ranging Probe Into 2016 FBI Spying

"We now know that he was being falsely accused..."

Barr will focus on former senior leaders at the FBI and Justice Department.

"To the extent there was overreach, what we have to be concerned about is a few people at the top getting it into their heads that they know better than the American people," said Barr.​


As Bloomberg notes, Barr's review could receive a boost by a Thursday New York Times article acknowledging that the FBI sent a 'honeypot' spy to London in 2016 to pose as a research assistant and gather intelligence from Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos over possible Trump campaign links to Russia.

The Times report is evidence that improper spying did occur. It is high time to investigate the investigators.

Barr told senators that Trump’s actions can’t be seen as obstruction if he was exercising his constitutional authority as president to put an end to an illegitimate investigation.

Barr’s efforts follow two years of work by a group of House Republicans who have been conducting dozens of interviews regarding the FBI’s and Justice Department’s conduct in the early stages of investigation of Trump and his campaign. -Bloomberg

On Thursday, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) issued a criminal referral for Nellie Ohr - a former Fusion GPS contractor who passed anti-Trump research to her husband, then the #4 official at the DOJ.

On Thursday, Meadows said that Barr's "willingness to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation is the first step in putting the questionable practices of the past behind us," and that the AG's "tenacity is sure to be rewarded."

The FBI opened its counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign after a self-professed member of the Clinton Foundation, Joseph Mifsud, fed Papadopoulos the rumor that Russia had "dirt" on Clinton. That rumor would be coaxed out of the former Trump aide by another Clinton-connected individual - Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who would notify authorities of Papadopoulos' admission, officially launching the investigation.

Barr says he wants to get to the bottom of it.

His review will examine the above chain of events that set the investigation into motion, and whether any US agencies were engaged in spying on or investigating the Trump campaign before the probe was officially launched.

Barr said he’s working with FBI Director Christopher Wray “to reconstruct exactly what went down.” He said he has “people in the department helping me review the activities over the summer of 2016.”

Notably, Barr said his aides will be “working very closely” with the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz.

Horowitz is conducting his own investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation and whether there were abuses when the FBI obtained a secret warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in October 2016 to spy on another foreign policy adviser to the campaign, Carter Page. -Bloomberg

Barr will also investigate when the DOJ and FBI knew that the Democratic Party and Clinton was funding Steele.
The Democrat Party coup on a duly elected President should be an event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime!
We won't!

For Fear Of William Barr: The attorney general gets attacked because his probe endangers many powerful people.

These attacks aren’t about special counsel Robert Mueller, his report or even the surreal debate over Mr. Barr’s first letter describing the report. The attorney general delivered the transparency Democrats demanded: He quickly released a lightly redacted report, which portrayed the president in a negative light. What do Democrats have to object to?

Some of this is frustration. Democrats foolishly invested two years of political capital in the idea that Mr. Mueller would prove President Trump had colluded with Russia, and Mr. Mueller left them empty-handed. Some of it is personal. Democrats resent that Mr. Barr won’t cower or apologize for doing his job. Some is bitterness that Mr. Barr is performing like a real attorney general, making the call against obstruction-of-justice charges rather than sitting back and letting Democrats have their fun with Mr. Mueller’s obstruction innuendo.

But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching—that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.​

Well, we can hope.

Overwhelming Majority Want Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying of Trump.

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