Trump: Barr will prosecute the Deep State.

The Democrat Party coup on a duly elected President should be an event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime!
We won't!

For Fear Of William Barr: The attorney general gets attacked because his probe endangers many powerful people.

These attacks aren’t about special counsel Robert Mueller, his report or even the surreal debate over Mr. Barr’s first letter describing the report. The attorney general delivered the transparency Democrats demanded: He quickly released a lightly redacted report, which portrayed the president in a negative light. What do Democrats have to object to?

Some of this is frustration. Democrats foolishly invested two years of political capital in the idea that Mr. Mueller would prove President Trump had colluded with Russia, and Mr. Mueller left them empty-handed. Some of it is personal. Democrats resent that Mr. Barr won’t cower or apologize for doing his job. Some is bitterness that Mr. Barr is performing like a real attorney general, making the call against obstruction-of-justice charges rather than sitting back and letting Democrats have their fun with Mr. Mueller’s obstruction innuendo.

But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching—that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.​

Well, we can hope.

Overwhelming Majority Want Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying of Trump.

I don't take anything the WSJ says seriously. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch. The same asshat who owns FOX News. And PJ News is an alt-right rag.

Come up with someone's opinion which hasn't been co-opted by the 1% disrupters.
The Democrat Party coup on a duly elected President should be an event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime!
We won't!

For Fear Of William Barr: The attorney general gets attacked because his probe endangers many powerful people.

These attacks aren’t about special counsel Robert Mueller, his report or even the surreal debate over Mr. Barr’s first letter describing the report. The attorney general delivered the transparency Democrats demanded: He quickly released a lightly redacted report, which portrayed the president in a negative light. What do Democrats have to object to?

Some of this is frustration. Democrats foolishly invested two years of political capital in the idea that Mr. Mueller would prove President Trump had colluded with Russia, and Mr. Mueller left them empty-handed. Some of it is personal. Democrats resent that Mr. Barr won’t cower or apologize for doing his job. Some is bitterness that Mr. Barr is performing like a real attorney general, making the call against obstruction-of-justice charges rather than sitting back and letting Democrats have their fun with Mr. Mueller’s obstruction innuendo.

But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching—that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.​

Well, we can hope.

Overwhelming Majority Want Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying of Trump.

I don't take anything the WSJ says seriously. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch. The same asshat who owns FOX News. And PJ News is an alt-right rag.

Come up with someone's opinion which hasn't been co-opted by the 1% disrupters.

I guess you trust CNN, the most busted name in fake booze.
The Democrat Party coup on a duly elected President should be an event that no true American should forgive in their lifetime!
We won't!

For Fear Of William Barr: The attorney general gets attacked because his probe endangers many powerful people.

These attacks aren’t about special counsel Robert Mueller, his report or even the surreal debate over Mr. Barr’s first letter describing the report. The attorney general delivered the transparency Democrats demanded: He quickly released a lightly redacted report, which portrayed the president in a negative light. What do Democrats have to object to?

Some of this is frustration. Democrats foolishly invested two years of political capital in the idea that Mr. Mueller would prove President Trump had colluded with Russia, and Mr. Mueller left them empty-handed. Some of it is personal. Democrats resent that Mr. Barr won’t cower or apologize for doing his job. Some is bitterness that Mr. Barr is performing like a real attorney general, making the call against obstruction-of-justice charges rather than sitting back and letting Democrats have their fun with Mr. Mueller’s obstruction innuendo.

But most of it is likely fear. Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching—that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.​

Well, we can hope.

Overwhelming Majority Want Investigation into Obama DOJ Spying of Trump.

I don't take anything the WSJ says seriously. It's owned by Rupert Murdoch. The same asshat who owns FOX News. And PJ News is an alt-right rag.

Come up with someone's opinion which hasn't been co-opted by the 1% disrupters.
Like the Fake News NYT, CNN or MSLSD?
There is no person in the so called Deep State in our gvt now, deeper in to it, than AG Barr....

Anyone, that knows anything at all about Barr, KNOWS THAT....

He is as deep as it goes.
and there no russia collusion
There is no person in the so called Deep State in our gvt now, deeper in to it, than AG Barr....

Anyone, that knows anything at all about Barr, KNOWS THAT....

He is as deep as it goes.
and there no russia collusion
Well, if there was, it was by Steele, Fusion GPS, The Ohrs, The DNC, The Hillary Campaign, The FBI/DOJ, and the IC and State Department of the Obama Administration.

IG Horowitz Has ‘Concluded that the Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained,’ diGenova Says.

Washington attorney Joe diGenova claims that the Department of Justice inspector general has determined that "the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained," and the first one is still being investigated.

For the past year, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz has been investigating the FBI's 2016 surveillance activities and his report is expected later this month or in early June.

Lou Dobbs' Fox Business Network covered the latest turns in the "SpyGate" saga.

John Solomon's piece at The Hill, have prompted further investigation from Horowitz's team.

Solomon reported that newly unearthed memos show that a high-ranking government official from the Obama State Department met with former British spy Christopher Steele in October of 2016, and figured out pretty quickly that his dossier was a political hit job intended to slime Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
The Dawn of the Constitutional Restoration.

Also, Trump withdraws from UN small arms treaty. #prosecondamendment

Full Video: Sean Hannity Interviews President Trump On End Of Mueller Probe
Republicans call people who protect us from Russia the “deep state“.
Just pitiful.

1. The deep state excused Hillary's obvious crimes. Not protecting us at all.
2. The deep state then concocted their "insurance policy" to spy on Trump and wreck his admin with bogus investigations into Russian collusion. Is an attempted coup protecting us from Russia? NO
3. Whose job was it to protect us from Russia during the 2016 election? Yep, Barack Obama

Whose job performance sucked? Correct, BO and the deep state.

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