Trump beginning to resemble an ATM machine.

You can’t read can you idiot…it’s the parents who must sign off on gender surgery. No one under 18 can get gender surgery without parental consent dufus…read the fucking law !

Read the fucking statement a democrat made supporting the idea of gender affirming care on minors you retard.

And “parental consent”? You cultists crack me up.
More deflection? Why? Embarrassed? I would be too.
It wasn’t to you. But if you’re willing, let’s hear it. When should “little kids”, your terms, be allowed to posses a firearm without a parents permission ?
Read the fucking statement a democrat made
Wow, “a democrat” suddenly became all democrats plus “little kids” … …..while you present a bogus article to support your little “little kids” ? Idiot, tell us what “ little kids “ represents then laugh at yourself.
my very first comment to you that started this whole discussion....First off, Trump is just as responsible for the inflation as Biden is.
You used to never be this dishonest either. It is scary what joining a cult can do to a person. Get help, you need it.
Someday, if you ever criticize Biden for anything without mentioning Trump or without being prompted by being accused of being a Biden supporter, could you mention me? You know with Seymour Flops take a look, or some such?

I would not want to miss such a once in a lifetime event.

Someday, if you ever criticize Biden for anything without mentioning Trump or without being prompted by being accused of being a Biden supporter, could you mention me? You know with Seymour Flops take a look, or some such?

I would not want to miss such a once in a lifetime event.


So, you are not going to get help, you like being in the cult and having not brain of your own.

Got it, thanks for letting us all know.
Wow, “a democrat” suddenly became all democrats plus “little kids” … …..while you present a bogus article to support your little “little kids” ? Idiot, tell us what “ little kids “ represents then laugh at yourself.

You deflect once again. According to you, as long as a parent consents, any child can be “affirmed” through castration or sterilization. THAT WAS YOU, retard.
U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, third paragraph;
"No Bill of Attainder ... shall be passed. ...

Unintended Consequences: The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost​

The U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9) prohibits “Bills of Attainder,” i.e., writing or enforcing laws that apply only to certain individuals.

But that is exactly what has been happening to Elon Musk and, especially, Donald Trump.

Judge Kathaleen McCormick of the Delaware Court of Chancery said that Mr. Musk’s performance-based compensation, though approved by 80 percent of Tesla’s shareholders, was unfair and must be taken apart (just how, she has yet to specify).

Mr. Bush and Mr. Lonsdale point out one likely unintended consequence.

“Mr. Musk’s performance at Tesla enriched all shareholders, but Judge McCormick’s ruling may primarily enrich Delaware trial lawyers,” they wrote.

Another is that Judge McCormick’s action has prompted Mr. Musk to change Tesla’s state of registration from Delaware to Texas.

He will not be the only business owner to do so.

In the case of President Trump, New York Attorney General Letitia James, who actually campaigned on the promise to target President Trump, has prosecuted him for allegedly overvaluing his real estate assets when applying for bank loans.
The case against him was a fraud case. But no one was defrauded.

He paid back the loans that Deutsche Bank had made to him on time and with the specified interest.

For its part, the bank said it was satisfied and would be happy to do business with President Trump again.

They also suggested that President Trump’s alleged optimistic valuation of his assets—a nearly universal practice among real estate developers (to say nothing of homeowners)—may not have affected their decision to make the loans on the terms they offered.

Since there was no victim in this fraud case, the state of New York will collect the money, assuming that the judgment withstands President Trump’s appeal.

Judge McCormick and the James gang in New York are crowing about how they “got” Mr. Musk and President Trump.

They have not yet accounted for the unintended consequences that are coming their way.

Many businesses have incorporated in Delaware because the state has traditionally offered a business-friendly process of incorporation.

Judge McCormick’s astonishing intervention to harm the CEO of an important company will reverberate negatively in the C-suites of many companies. They will now look for alternative places to bring their corporate business.

The unprecedented legal assault against President Trump is already having consequences in New York.
Roger Kimball is the editor and publisher of The New Criterion and publisher of Encounter Books. His most recent book is “Where Next? Western Civilization at the Crossroads.”
my very first comment to you that started this whole discussion....First off, Trump is just as responsible for the inflation as Biden is.

You used to never be this dishonest either. It is scary what joining a cult can do to a person. Get help, you need it.
Yup, just as Bush “one“ was responsible for helping Clinton balance the budget later. He signed a tax increase to mitigate Reagan’s “:voodoo “ economic plan. It cost him a re-election, but he was a genuinely straight forward administrator anyone in good faith could vote for.
I don’t promote child abuse, that’s you and your cult.

Nothing like Trump being actually convicted of sexual abuse, lusting on his young daughter and admitting to groping women abusively on tape. The. count is up to 18;who have accused him of sexual abuse. What is the official LAWFUL accusations around Biden…shit that isn’t like your last bogus claim. Oh, 93 million in damages…

Elon Musk and Donald Trump Cases Imperil the Rule of Law​

American prosperity rests on equal justice. Delaware and New York judges have called it into question.​

The U.S. is the business capital of the world in large part because of its robust constitutional system and impartial judiciary. But two unprecedented legal decisions, against Donald Trump in New York and Elon Musk in Delaware, call that into question. In both cases, judges have ordered massive punitive judgments on behalf of dubious or nonexistent “victims.”

Every American has a right to be critical of Mr. Trump’s politics—one of us ran against him in 2016—or Mr. Musk’s public persona. But equality before the law is precious, and these rulings represent a crisis not only for the soundness of our courts, but for the business environment that has allowed the U.S. to prosper. If these rulings stand, the damage could cascade through the economy, creating fear of arbitrary enforcement against entrepreneurs who seek public office or raise their voices as citizens in a way that politicians dislike.

In Delaware, Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick of the Court of Chancery ordered the unwinding of five years of Mr. Musk’s incentive-based compensation at Tesla, which had been approved by 80% of the company’s shareholders. The plaintiff, Richard Tornetta, held nine shares in 2018—worth about $200 then and $2,000 today, after the execution of the compensation plan that supposedly injured him.

Mr. Musk’s compensation plan awarded him stock bonuses tied to earnings and stock-value benchmarks, which many critics thought he could never meet. When he did, he received $56 billion, enriching shareholders like Mr. Tornetta along the way. ...
[ One needs a subscription to WSJ to read the rest of this article, which was referenced in the excerpt from Kimball above.]

True to their socialist/Communist ideologies, DemocRATs in the Judiciary are abusing their positions and powers to illegally apply "The Law" to arbitrarily punish their political opposition.

In doing this, they just may tear this Nation apart.
U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9, third paragraph;
"No Bill of Attainder ... shall be passed. ...

Unintended Consequences: The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost​

The U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9) prohibits “Bills of Attainder,” i.e., writing or enforcing laws that apply only to certain individuals.

But that is exactly what has been happening to Elon Musk and, especially, Donald Trump.

Judge Kathaleen McCormick of the Delaware Court of Chancery said that Mr. Musk’s performance-based compensation, though approved by 80 percent of Tesla’s shareholders, was unfair and must be taken apart (just how, she has yet to specify).

Mr. Bush and Mr. Lonsdale point out one likely unintended consequence.

“Mr. Musk’s performance at Tesla enriched all shareholders, but Judge McCormick’s ruling may primarily enrich Delaware trial lawyers,” they wrote.

Another is that Judge McCormick’s action has prompted Mr. Musk to change Tesla’s state of registration from Delaware to Texas.

He will not be the only business owner to do so.

In the case of President Trump, New York Attorney General Letitia James, who actually campaigned on the promise to target President Trump, has prosecuted him for allegedly overvaluing his real estate assets when applying for bank loans.
The case against him was a fraud case. But no one was defrauded.

He paid back the loans that Deutsche Bank had made to him on time and with the specified interest.

For its part, the bank said it was satisfied and would be happy to do business with President Trump again.

They also suggested that President Trump’s alleged optimistic valuation of his assets—a nearly universal practice among real estate developers (to say nothing of homeowners)—may not have affected their decision to make the loans on the terms they offered.

Since there was no victim in this fraud case, the state of New York will collect the money, assuming that the judgment withstands President Trump’s appeal.

Judge McCormick and the James gang in New York are crowing about how they “got” Mr. Musk and President Trump.

They have not yet accounted for the unintended consequences that are coming their way.

Many businesses have incorporated in Delaware because the state has traditionally offered a business-friendly process of incorporation.

Judge McCormick’s astonishing intervention to harm the CEO of an important company will reverberate negatively in the C-suites of many companies. They will now look for alternative places to bring their corporate business.

The unprecedented legal assault against President Trump is already having consequences in New York.
Roger Kimball is the editor and publisher of The New Criterion and publisher of Encounter Books. His most recent book is “Where Next? Western Civilization at the Crossroads.”
I wonder if Trump is found guilty, which is highly unlikely, the court will allow victim impact statements before sentencing?

That would be a hoot.
I wonder if Trump is found guilty, which is highly unlikely, the court will allow victim impact statements before sentencing?

That would be a hoot.

He has already been found guilty. Do try to keep up with current events.

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