trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
LOL - that's what I figured. Ostrich up. Ignore all the others on the lists and pretend that Twitter is a monopoly regardless. So you'll have an excuse to make them do what you want. This is pure statism.
No one is pretending that Twitter is a monopoly. It's more of a monopoly than standard oil ever was..
Are you ever going to snap out of crybaby mode?

Bripat says there arent any arguments. Strange...Trump is banned. Maybe snap ya boi back to reality. Redirect that whiny little bitch energy to something good.
And you have to go down the "orange skin cult" bullshit. That is leftist retard dogma. Crybaby? Dude, face to face you would never say that so STFU, Internet Rambo.
Unlike most of the airhead conservatives in this thread, Bootney actually understands the issue in the lawsuit.

The federal government cannot censor speech protected by the first amendment. Meaning, if the government owned Twitter, they couldn't ban Trump for being an asshat. But the government doesn't own Twitter, obviously. Trump is claiming that the government has enough influence on Twitter and that Twitter is so beholden to the government that they are basically an agent of the government and therefore Twitter must likewise obey the same restrictions that government would have.
Which seems like hot garbage. Like, will get laughed out of court.If i am Twitter and lose this suit, i go straight to court to get federal money to pay the bills.
No one is pretending that Twitter is a monopoly. It's more of a monopoly than standard oil ever was..
But not because others cannot enter the market. Cant price anyone out of the market, when the product is free. So not the same. That's why anti trust lawsuits against them are dubious.
Which seems like hot garbage. Like, will get laughed out of court.If i am Twitter and lose this suit, i go straight to court to get federal money to pay the bills.
Maybe. Not sure. The suit seems better crafted than most against Twitter and I’m not sure it has been tried before.

I read a bunch about state action doctrine and it seems unlikely to pass, especially since conservative judges are really loathe to extend state action to private individuals.

This is an example of Trump “conservatives” abandoning principle for convenience.
Maybe. Not sure. The suit seems better crafted than most against Twitter and I’m not sure it has been tried before.

I read a bunch about state action doctrine and it seems unlikely to pass, especially since conservative judges are really loathe to extend state action to private individuals.

This is an example of Trump “conservatives” abandoning principle for convenience.
This seems like a ridiculous stretch. "Beholden" to government? What? Absurd.

The local broadcast stations are more funded and more regulated by government that Twitter is. Same for radio. Does that mean i have a right to force them to broadcast content of my choosing?

How about Sirius radio? LinkedIn?

This seems so absurd on its face that i cannot imagine it not getting laughed out of court.
This seems like a ridiculous stretch. "Beholden" to government? What? Absurd.

The local broadcast stations are more funded and more regulated by government that Twitter is. Same for radio. Does that mean i have a right to force them to broadcast content of my choosing?

How about Sirius radio? LinkedIn?

This seems so absurd on its face that i cannot imagine it not getting laughed out of court.
Regulation doesn’t make one a state actor. I think there was a case with a liquor store being licensed by the state but wasn’t a state actor. There’s a bunch of ways to be a state actor, one here is trying to demonstrate a nexus between the government and Twitter. Very vague.
Regulation doesn’t make one a state actor.

trump's main point seems only to be that Twitter is very influential over public political discourse (translation: Trump is much less influential, since he cannot broadcast his every poop thought). Thus they must let anyone broadcast anything they wish. 'Vague" is an understatement.
Fixing the system means forcing Twitter and Facebook to treat people equally and impartially. What did you have in mind, incessant whining?
Ahh... So your complaints about government subsidizing, or monopoly power, or publisher status, or whatever, are beside the point. What you really want is to force them to treat everyone equally and impartially. Regardless of those other excuses.

So, what exactly do you mean by "treat everyone equally and impartially"? Do you mean like this?
Says a douchebag who is constantly demanding that a baker make a cake that says what a couple of homosexuals want it to say.

Doe it ever occur to your morons that no believes your excuses because the go directly contrary to what you've said in other such controversies?
Great question. Well, does it?

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