TRUMP: Bernie Sanders ‘Must Now Be Labeled A Racist’ For Calling Baltimore A ‘Third-World Country’

this is a must watch,, it brings a whole new view of it,,

As the saying goes, context is everything. Donald Trump was attacking Bernie Sanders when he made the statement claiming his comment was racist. Bernie Sanders comment was made while walking through a poor area of Baltimore with city officials in an effort to draw attention to the need for federal funding to clean up our cities.

federal funding should never go towards city cleanups,,,if they cant keep their city clean thats their problem,,,

bernie , trump, PBS, animal planet and all the otherss that said the same thing were right,,,the city is a rat infested shithole,,
every elected official for the last 30 yrs should have their bank accounts confiscated to put towards cleanup,,
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Everyone is a bigot or racist at one time or another. However, for some people it is ingrained into everything they think, do, or speak.

For example, I met some in laws years ago at a family gathering. The first thing they said to me was a question about the Blacks in the area I live. What followed was a discussion about the need for segregation, privatizing the schools, doing something about the black ghetto, and how the blacks walked down main street acting like they were just as good as white people etc..

We met once again last year. Within a 1 minute, they turned the conversation to all the Hispanics and Asians in the area and how could I stand to live in a place like this, a place where people speak foreign languages and don't even want to be American.

There's no doubt lots of whites back in the day didn't like "uppity blacks", they were disgruntled about blacks actually living the American dream and possibly doing BETTER than them, that just wouldn't do.

These days while there might be just a smidgen of it (can I use that word or am I culturally appropriating it from the bamster?) what irritates me is when a group of blacks sit down and get quite loud, almost daring someone to say something about it, and then getting pissed off when they do, like happened with the waitress last week.

There seems to be an overriding attitude of "I'm just as entitled as you to eat here, shop here, watch a movie here, AND I DONT HAVE TO ACT CIVILIZED OR ABIDE BY THE SAME RULES YOU DO EITHER (I might, but only if I feel like it).

It seems the anger displayed by blacks against this country has been in direct proportion to the amount of freedom they have gotten. The freer they are, the angrier they get. Why is that would you say?
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Everyone is a bigot or racist at one time or another. However, for some people it is ingrained into everything they think, do, or speak.

For example, I met some in laws years ago at a family gathering. The first thing they said to me was a question about the Blacks in the area I live. What followed was a discussion about the need for segregation, privatizing the schools, doing something about the black ghetto, and how the blacks walked down main street acting like they were just as good as white people etc..

We met once again last year. Within a 1 minute, they turned the conversation to all the Hispanics and Asians in the area and how could I stand to live in a place like this, a place where people speak foreign languages and don't even want to be American.
That can be true for many families. One thing though to start. There are people who take their earnings and pay down their debts and responsibilities. And that includes their homes. If you ever experienced a changing neighborhood and the drop in home prices that can occur especially when you are owning most of the home, it can be brutal. There are many people who take a loss when leaving Dodge.
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Sen Bernie Sanders is a white supremacist Nazi. He thinks blacks are all living a 3rd World Country :

Racists getting called on their racism grasping at straws....:71:

Democrats are known for grasping at straws.
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Sen Bernie Sanders is a white supremacist Nazi. He thinks blacks are all living a 3rd World Country :

Racists getting called on their racism grasping at straws....:71:

Democrats are known for grasping at straws.

And banning straws........
No uproar when the Baltimore Sun called out the trash problem:

“Not only is it unsightly & contributes to a rodent problem, but it can create a glum & gloomy feel in a time when the city is already facing self-esteem issues because of high crime...” …

Baltimore's perpetual trash problem
Jack Young has a tough task ahead of him as the latest in a long line of mayors, in this case interim mayor, that is going to try once again to clean up Baltimore.

Know why there was no uproar when the Lying, Dishonest, Anti-American, pro-socialist Media did it??

Simple -- Because dimocraps are scum

It's just no more complicated than that
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Sen Bernie Sanders is a white supremacist Nazi. He thinks blacks are all living a 3rd World Country :

Racists getting called on their racism grasping at straws....:71:

If Trump is a racist for criticizing Cummings, why isn't Cummings a racist for criticizing the President?
No uproar when the Baltimore Sun called out the trash problem:

“Not only is it unsightly & contributes to a rodent problem, but it can create a glum & gloomy feel in a time when the city is already facing self-esteem issues because of high crime...” …

Baltimore's perpetual trash problem
Jack Young has a tough task ahead of him as the latest in a long line of mayors, in this case interim mayor, that is going to try once again to clean up Baltimore.

Know why there was no uproar when the Lying, Dishonest, Anti-American, pro-socialist Media did it??

Simple -- Because dimocraps are scum

It's just no more complicated than that
The more people the government takes care of, the more people who don't give a damn about their environment and expect someone else to fix their problems. That's why parks have signs saying "Don't feed the animals".
If Trump is a racist for criticizing Cummings, why isn't Cummings a racist for criticizing the President?

Silly Goose....

Black People Can NOT be racist. Only White People.

Now, send a generous donation to the NAACP and repent, ye sinner. Lest you find yourself out of work or your house painted with graffiti
No uproar when the Baltimore Sun called out the trash problem:

“Not only is it unsightly & contributes to a rodent problem, but it can create a glum & gloomy feel in a time when the city is already facing self-esteem issues because of high crime...” …

Baltimore's perpetual trash problem
Jack Young has a tough task ahead of him as the latest in a long line of mayors, in this case interim mayor, that is going to try once again to clean up Baltimore.

Know why there was no uproar when the Lying, Dishonest, Anti-American, pro-socialist Media did it??

Simple -- Because dimocraps are scum

It's just no more complicated than that
The more people the government takes care of, the more people who don't give a damn about their environment and expect someone else to fix their problems. That's why parks have signs saying "Don't feed the animals".

That is the underlying problem, but it runs far deeper than that. Much deeper.

Those people got no pride. No pride in their City, no pride in their neighborhood, no pride in themselves.

Plus, they're lazy and stupid. And drunk most of the time. Or high or stoned.

Go to a Walmart within ten miles of them. Just sit and watch them. You'll see what I mean.

The thing is, they don't HAVE to be that way --

They WANT to be that way.

It relieves them of all responsibility.

It's easy.

Just like being a dimocrap scumbag -- It's easy. You're told what to say, what to think, how to act, what TV to watch, what movies to see, what's good, what's bad, who's good, who's bad etc. How to dress, what to eat, what to drink..... It's all 'follow the leader' with dimocrap scum.

Easy as pie. It's why people are dimocrap scum. They're too fucking lazy and too fucking stupid to be anything else

I have no sympathy for them. At all.

In this Country, during this time period..... Anybody that wants out can get out. Well, almost anybody. There's always exceptions but the young people?

They can get out. They just don't want to.

They might have to actually work. Or take a bath. Or wash their clothes or change the oil in their hair, Or buy some shoes other than their $200 Air Jordans or Kaepernick-specials so they can look cool while texting/chatting/gaming on their $1,000 iPhone.

Ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of -- But they got a One Thousand Dollar fucking phone and 200 dollar Sneakers.

You go into their houses and the toilets don't work 75% of the time, the live cockroaches are eating the dead cockroaches, there's some drunk passed-out on the sofa (or floor) -- There is no Woman or Man of The House, people wander in and out all day, leaving the doors wide open in the summer and unlocked in the winter.

Been there, seen it, done it, sold the T-Shirt. They live like that because they WANT to live like that

No uproar when the Baltimore Sun called out the trash problem:

“Not only is it unsightly & contributes to a rodent problem, but it can create a glum & gloomy feel in a time when the city is already facing self-esteem issues because of high crime...” …

Baltimore's perpetual trash problem
Jack Young has a tough task ahead of him as the latest in a long line of mayors, in this case interim mayor, that is going to try once again to clean up Baltimore.

Know why there was no uproar when the Lying, Dishonest, Anti-American, pro-socialist Media did it??

Simple -- Because dimocraps are scum

It's just no more complicated than that
The more people the government takes care of, the more people who don't give a damn about their environment and expect someone else to fix their problems. That's why parks have signs saying "Don't feed the animals".

That is the underlying problem, but it runs far deeper than that. Much deeper.

Those people got no pride. No pride in their City, no pride in their neighborhood, no pride in themselves.

Plus, they're lazy and stupid. And drunk most of the time. Or high or stoned.

Go to a Walmart within ten miles of them. Just sit and watch them. You'll see what I mean.

The thing is, they don't HAVE to be that way --

They WANT to be that way.

It relieves them of all responsibility.

It's easy.

Just like being a dimocrap scumbag -- It's easy. You're told what to say, what to think, how to act, what TV to watch, what movies to see, what's good, what's bad, who's good, who's bad etc. How to dress, what to eat, what to drink..... It's all 'follow the leader' with dimocrap scum.

Easy as pie. It's why people are dimocrap scum. They're too fucking lazy and too fucking stupid to be anything else

I have no sympathy for them. At all.

In this Country, during this time period..... Anybody that wants out can get out. Well, almost anybody. There's always exceptions but the young people?

They can get out. They just don't want to.

They might have to actually work. Or take a bath. Or wash their clothes or change the oil in their hair, Or buy some shoes other than their $200 Air Jordans or Kaepernick-specials so they can look cool while texting/chatting/gaming on their $1,000 iPhone.

Ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of -- But they got a One Thousand Dollar fucking phone and 200 dollar Sneakers.

You go into their houses and the toilets don't work 75% of the time, the live cockroaches are eating the dead cockroaches, there's some drunk passed-out on the sofa (or floor) -- There is no Woman or Man of The House, people wander in and out all day, leaving the doors wide open in the summer and unlocked in the winter.

Been there, seen it, done it, sold the T-Shirt. They live like that because they WANT to live like that


Back in 1978 I took a job delivering medical equipment. While in training, we had the ghetto run. The first apartment we went to was above some closed down store. When we got in, roaches were on the wall along with (what looked like) thrown food. There were four kids running around, two of them naked. I know they had clothing because it was strewn all over the floors in nearly every room. After we left, all I felt like doing was taking a shower even though I just had one the night before going to sleep.

When me and my trainer got back into the van, I felt like I had to say something, but didn't want to appear racist or heartless. So I said "I feel bad for people that have to live that way." He replied "Nobody has to have kids, and a bar of soap is only 25 cents."

My neighborhood was one of the best in the county at one time. After it changed, everything else did as well. Stores closed down because of multiple robberies. People don't feel safe walking at night on the street. Noise is nearly non-stop. Garbage is everywhere in the street from people throwing it out from their cars including busted bottles. I have to spend ten minutes to leaf blow all the garbage off my tree lawn before I can mow.

I'm not in the city, I'm in the suburb where "supposedly" you work your way up to, and look at it now.
this is a must watch,, it brings a whole new view of it,,

As the saying goes, context is everything. Donald Trump was attacking Bernie Sanders when he made the statement claiming his comment was racist. Bernie Sanders comment was made while walking through a poor area of Baltimore with city officials in an effort to draw attention to the need for federal funding to clean up our cities.

They get plenty of federal funding. If crooks don't get their hands on the money, it actually goes towards good things.

However when you give money away like that, you need evidence that it was used productively. If not, the money should be taken away.
People like Elijah Cummings didn’t create Baltimore’s problems; it was people who cynically exploited racism for their own gain. Sound familiar, Mr. President?
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'

I love Trump. He takes no prisoners. He always gets it right.

The filthy lying hypocritical Left have never been exposed like this and they don't like it.

It's funny how these Democrats can look out their windows and see the way illegal immigrants are treated at the border, and overlook what's going on in their own backyard. It gives credence to my signature.
"President Trump, whose early career was marred by a federal housing discrimination suit, may be interested to know that Baltimore was something of a pioneer in that regard. It enacted the first housing segregation ordinances, which were soon invalidated by the Supreme Court, leading to subtler and more nefarious tactics. Racially restrictive covenants, privately enforced, prevented the sale of homes in certain neighborhoods to minorities. Redlining prevented minorities from getting financing to buy homes in white neighborhoods. And blockbusting made rich the unscrupulous men who capitalized on racism and fear to drive white flight. They profiteered on blacks who sought security and better opportunities but instead found themselves exploited and impoverished.

Those days aren’t nearly so far in the past as we might like to think. Just seven years ago, Baltimore settled a landmark lending discrimination suit against Wells Fargo, which steered minority borrowers into subprime mortgages — the sort of abuse the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which Mr. Trump has eviscerated, might have prevented. Landlords in Baltimore continue to take advantage of rules stacked in their favor to evict low-income (and frequently minority) tenants; in a particularly egregious example, the Kushner Cos. (as in Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner) has aggressively sought to jail tenants who fall behind on their rent.

As whites moved to the suburbs, sped along the way by massive investments in new highways, water and sewer systems, schools and other public amenities, Baltimore City’s infrastructure began to crumble. Neighborhoods like those in the East and West Baltimore portions of Mr. Cummings’ district became increasingly isolated from economic and educational opportunities. (Mr. Cummings was among the Baltimore leaders who sought to address that problem through the development of a new light rail line connecting those neighborhoods to employment centers including the Social Security Administration and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, but Gov. Larry Hogan, who over the weekend responded to Mr. Trump’s tweets by calling Baltimore “the very heart of the state” and on Monday by asking why politicians aren’t “focused on solving the problems and getting to work,” killed the project.)"

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