TRUMP: Bernie Sanders ‘Must Now Be Labeled A Racist’ For Calling Baltimore A ‘Third-World Country’

"Trump has brought more attention to Baltimore in 72 hours than Cummings has done in 30 years. people have no response so they scream RACIST" - Eric Trump
People like Elijah Cummings didn’t create Baltimore’s problems; it was people who cynically exploited racism for their own gain. Sound familiar, Mr. President?
Blacks have always exploited racism for their own gain. Ever hear of affirmative action?
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'

You cons are so dishonest . He didn’t call the city of Baltimore 3rd world . He was talking about some crappy abandoned neighborhood they were walking down.

You can find a shitty street pretty much anywhere in the US .

So that's what you think, it was only one street? How about the safety of that city? How about the crime statistics? How about the education system?
Sanders can call Detroit a "third world country". And I wouldn't even care. Because it looks like a third world country - compare to Grand Rapids.




Really ? Cherry pick some pictures of abandoned buildings ? Like you couldn’t do that for every city and town in America.

25 years ago, you couldn't do it to mine.
Sanders can call Detroit a "third world country". And I wouldn't even care. Because it looks like a third world country - compare to Grand Rapids.




You can buy a roll of garbage bags for under five dollars. You would probably get a roll of 30 or 40 bags which would clean up a lot of that mess. However it takes some work to fill those bags.
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'

You cons are so dishonest . He didn’t call the city of Baltimore 3rd world . He was talking about some crappy abandoned neighborhood they were walking down.

You can find a shitty street pretty much anywhere in the US .
I agree! Bernie Sanders is laced with racism. We can't let Sanders get away from this. Trump's right to go on the attack.

TRUMP: Bernie Sanders 'Must Now Be Labeled A Racist' For Calling Baltimore A 'Third-World Country'
Everyone is a bigot or racist at one time or another. However, for some people it is ingrained into everything they think, do, or speak.

For example, I met some in laws years ago at a family gathering. The first thing they said to me was a question about the Blacks in the area I live. What followed was a discussion about the need for segregation, privatizing the schools, doing something about the black ghetto, and how the blacks walked down main street acting like they were just as good as white people etc..

We met once again last year. Within a 1 minute, they turned the conversation to all the Hispanics and Asians in the area and how could I stand to live in a place like this, a place where people speak foreign languages and don't even want to be American.

There's no doubt lots of whites back in the day didn't like "uppity blacks", they were disgruntled about blacks actually living the American dream and possibly doing BETTER than them, that just wouldn't do.

These days while there might be just a smidgen of it (can I use that word or am I culturally appropriating it from the bamster?) what irritates me is when a group of blacks sit down and get quite loud, almost daring someone to say something about it, and then getting pissed off when they do, like happened with the waitress last week.

There seems to be an overriding attitude of "I'm just as entitled as you to eat here, shop here, watch a movie here, AND I DONT HAVE TO ACT CIVILIZED OR ABIDE BY THE SAME RULES YOU DO EITHER (I might, but only if I feel like it).

It seems the anger displayed by blacks against this country has been in direct proportion to the amount of freedom they have gotten. The freer they are, the angrier they get. Why is that would you say?
I think what you're describing is common among the very poor. I've been in bars in some pretty ruff sections of town I have seen exactly the same behavior among Whites, Latinos, as well as Blacks. Incivility is not a racial thing. If anything it's most closely related to economics than race.
Sanders can call Detroit a "third world country". And I wouldn't even care. Because it looks like a third world country - compare to Grand Rapids.




You can buy a roll of garbage bags for under five dollars. You would probably get a roll of 30 or 40 bags which would clean up a lot of that mess. However it takes some work to fill those bags.
When you're living in a two room over priced dump where practically nothing works right, neighborhood kids routinely play kick the can with full garbage cans and you're working two jobs and not making shit for pay, there is not much incentive for community beautification and clean up projects.
"Trump has brought more attention to Baltimore in 72 hours than Cummings has done in 30 years. people have no response so they scream RACIST" - Eric Trump
He certain has. It now qualifies as a Trump shithole, not that it is going to make any difference at all. Trump is really good at pointing the horrible places that people have to live. He should know since he and his Dad have help create many of them.
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City Council President Asks What Can Trump Do For Baltimore?

Why should the President do anything for Baltimore? You don't hear San Francisco or Chicago asking Trump "What can you do?"

I believe it is up to the city of Baltimore to do something if they want to get out of that "rat-infested sh*thole".

Wasn't it John F. Kennedy, who was a Democrat says: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?

So Baltimore...."Ask not what Trump can do for you. Ask what you can do for your own city."
Sanders can call Detroit a "third world country". And I wouldn't even care. Because it looks like a third world country - compare to Grand Rapids.




You can buy a roll of garbage bags for under five dollars. You would probably get a roll of 30 or 40 bags which would clean up a lot of that mess. However it takes some work to fill those bags.
When you're living in a two room over priced dump where practically nothing works right, neighborhood kids routinely play kick the can with full garbage cans and you're working two jobs and not making shit for pay, there is not much incentive for community beautification and clean up projects.

People who work two jobs don't live like that Flopper. Trust me, I was one of those people. If they are living like that, then they are extremely irresponsible people that had children they really couldn't afford.

My neighbor and I have very similar properties. For city properties, they are quite large, but mine is a bit larger.

HIs property looks like all hell. Mine is not perfect, but in much better shape than his is. The problem is he's a drunk, and once he gets a buzz on in the early afternoon, he doesn't want to do anything except ride around on his lawn tractor since that takes very little effort. Everything else goes to hell. He's retired but still works a few hours a week.

As tired as I am when I get home from work, I try to put in at least one hour a day into my property weather permitting. It doesn't sound like much, but at the end of the week, I put in six to twelve hours of work if not more.

It makes a huge difference between my property and his. The point I'm making is that you never take on big projects in one or two days. A little here and a little there makes all the difference in the world at the end of the month.

Take those pictures for example. Set your goal to two garbage bags a day. Given the amount of garbage, that's less than a half hours work. What do you think those pictures would look like if all the neighbors did that in a couple of months?
City Council President Asks What Can Trump Do For Baltimore?

Why should the President do anything for Baltimore? You don't hear San Francisco or Chicago asking Trump "What can you do?"

I believe it is up to the city of Baltimore to do something if they want to get out of that "rat-infested sh*thole".

Wasn't it John F. Kennedy, who was a Democrat says: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?

So Baltimore...."Ask not what Trump can do for you. Ask what you can do for your own city."

It just may help in the long run. The Republicans are trying to harness more minority votes. They have the brainwashing media convincing minorities that Republicans only care about the wealthy.

So what if Trump did go in there and make some huge improvement? Make sure they know it's a Republican that's responsible and really cares about them. It just may start changing some minds.

I agree with you those areas are not the responsibility of the federal government though.
Too bad Baltimore City is nationally known as an awful dangerous place. People do not want to come to the city anymore. I feel bad for those that have to live there and the businesses that are suffering because of the elected officials who have made a mess of things
City Council President Asks What Can Trump Do For Baltimore?

Why should the President do anything for Baltimore? You don't hear San Francisco or Chicago asking Trump "What can you do?"

I believe it is up to the city of Baltimore to do something if they want to get out of that "rat-infested sh*thole".

Wasn't it John F. Kennedy, who was a Democrat says: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"?

So Baltimore...."Ask not what Trump can do for you. Ask what you can do for your own city."
There's no reason Trump should do anything for Baltimore. They are not going to vote for him. He's going use taxpayer where it will benefit him.
There's no reason Trump should do anything for Baltimore. They are not going to vote for him. He's going use taxpayer where it will benefit him.

That was exactly my point. Why should the Dems ask Trump what he could do for their city, when in fact, it is up to the Dems to do something for their own state and cities. It's not up to Trump (or any President) to take care of some "rat-infested" city. That's on the Dems and the Republicans in their own district.

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