Trump Blames everyone else for Yemen Bombing problems..

I am pro Muslim. But I am anti terrorist. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an extremely small % are terrorists you're not smart enough to know the difference.

I'm also pro LGBT rights, pro black pro common sense.
That puts me at odds with all the Trump supporters and your supreme commmander himself.
Throwing each other under the bus already...

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 51m51 minutes ago
..Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!

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Yemen 'BANS US ground raids on Al Qaeda bases' after Trump's first raid killed little girl

that's what happens when the "leader" doesn't like actual information and plans military action over tea and crumpets with is son in law and a white supremacist conspiracy nut
Trump's getting sucked into yet another bloody quagmire war. That's too bad. He had a chance to go a different route over there. This endless war won't be ending anytime soon.
they got the computer information. give them the opportunity to put a plan together. Sound good?

They completed their mission but it cost the life of that fine SEAL. You can bet Mattis will be involved in any planning for future missions. A Mattis who seriously knows his business.
Combat Is Not a Video Game

So, was the raid on Entebbe a failure because Netanyahu's brother got killed in that action?

false equivalency from trumploon
I am pro Muslim. But I am anti terrorist. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an extremely small % are terrorists you're not smart enough to know the difference.

I'm also pro LGBT rights, pro black pro common sense.
That puts me at odds with all the Trump supporters and your supreme commmander himself.
are you muslim?

Why do you believe a man can use a little girl's public toilet? or bath? why don't you protect little girls?
Leave it to the Deplorables to not tell the whole truth about Yemen.
The United States lost a Navy SEAL in a raid in Yemen that went wrong. In addition to the loss of the SEAL and a $75 million aircraft, it also appears that several innocent civilian lives were lost—never a good thing, and even worse when one of those innocent civilians appears to have been an 8-year-old girl.

Unnamed military officials ( they want keep their job) told Reuters that “Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support, or adequate backup preparations.”

This is what happens when you have a totally inexperienced prez in government who thinks he knows more than the generals.
Won't be long before the serial sex offender is known as President Fuck Up. Oh wait he already is with that disastrous roll out of his illconceived Muslim ban.
I am pro Muslim. But I am anti terrorist. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an extremely small % are terrorists you're not smart enough to know the difference.

I'm also pro LGBT rights, pro black pro common sense.
That puts me at odds with all the Trump supporters and your supreme commmander himself.
are you muslim?
No why?
Leave it to the Deplorables to not tell the whole truth about Yemen.
The United States lost a Navy SEAL in a raid in Yemen that went wrong. In addition to the loss of the SEAL and a $75 million aircraft, it also appears that several innocent civilian lives were lost—never a good thing, and even worse when one of those innocent civilians appears to have been an 8-year-old girl.

Unnamed military officials ( they want keep their job) told Reuters that “Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support, or adequate backup preparations.”

This is what happens when you have a totally inexperienced prez in government who thinks he knows more than the generals.

I am pro Muslim. But I am anti terrorist. Since there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only an extremely small % are terrorists you're not smart enough to know the difference.

I'm also pro LGBT rights, pro black pro common sense.
That puts me at odds with all the Trump supporters and your supreme commmander himself.
are you muslim?
No why?
why are you pro muslim then?
Leave it to the Deplorables to not tell the whole truth about Yemen.
The United States lost a Navy SEAL in a raid in Yemen that went wrong. In addition to the loss of the SEAL and a $75 million aircraft, it also appears that several innocent civilian lives were lost—never a good thing, and even worse when one of those innocent civilians appears to have been an 8-year-old girl.

Unnamed military officials ( they want keep their job) told Reuters that “Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support, or adequate backup preparations.”

This is what happens when you have a totally inexperienced prez in government who thinks he knows more than the generals.

so the US didn't win WWII?

and we failed to take out Saddam Hussein?
Trump's first foreign policy decision turns out to be a failure.
What a surprise!
And then he lies about it being a failure.
Another surprise! Not.
It's not like we didn't warn you when it was obvious putting a totally unqualified person in the WH would be a disaster.

It's not like the ATLANTIC didn't warn you when they endorsed a prez candidate for only the 3rd time in its history:

Donald Trump has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.

So far it's been 100 % accurate.
well...................................because it wasn't a failure.
More alternative facts. Is that going to be your byline for the next 4 years?
Trump lashes out at McCain for calling Yemen raid a 'failure'
well when a unit comes home with the items they went out to get, that is success.

Or are you saying we didn't beat the germans because soldiers and citizens died?
Way to spin and lie your ass off.
Is John McCain ( a true war hero no matter what Trump says) LYING about Yemen?
And he's not the only one saying this.
You have a very long road ahead of you if you you're going to cover for this neophyte's failures.
It's not like you weren't warned when the Atlantic made only their 3rd prez endorsement in their history.

"Donald Trump has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read."

And there's already been examples of every word of that.
Sacred Scribbles

You can paper the bottom of your safe-space birdcage with pages from The Atlantic. That will make it is easier to memorize its ignorant and self-congratulatory talking points. High in the clouds of its autistic moral superiority, it positions itself far above flyover country.
Hey dick breath. seems like you believe putin and yemen and " the peemeister, the donald" more than US news. Seems like you need to get "the donald, peemeiseter" dick out of your mouth or out of your ass.
LOL! F*ck head

Fake news is all you got.
Loser post from you.
Suck "the peemeiseter, the donald" a bit more you fake.

Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?
yemen came out and said it was bullshit you overstuffed bag of dumbfuck.
Hey dick breath. seems like you believe putin and yemen and " the peemeister, the donald" more than US news. Seems like you need to get "the donald, peemeiseter" dick out of your mouth or out of your ass.
LOL! F*ck head

Fake news is all you got.
Loser post from you.
Suck "the peemeiseter, the donald" a bit more you fake.

Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?
yemen came out and said it was bullshit you overstuffed bag of dumbfuck.

Goddamn, listen to yourself. You sound like a fucking idiot.
Why wouldn't I listen to the people that got accused of saying it? Why would they say it and then lie?
Also, and I will remember this, you just implied that US News doesn't lie. Way to go, you stupid fuck.
Trump's getting sucked into yet another bloody quagmire war. That's too bad. He had a chance to go a different route over there. This endless war won't be ending anytime soon.
they got the computer information. give them the opportunity to put a plan together. Sound good?

They completed their mission but it cost the life of that fine SEAL. You can bet Mattis will be involved in any planning for future missions. A Mattis who seriously knows his business.
Combat Is Not a Video Game

So, was the raid on Entebbe a failure because Netanyahu's brother got killed in that action?

false equivalency from trumploon
Snowflake Solipsists Are Slipping

Your absurd sense of moral superiority allows no equivalency. Anyone who is not in your cult of self-satisfaction is considered irredeemable.
Hey dick breath. seems like you believe putin and yemen and " the peemeister, the donald" more than US news. Seems like you need to get "the donald, peemeiseter" dick out of your mouth or out of your ass.
LOL! F*ck head

Fake news is all you got.
Loser post from you.
Suck "the peemeiseter, the donald" a bit more you fake.

Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?
yemen came out and said it was bullshit you overstuffed bag of dumbfuck.

Goddamn, listen to yourself. You sound like a fucking idiot.
Why wouldn't I listen to the people that got accused of saying it? Why would they say it and then lie?
Also, and I will remember this, you just implied that US News doesn't lie. Way to go, you stupid fuck.
I bet he gets a lot of respect when he goes out on the town.
Hey dick breath. seems like you believe putin and yemen and " the peemeister, the donald" more than US news. Seems like you need to get "the donald, peemeiseter" dick out of your mouth or out of your ass.
LOL! F*ck head
bag of dumbfuck.
PP on PC

Now we know what happens to snowflakes piled in drifts that makes them turn yellow.
"Trump Blames everyone else for Yemen Bombing problems.."

I long ago gave up hope that Trump would do want any other honest adult would: take responsibility for his organization's successes and failures.
This is the way it's going to be for the next 4 years or until fat Trumpy with his fast food diet has a stroke or is impeached.
Everything reported on Trump by the press that isn't a wet kiss thrown at him is going to be called " fake news"
This is a dictator's main tactic. Marginalizing the free press.
Yet all the Trumpets are going along with this narrative.
If they cry FAKE NEWS enough times, Americans won't believe anything anymore except what their supreme commander tells them.
On a side note the book 1984 is rolling off the shelves at an all time high pace. 1984 by george orwell: Books

Hey asswipe. Even Huffington Post came out and said the NYT article was wrong aka a lie aka FAKE FUCKING NEWS.

Read it and weep you jerk.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid
"However, we made clear our reservations about the last operation,” a senior Yemeni official said.

Yemen Denies Ban On U.S. Military Involvement Following Deadly Raid | The Huffington Post
Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?

Because Trump screwed up big time. This, killing 40 civilians, one soldier dying and a plane lost is nothing like one teen boy
Hey dick breath. seems like you believe putin and yemen and " the peemeister, the donald" more than US news. Seems like you need to get "the donald, peemeiseter" dick out of your mouth or out of your ass.
LOL! F*ck head

Fake news is all you got.
Loser post from you.
Suck "the peemeiseter, the donald" a bit more you fake.

Shit happens and they got what they wanted. I don't see how politicizing this is helping anyone..
Why didn't yemen say shit when Obama killed a teenage boy with a drone? Its not like they have a government anyways.. Fake news?
yemen came out and said it was bullshit you overstuffed bag of dumbfuck.

It was fake news at first, my title was wrong... Harley was commenting on that.
I don't know why you have to call him nasty names..

Did Yemen say Obama did not kill the boy, I am not sure what Yemen was calling bullshit..
Truman said "The buck stops here". Trump says "The buck stops over there, somewhere, not sure where."

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