Trump blames Obama for doubling the debt

Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

Why do you think that?
I am speaking of derivatives that were created as a hedge on mortgages allowing one mortgage to back many derivatives. When a mortgage failed it had a multiplier effect of the loss through the economy.

When a mortgage failed it had a multiplier effect of the loss through the economy.

Say Elmer Bank holds a $500,000 mortgage and buys a derivative from Goldman Sachs to hedge the risk.
The mortgage fails. Elmer Bank loses $100,000. Goldman pays Elmer Bank $100,000.

How is that multiplying through the economy?
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The root cause of the Great Recession is liberal culture which produces lower class people who don't pay their bills and who have bad credit. That is why Clinton lowered the mortgage lending standards.
Derivatives were the main cause. Do you even know what a derivative is? In this case it was an investment that would hedge a mortgage by betting it would default. If you allow one derivative per mortgage it is a zero sum game. But the law allowed for one mortgage to back multiple derivatives. If the mortgage failed there would not be funds to pay off the many derivatives. It puts a multiplier effect on bad mortgages. That caused many financial institution to default.
You are correct that the democrats made mortgages easier to get for low income people but the bigger driver were banks allowing middle and high income individuals to qualify for loans they should not of.

You obviously have very little knowledge of investing and our banking system.

If you allow one derivative per mortgage it is a zero sum game. But the law allowed for one mortgage to back multiple derivatives. If the mortgage failed there would not be funds to pay off the many derivatives.

It's still zero sum.
If Goldman insured the same $500,000 mortgage, 5 times and the mortgage fails, Goldman pays out $2,500,000 and the insured parties receive $2,500,000.

It puts a multiplier effect on bad mortgages.

How many mortgages had a CDS written against them even once, let alone multiple times?
Probably a really small number.

That caused many financial institution to default.

How many firms went under because they wrote CDS?
How many went under just because they wrote/held crappy mortgages?
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.
Clinton did not lower the lending standards. Banks decided if the lenders could afford to pay the loans back.

The root cause of the Great Recession is liberal culture which produces lower class people who don't pay their bills and who have bad credit. That is why Clinton lowered the mortgage lending standards.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.
Not supported by Clinton. It was a compromise bill. I wish you idiots could become better informed.
W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.

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$5.728 trillion to $10.627 trillion, 85.5% increase. ($4.9 trillion)
$10.627 trillion to $19.947 trillion, 87.7% increase. ($9.32 trillion)

You're going to hurt Elmer's vagina with facts.
80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts and assistance to victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown, that is unemployment and welfare for victims according to already existing laws. So once again you are a moron ignoramus like all GOP voters...

80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts

Tell me more!!!

Bailouts for whom?

so you don't know
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

Why do you think that?
Don't be a sealion. Why Sealioning Is Bad

Informed people know about the drivers. If you don't, start researching.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Hmmm, yea, let's see.

Iraq war and Afghanistan war BEFORE "Mission Accomplished" - 1 trillion
Iraq rebuilding and Afghanistan AFTER "Mission Accomplished" - 3 trillion
Deficit creating Bush tax cuts - revenue lost - three trillion
Unpaid for Medicaid drugs to buy seniors vote - 1.5 trillion
It's estimated the Bush/GOP recession cost the economy - 22 trillion

When you start adding up all the mess and disaster the GOP and Bush put this country through and the fact they took away methods to raise revenue, the deficit is way, way less than it could have been.

George W. Bush never said "Mission accomplished".

He said,"Our mission continues".

Tax cuts do not create deficits either.

Your entire post is nothing but tripe.
Then what does create deficits if a reduction in revenue does not?

Spending more than your revenue, regardless if your revenue goes up or down. Not that revenues ever went down significantly. It went down by $100 billion 2002-2003, and $400 billion 2008-2009. They went up the entire time the Hussein was in office and he kept the exact same "Bush Tax Cuts" you all claimed dropped revenues.
Because Republicans blocked him from ending those tax cuts... Like everything else he wanted to do including all the usual Solutions to a republican corrupt economic meltdown.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

They way Dims measure Bush's debt is by counting any that occured during the time he was in office. Now they want to make excuses for Obama and use a different standard.
We got US debt through wars and cutting taxes for the rich.

Wars on a for-profit basis only help the rich get richer faster, especially when the rich want to cut social services for the poor, to pay for it.
There is the little matter of welfare and unemployment for victims of the 2008 corrupt GOP World depression. Together they added up to approximately 800 billion a year in 2009 to still about 200 billion a year now five or six trillion in total... Then there's the bailouts another trillion or two and God knows what else. Bush regulators and their cronies in private lending institutions really did a number.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Reagan increased the debts by 186%, W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.
Trump is attempting to pass Reagan ike tax reform.

O increased the debt by 8 trillion, more than all the presidents combined.
Almost all to avert a full-blown depression or welfare and unemployment for victims from already existing law. Stupid comment, silly Dupe...
Almost like you didn't have eight years to fix that. Oh, your policies don't fix that. Damn.
Your Pander to the rich lying cheating party blocked all the usual Solutions, idiot. On the other hand we averted another of your corrupt full-blown depressions and ended your stupidest War... And cut the other War to the Bone... Do you enjoy being a total fool of a****** rich people, Dupe?

What solutions/ legislation did the leftard clown posse and the Barrypuppet propose that would have helped the middle class or the economy as a whole that was "blocked"? I'll wait..........

Lying libtards don't answer questions.
Maybe you should watch some real news so you would know... So stupid. Let us see, a huge infrastructure bill, and infrastructure Bank bill, a tax cut for the middle class. Just Google bills Obama proposed and the GOP blocked. There are about 500 of them...
Even Obama himself admitted those shovel ready jobs wasn't so shovel ready. Try again.
Which actually made the program last longer which was a good thing since the Republicans were blocking anything to help...
You're going to hurt Elmer's vagina with facts.
80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts and assistance to victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown, that is unemployment and welfare for victims according to already existing laws. So once again you are a moron ignoramus like all GOP voters...

80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts

Tell me more!!!

Bailouts for whom?

so you don't know

It's right there.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

Why do you think that?
Don't be a sealion. Why Sealioning Is Bad

Informed people know about the drivers. If you don't, start researching.

Bad mortgages. Cost the banks hundreds of billions.
It was in all the papers.
W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.

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$5.728 trillion to $10.627 trillion, 85.5% increase. ($4.9 trillion)
$10.627 trillion to $19.947 trillion, 87.7% increase. ($9.32 trillion)

You're going to hurt Elmer's vagina with facts.
80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts and assistance to victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown, that is unemployment and welfare for victims according to already existing laws. So once again you are a moron ignoramus like all GOP voters...

80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts

Tell me more!!!

Bailouts for whom?

Mainly bailouts for state and local governments so they could keep cops police and firemen on the job and other government workers. It's called help for Main Street as opposed to Bush's bailout of Banks and lending institutions, i e Wall Street
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Hmmm, yea, let's see.

Iraq war and Afghanistan war BEFORE "Mission Accomplished" - 1 trillion
Iraq rebuilding and Afghanistan AFTER "Mission Accomplished" - 3 trillion
Deficit creating Bush tax cuts - revenue lost - three trillion
Unpaid for Medicaid drugs to buy seniors vote - 1.5 trillion
It's estimated the Bush/GOP recession cost the economy - 22 trillion

When you start adding up all the mess and disaster the GOP and Bush put this country through and the fact they took away methods to raise revenue, the deficit is way, way less than it could have been.

George W. Bush never said "Mission accomplished".

He said,"Our mission continues".

Tax cuts do not create deficits either.

Your entire post is nothing but tripe.
Then what does create deficits if a reduction in revenue does not?

Spending more than your revenue, regardless if your revenue goes up or down. Not that revenues ever went down significantly. It went down by $100 billion 2002-2003, and $400 billion 2008-2009. They went up the entire time the Hussein was in office and he kept the exact same "Bush Tax Cuts" you all claimed dropped revenues.
Because Republicans blocked him from ending those tax cuts... Like everything else he wanted to do including all the usual Solutions to a republican corrupt economic meltdown.

Because Republicans blocked him from ending those tax cuts

What was the final vote on Obama's tax cut ending legislation in 2009? In 2010?
You're going to hurt Elmer's vagina with facts.
80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts and assistance to victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown, that is unemployment and welfare for victims according to already existing laws. So once again you are a moron ignoramus like all GOP voters...

80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts

Tell me more!!!

Bailouts for whom?

Mainly bailouts for state and local governments so they could keep cops police and firemen on the job and other government workers. It's called help for Main Street as opposed to Bush's bailout of Banks and lending institutions, i e Wall Street

Mainly bailouts for state and local governments

Obama spent over 80% of his $9.3 trillion in added debt on bailouts to state and local governments?

It's called help for Main Street as opposed to Bush's bailout of Banks

You mean the bank TARP that was repaid at a profit to the US Treasury?
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The root cause of the Great Recession is liberal culture which produces lower class people who don't pay their bills and who have bad credit. That is why Clinton lowered the mortgage lending standards.
And then Republican regulators and their corrupt cronies in private lending institutions did away with them all together and would give toxic mortgages to anyone who could sign. You have no clue and you never will get one listening to Fox Rush Limbaugh and all those other bought off scumbags...
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Nearing a decade later and you're still blaming Bush II for Obama's failures?!
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Na, Socialist entitlement programs like Obama care have ruined this country... lol
How does health care reform, ruin our country?

We know how right wing socialism on a national basis, like Prohibition (of drugs), ruined our country last millennium; only the right wing still insist, they are not really like that, afterward.
A collective like obamacare/single payer forces people into it, they want nothing to to do with it, will never use it and can not afford it. A national health care sytem need to be 100% voluntary you know an “opt in”...
Its an hate filled intention that is all about control, not healthcare...
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Nearing a decade later and you're still blaming Bush II for Obama's failures?!
Bush absolutely wrecked the world most incredibly incompetent president ever and he'll be the blame for the world for years to come. After Obama we have the best economy in the world and are basically out of the stupidest Wars ever. Not bad considering Republicans fought him every step of the way even on their own ideas and solutions. The only reason anyone vote for them is because they're totally misinformed by the biggest and most disgraceful propaganda machine ever, super dupe.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Na, Socialist entitlement programs like Obama care have ruined this country... lol
How does health care reform, ruin our country?

We know how right wing socialism on a national basis, like Prohibition (of drugs), ruined our country last millennium; only the right wing still insist, they are not really like that, afterward.
A collective like obamacare/single payer forces people into it, they want nothing to to do with it, will never use it and can not afford it. A national health care sytem need to be 100% voluntary you know an “opt in”...
Its an hate filled intention that is all about control, not healthcare...
It is not Obama Care's fault that we have the most expensive Health Care system in the world by 100%. Only Obamacare offers a framework for a solution through competition and regulation to bring costs down. Going back to another GOP scam system with no control over cost at all is stupid. Only brainwashed idiots and bought a corrupt GOP politicians and Healthcare assholes are in favor of it, Super Dupe.

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