Trump blames Obama for doubling the debt

Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.
Reagan increased the debts by 186%, W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.
Trump is attempting to pass Reagan ike tax reform.

W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.

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$5.728 trillion to $10.627 trillion, 85.5% increase. ($4.9 trillion)
$10.627 trillion to $19.947 trillion, 87.7% increase. ($9.32 trillion)

You're going to hurt Elmer's vagina with facts.
80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts and assistance to victims of the GOP corrupt meltdown, that is unemployment and welfare for victims according to already existing laws. So once again you are a moron ignoramus like all GOP voters...

80% plus of Obama's debt was bailouts

Tell me more!!!

Bailouts for whom?
Not blacks.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
well first the plan for the left is to obstruct trump and make sure nothing gets done.

the genius of this plan seems to be in time you can bash *him* for doing nothing.

BRILLIANT!!! if you're a dumbass.
The Democrats are not obstructing. The Republicsans couldn't pass shit that only required a majority vote.

Your party is so fucking inept and then you blame Democrats.

Funny Chit.
never said i was a repub. funny chit.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.

Deregulation of the banking industry pushed by Republicans & sign by Clinton were laws were the Republicans got what they wanted in exchange Clinton got something he wanted.

Don't you dare paint this as anything but a Republican generated problem. To claim it is not their fault because Clinton did not stop them is a really stupid argument.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
well first the plan for the left is to obstruct trump and make sure nothing gets done.

the genius of this plan seems to be in time you can bash *him* for doing nothing.

BRILLIANT!!! if you're a dumbass.
The Democrats are not obstructing. The Republicsans couldn't pass shit that only required a majority vote.

Your party is so fucking inept and then you blame Democrats.

Funny Chit.
never said i was a repub. funny chit.
I donl;t blame you for being in denial. Did you vote for Trump?
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

No, dumb ass, it was the artificially created housing bubble where the banking oligarchs ended up holding hard assets for paper fiat federal reserve debt notes. Are you REALLY this stupid or is it simply an act?

BTW, why does one that barters his/her labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of value be required to give it to the federal reserve bankers that created this non-intrinsic currency by nothing but a few computer strokes?

View attachment 153876
one tax yesterday got repealed in my area. The sugary soda tax 1 cent per once tax. REPEALED baby.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.
Deregulation of the banking industry pushed by Republicans & sign by Clinton were laws were the Republicans got what they wanted in exchange Clinton got something he wanted.

Don't you dare paint this as anything but a Republican generated problem. To claim it is not their fault because Clinton did not stop them is a really stupid argument.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
The mortgage policies were GOP supported by Clinton and Bush, with some Dem support.

Tell the truth.
Indeed, the GOP policies on mortgages supported by Bush and Clinton were guaranteed to collapse the housing market and affect the economy.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession
Reagan increased the debts by 186%, W Bush increased the debt by 101% and Obama increased the debt by 68%.
Trump is attempting to pass Reagan ike tax reform.

O increased the debt by 8 trillion, more than all the presidents combined.
Name the programs that caused that debt.

If you had a brain, of course as a Trumpette that is very unlikely, the debt was caused by the Bush Recession, Bush Tax cuts, Unfunded expansion to Medicare, two quagmire unfunded wars, and only a small portion by Obama introduced spending.

You're wrong. The fed printed 5 trillion of that 8 trillion and handed it to wall street. You're a hack so I wouldn't expect your head to come out of the sand.
Obama increased the debt by 68%.

Yea, Obama was a real fiscal conservative, right chump? LMAO!
what about Reagan increasing the debt by 186%, Bush 101% LMAO

Your accounting is bullshit.
It is fact. This is not my accounting. That is the problem with Trump supporters, they do not know the facts. When they hear the facts and it does not match their perverted view they call it fake news.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

Why do you think that?
Obama increased the debt by 68%.

Yea, Obama was a real fiscal conservative, right chump? LMAO!
what about Reagan increasing the debt by 186%, Bush 101% LMAO

Your accounting is bullshit.
It is fact. This is not my accounting. That is the problem with Trump supporters, they do not know the facts. When they hear the facts and it does not match their perverted view they call it fake news.

No, your math is just wrong.
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The root cause of the Great Recession is liberal culture which produces lower class people who don't pay their bills and who have bad credit. That is why Clinton lowered the mortgage lending standards.
You cannot be so stupid. There was blame on both sides but more on the Republican side with less regulations freeing the corrupt bankers to line their pockets at the expense making sound health decisions.

The Dirty Democrat leaders made $millions$ off of their Great Recession, check out Franklin Raines, Rahm Emanuel........
Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The root cause of the Great Recession is liberal culture which produces lower class people who don't pay their bills and who have bad credit. That is why Clinton lowered the mortgage lending standards.
Derivatives were the main cause. Do you even know what a derivative is? In this case it was an investment that would hedge a mortgage by betting it would default. If you allow one derivative per mortgage it is a zero sum game. But the law allowed for one mortgage to back multiple derivatives. If the mortgage failed there would not be funds to pay off the many derivatives. It puts a multiplier effect on bad mortgages. That caused many financial institution to default.
You are correct that the democrats made mortgages easier to get for low income people but the bigger driver were banks allowing middle and high income individuals to qualify for loans they should not of.

You obviously have very little knowledge of investing and our banking system.
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Tonight rump blamed Obama for the debt under his administration.

1) Most of that debt was due to the Bush Administration's worst recession in 80 years as the deficit in 2009 was estimated to be over a trillion even before Obama took office.

2) Trump had made no improvements in the deficit since taking office despite taking over in a the midst of the longest streak (broken by Trump) of job gains & low unemployment

3) If you want to see huge deficits again, let Trump pass his tax plan. The Bush tax cut was a major part of that Great Recession

Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then blamed it on Bush.
Bush's tax cut got us out of the Tech Stock Bubble recession.
Left Wingers are dumb.
Less regulation of mortgages contributed to the recession. That was driven by Republicans. Making mortgages easier to obtain was driven by Democrats. The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

But ultimately it was caused by greedy bankers finding ways to take advantage of the above to make excessive profits and then bailing when they had the excessive losses that came with the risky investments created.
More regulations would have caught the slime buckets.
These simple minded people who want to blame one party on a simplistic interpretation that is false.
Trump supporters want everything to be simpler than it is.

The biggest driver was the approval of derivative by both parties.

Why do you think that?
I am speaking of derivatives that were created as a hedge on mortgages allowing one mortgage to back many derivatives. When a mortgage failed it had a multiplier effect of the loss through the economy.

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