Trump blasts mayor of San Juan on Twitter...

Trump to Puerto Rico: Show us the money

With Puerto Rico in a worsening humanitarian crisis, President Donald Trump continues to hold the U.S. territory's debt over its head.

It is difficult to fathom just how irresponsible and entirely beside the point Puerto Rico's debt is when it comes to its current situation. Puerto Ricans are Americans, just like the people in parts of Texas and Florida that the government is helping after two other major hurricanes this season.

Yet on Friday, Trump doubled down on holding disaster aid hostage to the U.S. territory's debts, which total about $70 billion..

"Ultimately, the government of Puerto Rico will have to work with us to determine how this massive rebuilding effort, [which] will end up being the biggest ever, will be funded and organized, and what we will do with the tremendous amount of existing debt already on the island," Trump said in a speech on Friday.

The fact that Puerto Rico is an island is, in the eyes of Trump, Puerto Rico's fault.

Trump also observed the Puerto Rico is an island and that this geography therefore makes recovery difficult. Trump's comments have consistently painted Puerto Rico as a foreign place with foreign people, rather than a home to more Americans than about 20 fully-fledged states.

The president also seemed to be comfortable putting the shipping industry's interests first. He was slow to suspend the Jones Act, which mandates that anything shipped to Puerto Rico be on U.S. owned and operated vessels. This makes shipping between the U.S. and Puerto Rico very expensive, which raises the costs of goods for island residents.

Trump wasn't exactly secretive about this, saying on Wednesday: "We have a lot of shippers and a lot of people that work in the shipping industry that don't want the Jones Act lifted."

Trump to Puerto Rico: Show us the money
What you clowns are forgetting is that there were three major hurricane, two struck the US mainland before Maria hit Puerto Rico, Should the Feds have drops everything they were doing in Texas and Florida and given priority to Puerto Rico?
The Dirty Racist Democrats always politicize natural disasters.

Left Wingers are complainers, not doers.
"“Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,”"

that doesn't sound like poor leadership to you on the mayors part?

The mayor can't get locals to drive trucks to distribute the aid materials, and it's Trumps fault?
The mayor can't get locals to drive trucks to distribute the aid materials, and it's Trumps fault?

This is a fuking stupid talking. Smart asks "Why won't locals show up?"

The country is devastated. The don't show up for several reasons:

They can't get there.
They have a family that's hurt.
They are afraid of driving the truck into an area they could be attacked by desperate survivors.

And probably another three for four reasons I never thought of.

The US spends hundreds and hundreds of billions on a military for fuking defense. This is defense. The country has been attacked. Get them out there helping these people.

Like Gen. Russel Honore asks, where are the air drops with paratroopers to protect the supplies and see they are distributed fairly?

Where are Aircraft carriers?

Where are the helicopters?

Where are military tricks and drivers?

Where are army engineers to mend the airports?

We have all that sh!t, why the fuk aren't we using it?

Because Trump and Republicans are awful people. They just don't care. And what Republicans on the USMB say proves it beyond a doubt.
I guess the priority is stroking Trump's massive ego. Criticize him, dare to point out the emperor has no clothes and your people will suffer as a result.

And still his supporters cheer.

This says more about their state of mind than anything else. First, they were susceptible to the huckster buffoon's message of doom, gloom and he alone can fix this. Second, they never really had any humanity to begin with. One must aspire to and earn humanity through empathy. These folks were never raised to think of anyone beyond their own reflection in the mirror, hence their admiration for someone equally as egotistical.

Glad you don't resort to lumping people into stereotypes, Nosmo! (Eye Roll) Funny how conservatives always contribute more to charity than liberals do...yet we're the ones who are lacking in empathy?
3 storms, 3 responses: Comparing Harvey, Irma and Maria

Almost a week since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the US recovery efforts there have been markedly different from the recovery efforts after Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Irma in Florida.

Fewer FEMA personnel are in place. Grassroots donations from fellow Americans are much smaller. The US territory still remains without power. And President Donald Trump has yet to visit.
Those differences are partly because of issues unique to Puerto Rico, an island that already had a weakened infrastructure, a government struggling through bankruptcy -- and that had only just been hit by Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Harvey: For Hurricane Harvey, FEMA had supplies and personnel positioned in Texas before the storm made landfall on August 25. Within days, the number of FEMA employees, other federal agencies, and the National Guard deployed topped 31,000, FEMA said. In addition, FEMA supplied 3 million meals and 3 million liters of water to Texas to be distributed to survivors.

Hurricane Irma: Even more federal personnel responded to Hurricane Irma when it made landfall in Florida on September 10. More than 40,000 federal personnel, including 2,650 FEMA staff, were in place by September 14. In addition, FEMA had transferred 6.6 million meals and 4.7 million liters of water to states in the Southeast after Irma as of the 14th.

Hurricane Maria: By comparison, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have seen much fewer personnel since Hurricane Maria hit, according to FEMA. In a tweet on Monday, FEMA said that more than 10,000 federal staff were on the ground in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands assisting search and rescue and recovery efforts.

3 storms, 3 responses: Comparing Harvey, Irma and Maria - CNN ~ From 3 days ago
"“Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help,”"

that doesn't sound like poor leadership to you on the mayors part?

The mayor can't get locals to drive trucks to distribute the aid materials, and it's Trumps fault?
The mayor can't get locals to drive trucks to distribute the aid materials, and it's Trumps fault?

This is a fuking stupid talking. Smart asks "Why won't locals show up?"

The country is devastated. The don't show up for several reasons:

They can't get there.
They have a family that's hurt.
They are afraid of driving the truck into an area they could be attacked by desperate survivors.

And probably another three for four reasons I never thought of.

The US spends hundreds and hundreds of billions on a military for fuking defense. This is defense. The country has been attacked. Get them out there helping these people.

Like Gen. Russel Honore asks, where are the air drops with paratroopers to protect the supplies and see they are distributed fairly?

Where are Aircraft carriers?

Where are the helicopters?

Where are military tricks and drivers?

Where are army engineers to mend the airports?

We have all that sh!t, why the fuk aren't we using it?

Because Trump and Republicans are awful people. They just don't care. And what Republicans on the USMB say proves it beyond a doubt.

This isn't a war you buffoon! It's a natural disaster. As with all natural takes time to get supplies and aid to the affected area. When the affected area is an island and not the mainland it takes even longer. This has nothing to do with politics...except in your biased mind!
3 storms, 3 responses: Comparing Harvey, Irma and Maria

Almost a week since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the US recovery efforts there have been markedly different from the recovery efforts after Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Irma in Florida.

Fewer FEMA personnel are in place. Grassroots donations from fellow Americans are much smaller. The US territory still remains without power. And President Donald Trump has yet to visit.
Those differences are partly because of issues unique to Puerto Rico, an island that already had a weakened infrastructure, a government struggling through bankruptcy -- and that had only just been hit by Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Harvey: For Hurricane Harvey, FEMA had supplies and personnel positioned in Texas before the storm made landfall on August 25. Within days, the number of FEMA employees, other federal agencies, and the National Guard deployed topped 31,000, FEMA said. In addition, FEMA supplied 3 million meals and 3 million liters of water to Texas to be distributed to survivors.

Hurricane Irma: Even more federal personnel responded to Hurricane Irma when it made landfall in Florida on September 10. More than 40,000 federal personnel, including 2,650 FEMA staff, were in place by September 14. In addition, FEMA had transferred 6.6 million meals and 4.7 million liters of water to states in the Southeast after Irma as of the 14th.

Hurricane Maria: By comparison, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have seen much fewer personnel since Hurricane Maria hit, according to FEMA. In a tweet on Monday, FEMA said that more than 10,000 federal staff were on the ground in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands assisting search and rescue and recovery efforts.

3 storms, 3 responses: Comparing Harvey, Irma and Maria - CNN ~ From 3 days ago

Gee, what's different between Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico? Ah...oh yeah...two are massive States that are part of the mainland and which you can stage relief within a days drive and still keep relief workers is a small island. I don't know who's for buying CNN's story...or CNN for putting it out the way they have!
'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

The Defense Department has not sent enough troops and vehicles to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico but will soon send more, according to the three-star general newly in charge of coordinating the military response.

Army Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan said Friday morning that the Pentagon has 10,000 people helping with the response after Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripped through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month.

“We're certainly bringing in more [troops]," Buchanan said on CNN’s “New Day.”

"For example, on the military side, we're bringing in both Air Force, Navy, and Army medical capabilities in addition to aircraft, more helicopters. ... [But] it's not enough, and we're bringing more in.”

'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

Help is on the way!


but trump had to be shamed into being a Patriot
'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

The Defense Department has not sent enough troops and vehicles to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico but will soon send more, according to the three-star general newly in charge of coordinating the military response.

Army Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan said Friday morning that the Pentagon has 10,000 people helping with the response after Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripped through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month.

“We're certainly bringing in more [troops]," Buchanan said on CNN’s “New Day.”

"For example, on the military side, we're bringing in both Air Force, Navy, and Army medical capabilities in addition to aircraft, more helicopters. ... [But] it's not enough, and we're bringing more in.”

'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

Help is on the way!


but trump had to be shamed into being a Patriot
Army Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan said Friday morning that the Pentagon has 10,000 people helping with the response after Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripped through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month.

10,000 already there, and more on the way?

Sounds like a DAMN good start.

But, keep bashing Trump for not doing anything.

Just like your masters tell you to do
the Red states are a drain on the Blue states ..
Actually, the Red state of Texas had the best economy and growth during the 8 years of the catastrophic Obama administration. .... :cool:
Shouldn't she be proud her country is saving the planet with their current zero emission economy
Puerto Ricans are American by birth....her country is the USA

Fun fact from CNN, there are more American citizens living in Puerto Rico than in 20 other US States combined.

Numbers don't seem to agree?

Yeah that is not correct. Not combined. However...

If Puerto Rico was a state, it would be #30


List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia
How many men have called Trump out on this issue? But let it have tits, a vagina and a voice....Trump's all in with the attacks...cause Trump is really an orange orangutan homosexual,posing as a 75 year old white guy with blonde hair.!!
Lin-Manuel Miranda To Trump: ‘You’re Going Straight To Hell’ For Blasting San Juan Mayor
“No long lines for you,” he said. “They’ll clear a path.”
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Let's have some perspective here, Kiddies! This is the 3rd huge natural disaster that FEMA has had to deal with in a very short amount of time. I can't remember the last time 3 major hurricanes have struck the US in a matter of months like what just happened. From a logistical standpoint there are only so many FEMA people out there and right now you've got to believe they're getting stretched to the max. Add in the fact that this last storm hit an island away from the mainland and that the devastation was so complete that you're going to need to bring EVERYTHING with you and you're going to have to bring it by boat or by plane! To think this is going to be the same response as what took place in Texas and Florida is naive and ignorant!
The Don is a real class act!

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Jason Kander @JasonKander

The Mayor of San Juan is wading through sewage, searching for people with a bullhorn while @realDonaldTrump insults her on twitter.

10:56 AM - Sep 30, 2017

Why would the Mayor be searching for anyone? The Mayor should have her ass in an office coordinating relief efforts with FEMA instead of going for a "photo op" with her stupid bull horn!
'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

The Defense Department has not sent enough troops and vehicles to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico but will soon send more, according to the three-star general newly in charge of coordinating the military response.

Army Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan said Friday morning that the Pentagon has 10,000 people helping with the response after Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripped through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month.

“We're certainly bringing in more [troops]," Buchanan said on CNN’s “New Day.”

"For example, on the military side, we're bringing in both Air Force, Navy, and Army medical capabilities in addition to aircraft, more helicopters. ... [But] it's not enough, and we're bringing more in.”

'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

Help is on the way!


but trump had to be shamed into being a Patriot
Army Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan said Friday morning that the Pentagon has 10,000 people helping with the response after Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripped through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands earlier this month.

10,000 already there, and more on the way?

Sounds like a DAMN good start.

But, keep bashing Trump for not doing anything.

Just like your masters tell you to do
You got this

View attachment 152094

and this

View attachment 152095

We got this


you've got that?

and what is 'that' doing to help anyone?

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