Trump: Bloomberg Should be Allowed to Stand on a Box in Presidential Debate.

It's beneath the office they cry.
Say's who?
The very swamp like corrupt career elites of both corporations we call political parties.
I like to see the office of POTUS dragged down by the current IMPOTUS. The more the US has to use hard rather than soft power to obtain its goals the more its influence in the rest of the world wanes, which is to be desired. The IMPOTUS is demeaning his office, which decreases the US' soft power. All good.
It's beneath the office they cry.
Say's who?
The very swamp like corrupt career elites of both corporations we call political parties.
I like to see the office of POTUS dragged down by the current IMPOTUS. The more the US has to use hard rather than soft power to obtain its goals the more its influence in the rest of the world wanes, which is to be desired. The IMPOTUS is demeaning his office, which decreases the US' soft power. All good.
Uhhhhh, okay.
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Chyron of the year!

That’s really the best he has?

The president is lying. He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan," said Bloomberg spokeswoman Julie Wood.

Except he's not lying when he calls little Mikey a runt.... hmm?

Have any idea how tall James Madison was?

This Rump twat tweet is based on a Monty Python sketch called "Archaeology Today".

Probably about the same height as you. Hence your over compensation every day around here.

Nape. Madison was 5'4".

Think that made him unfit for office?
What was the average height back then?


What the fuck difference did it make, then OR now?
I see the dim wits have fallen into kicking and screaming mode..... One little comment sends them frothing at the mouth... Priceless...

I guess I need to quote a line from the movie "Stripes"..... "Lighten up Francis"

You like the rest of us know that leftists have very little in the way of a sense of humor. It's one of the reasons they hate Trump the most; he's funny.
Lost in the argument is the reality that big bucks can pave the way in the hypocrite democrat party for an unknown unqualified candidate to play with the big guys in the debates.
Come on, that's funny!

Trump, Bloomberg trade schoolyard taunts as spending war heats up

I apologize to the snowflakes among us. Doubtless they will take exception.
That’s really the best he has?

The president is lying. He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan," said Bloomberg spokeswoman Julie Wood.

Except he's not lying when he calls little Mikey a runt.... hmm?

Have any idea how tall James Madison was?

This Rump twat tweet is based on a Monty Python sketch called "Archaeology Today".
Who cares? It was funny, but apparently some take exception on grounds of eteranl self-righteousness. Fuck 'em.

Apparently you do since you thought it was worthy of a thread.

But perhaps we're all missing something. Do enlighten the class on height requirements for a POTUS, won't you? I can't seem to find it in the Constitution. Ergo ---- how is it "funny"?

You think ignorance is "funny"?

Who said anything about constitutional requirements to be a President?
That’s really the best he has?

The president is lying. He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan," said Bloomberg spokeswoman Julie Wood.

Except he's not lying when he calls little Mikey a runt.... hmm?

Have any idea how tall James Madison was?

This Rump twat tweet is based on a Monty Python sketch called "Archaeology Today".

Probably about the same height as you. Hence your over compensation every day around here.

Nape. Madison was 5'4".

Think that made him unfit for office?
That was a much different time, ya knucklehead. The average height for adult males was just 5'6" or 5'7".

Actually, we didn't start getting taller until they began injecting our cattle and hogs with growth hormones. Trump is a known hamburger lover. You see these people from other countries that come here and are very short compared to Americans.
Bloomberg is old, white, male and the most unrelatable candidate running for the democrat nomination. Why any democrat thinks he would have a reasonable chance to win against TRUMP is baffling. Hillary out spent TRUMP, so Bloomberg being able to waste his own money really is meaningless, he's boring, arrogant and once again unrelatable, and will not be able to engage people to show up to vote. Bernie supporters might be able to swallow voting for Biden but there's no way they show up for Bloomberg.

You know how these rich anti-capitalists are. They constantly tell us how government should be taking money from people to support all kinds of people in need, yet don't take the first step themselves.

Blooming Idiot knows he doesn't stand a chance, but he's got the money to waste. I wonder how many kinds he could have put through college with the money he's spending on this failed campaign of his?
Come on, that's funny!

Trump, Bloomberg trade schoolyard taunts as spending war heats up

I apologize to the snowflakes among us. Doubtless they will take exception.
That’s really the best he has?

Rump should be allowed to stand on his statements. In a very wonderful place in Germany, with Revolutionary War pilots flying overhead, the sound of their primitive propellers giving everyone cancer, egged on by thousands and thousands on rooftops. With eggs.

Maybe that's why he paints himself orange. So the egg yolks will blend in.

Just some advice: keep your day job. Joke writing is not your thing.
Come on, that's funny!

Trump, Bloomberg trade schoolyard taunts as spending war heats up

I apologize to the snowflakes among us. Doubtless they will take exception.
That’s really the best he has?

Rump should be allowed to stand on his statements. In a very wonderful place in Germany, with Revolutionary War pilots flying overhead, the sound of their primitive propellers giving everyone cancer, egged on by thousands and thousands on rooftops. With eggs.

Maybe that's why he paints himself orange. So the egg yolks will blend in.

Just some advice: keep your day job. Joke writing is not your thing.

The thing is ----- I didn't make any of those up. Rump did.
Now that's Funny....

I love a real person as President... A sense of Humor...

Trump is playing Doomy like a fiddle! He knows Doomberg cannot beat him and now he has egged him on to redouble his spending campaign to throw away a few extra billion dollars back into the US economy!

It's just Trump's sense of humor. I wonder if Little Marco is laughing right now?
Now that's Funny....

I love a real person as President... A sense of Humor...

Actually that was one of the things we loved about him. He's a real regular guy, not somebody that parrots what speech writers and advisors tell him. That's the way you connect with your average ordinary Americans.
Come on, that's funny!

Trump, Bloomberg trade schoolyard taunts as spending war heats up

I apologize to the snowflakes among us. Doubtless they will take exception.
That’s really the best he has?

The president is lying. He is a pathological liar who lies about everything: his fake hair, his obesity, and his spray-on tan," said Bloomberg spokeswoman Julie Wood.
Bloomie can't muster up the courage to say his insults himself. He has to send out a woman while he hides behind mommy's skirts.

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