Trump boom - 2.3% growth for 2017, slowest job growth in 6 years

oo, post: 19149821, member: 57834"]The economy grew at a 2.6 percent rate to end 2017, the Department of Commerce reported...For all of 2017, GDP growth was 2.3 percent

GDP growth slowed to 2.6 percent to end 2017

Dang! That Trump fella sure turned things around! :rolleyes:

Fascinating to watch you elementary minds frame shit like you do....even more fascinating to watch your loonie buddies cheer retarded shit like this on.....haha.
I’m sure you thought you were being super clever with this one...huh? Haha....Okay, here’s your free lesson...use your heads and follow learned this shit in third 2011 the unemployment rate was 9%, with no place to go but down, especially with $10 trillion pumped into the economy. ‘Full employment’ is considered to be around the 5% what do you fuckin retards think happens once full employment is reached? Do you think growth trajectory starts to taper off?

Dumbass it was obvious to ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN that at full employment Trump can't possibly grow jobs faster than Obama.

Which why Trump's job promises, and you idiots taking that clown seriously was so fucking laughable.


The idiocy of cutting taxes with full employment is seldom mentioned.

Trump talks about all of these jobs to be created by these tax cuts. Who’s going to fill these new jobs if you’ve already achieved full employment? Especially considering he’s cutting immigration by 50%.

What kind of idiots apply stimulus to a booming economy with full employment? What’s worse is they’re going into debt to pay for this stimulus.

^^^ Oh TEH Heartbreak of Economic Illiteracy ^^^

Here's a wee clue, the huge drop in the Labor Force Participation Rate during Obabble's Reign of Terror refutes the notion of Full Employment. We still have a great deal of recovery ahead of us.

You’re just a shining example of economic illiteracy.

The drop in the labour force participation rate started under W and it’s being driven by retiring Baby Boomers, not unemployment.

Since I was a teenager I’ve read what a disaster the retirement of Baby Boomers was going to be for the economy. Fewer and fewer people working to support this huge bulge of retirees. Pension funds will be bankrupted. Taxes will rise to pay for their medical needs. Now conservative idiots are pretending it’s not happening and that unemployment is driving the rate down.

What Baby Boomers’ Retirement Means For the U.S. Economy

Proof positive that conservatives will believe any lie without question if it serves their agenda.

^^^ Fish in a Barrel ^^^

I have refuted that bogus excuse multiple times. The LFPR for younger workers has declined while it has actually increased for older ones.


Civilian labor force participation rate by age, sex, race, and ethnicity
What a bonus misuse of statistics.

The GDP growth rate during the decline was hardly robust. And if you mean "historically" - before the 80s, many women were not in the Labor Force. So by your logic, it must be progress to undo the gains women have made, or to support those gains by driving men out of the labor force. The latter is actually what Prog Policies encourage.

I said nothing about the GDP, but thanks for the strawman, they are always a good time.

I think the best scenario is that families have the freedom to make the choice of if one spouse or the other might choose to be out of the workforce for a while. There is no reason it has to be the females, that is just your latent sexim peaking out.

Granted during the recession the LFPR went down due to a lack of jobs. But the fact it is now leveled out shows that we are at full employment, despite what you claimed.
What a bonus misuse of statistics.

The GDP growth rate during the decline was hardly robust. And if you mean "historically" - before the 80s, many women were not in the Labor Force. So by your logic, it must be progress to undo the gains women have made, or to support those gains by driving men out of the labor force. The latter is actually what Prog Policies encourage.

I said nothing about the GDP, but thanks for the strawman, they are always a good time.

I think the best scenario is that families have the freedom to make the choice of if one spouse or the other might choose to be out of the workforce for a while. There is no reason it has to be the females, that is just your latent sexim peaking out.

Granted during the recession the LFPR went down due to a lack of jobs. But the fact it is now leveled out shows that we are at full employment, despite what you claimed.

You really don't celebrate logic much, do you?

Median and middle class incomes are stagnant. That is hardly a hallmark of booming prosperity which enables families to live comfortably on one income.
You do know that your sainted Ronnie Raygun raised taxes after fucking up and cutting them, right?

The net result for his administration was a drastic cut in taxes. Snowflake douchebags have been whining about it ever since. On the one hand you blame his tax cuts for the deficits in the 1980s. On the other hand you claim he increased taxes. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Which is it? Did he raise taxes or lower them?

He did both putz.

ROFL! I knew you would talk out of both sides of your mouth.

What was the net result of his administration, lower taxes or higher taxes?

Lower taxes for.the wealthy and higher taxes for the average earner, over time.

You still didn't answer the question. Were taxes on net lower or higher after his administration.

Is this the piece of idiocy you want to hang your hat on?

Yes net taxes were lower after The Reagan Administration. Lowering taxes had many unintended consequences. Poverty increased, unemployment increased, wages stagnated, food stamp usage doubled, and the stock market crashed.

Oh and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world started. That’s where the tax code was tilted so that wealth flowed from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

Trump has just accelerated that last one.
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The net result for his administration was a drastic cut in taxes. Snowflake douchebags have been whining about it ever since. On the one hand you blame his tax cuts for the deficits in the 1980s. On the other hand you claim he increased taxes. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Which is it? Did he raise taxes or lower them?

He did both putz.

ROFL! I knew you would talk out of both sides of your mouth.

What was the net result of his administration, lower taxes or higher taxes?

Lower taxes for.the wealthy and higher taxes for the average earner, over time.

You still didn't answer the question. Were taxes on net lower or higher after his administration.

Is this the piece of idiocy you want to hang your hat on?

Yes net taxes were lower after The Reagan Administration. Lowering taxes had many unintended consequences. Poverty increased, unemployment increased, wages stagnated, food stamp usage doubled, and the stock market crashed.

Oh and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world started. That’s where the tax code was tilted do that wealth flowed from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

Trump has just accelerated that last one.

End thread,truth!
He did both putz.

ROFL! I knew you would talk out of both sides of your mouth.

What was the net result of his administration, lower taxes or higher taxes?

Lower taxes for.the wealthy and higher taxes for the average earner, over time.

You still didn't answer the question. Were taxes on net lower or higher after his administration.

Is this the piece of idiocy you want to hang your hat on?

Yes net taxes were lower after The Reagan Administration. Lowering taxes had many unintended consequences. Poverty increased, unemployment increased, wages stagnated, food stamp usage doubled, and the stock market crashed.

Oh and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world started. That’s where the tax code was tilted do that wealth flowed from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

Trump has just accelerated that last one.

End thread,truth!

So the truth is that Reagan lowered taxes even though you've been claiming he raised taxes.

Thanks for admitting that, douchebag.
The net result for his administration was a drastic cut in taxes. Snowflake douchebags have been whining about it ever since. On the one hand you blame his tax cuts for the deficits in the 1980s. On the other hand you claim he increased taxes. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Which is it? Did he raise taxes or lower them?

He did both putz.

ROFL! I knew you would talk out of both sides of your mouth.

What was the net result of his administration, lower taxes or higher taxes?

Lower taxes for.the wealthy and higher taxes for the average earner, over time.

You still didn't answer the question. Were taxes on net lower or higher after his administration.

Is this the piece of idiocy you want to hang your hat on?

Yes net taxes were lower after The Reagan Administration. Lowering taxes had many unintended consequences. Poverty increased, unemployment increased, wages stagnated, food stamp usage doubled, and the stock market crashed.

Oh and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world started. That’s where the tax code was tilted do that wealth flowed from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

Trump has just accelerated that last one.
I don't give a crap about your worthless opinion on the subject. All we're trying to establish here is whether he lowered or raised taxes. You just admitted that he lowered them.

Thanks for playing!
ROFL! I knew you would talk out of both sides of your mouth.

What was the net result of his administration, lower taxes or higher taxes?

Lower taxes for.the wealthy and higher taxes for the average earner, over time.

You still didn't answer the question. Were taxes on net lower or higher after his administration.

Is this the piece of idiocy you want to hang your hat on?

Yes net taxes were lower after The Reagan Administration. Lowering taxes had many unintended consequences. Poverty increased, unemployment increased, wages stagnated, food stamp usage doubled, and the stock market crashed.

Oh and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world started. That’s where the tax code was tilted do that wealth flowed from the working and middle class to the wealthy.

Trump has just accelerated that last one.

End thread,truth!

So the truth is that Reagan lowered taxes even though you've been claiming he raised taxes.

Thanks for admitting that, douchebag.
He raised them on those that could use the money the most you fucking maroon.
the top marginal rate was 70% when Reagan got elected, numbnuts. What is it now?
Do you think the top marginal rate is the ONLY tax? You probably are stupid enough to think that. :asshole:
St Ronnie raised every regressive tax he could think of like the gas tax, payroll taxes, cigarette taxes, he even started taxing social security benefits. So he cut the progressive income tax and replaced it with increases in regressive taxes.
I have refuted that bogus excuse multiple times. The LFPR for younger workers has declined while it has actually increased for older ones.
All that shows is you are very gullible to swallow that BS.
LPR foe older workers goes up because more of them are retiring and thus leaving the workforce whereas more younger workers are entering the workforce for the first time.
Don't really care who you give credit for 3 point more or less growth, what I see is that the super rich own & control more & more of everything, while the majority of the population is treading water or slipping back.

And this is the biggest problem in the country. Not taxes so much as stagnant wages for the working class. The uber wealthy gett more and more while the working class gets less and less.

The solution to this is easy. Learn to do something that has a higher value. Your wage will increase.

Aside from that, the biggest reason wages are not going up, is because the left-wing has demanded more and more expenses on employers.

When you demand that employers cover ever larger amounts of health care for example, every dollar they pay in increased health care benefits, is a dollar they can't pay their employees in wages.

Every dollar they pay in employer side taxes, like Social Security and Unemployment Comp, is a dollar they can't pay to employees.
REBOUND to where?

Obama's expansionary policies created significant growth in second half 2009 through 2014 and this rebound would not be anywhere as good without them.

We also didn't have a double dip and Obama was the first president in a very long time to not hand off a recessionary economy to his successor.

Look at the chart, dumbass. Government spending never caused the economy to grow, and it never will.

Ignorant bullshit from a two bit politico.

As ANY economist will tell you, government’s fiscal and monetary policy ABSOLUTELY effects economic activity GDP measures.

For example It is right about impossible to spend 870 Billion into economy (especially recessionary economy) and not see significant near term GDP growth.
But somehow Obama did that.

How far down your asshole did you have to reach to pull out such rediculous fantasy?

Tell me, where do you THINK 870 Billion could disappear to without showing up in GDP numbers? Or do you just thoughtlessly repeat what you heard some other rightwinger assert?

$870 billion spent had to be taken from someone. You don't raise the water level in a bath tub by scooping up water at one end and pouring it in at the other end.

870 billion was financed with debt and not a penny of it is paid up - any other bullshit you want to post?
Considering Trump ended his first year at 2.6% compared to Obama's first year at -2.8% I'd say Trump crushed it! Trump's 2.6% was better than almost every one of Obama's years. Obama ended a year under 2% four times and never over 3%. Obama's best year was 2015 when the GOP reclaimed the Senate. Dumb effing Liberals. smh
So the truth is that Reagan lowered taxes even though you've been claiming he raised taxes.

Thanks for admitting that, douchebag.

The truth is as the RMS Titanic sank, it also rose out of the water.

Reagan raised taxes more times than he lowered them. And that's the truth Pttttttthhhhhh.
But....but....Trump promised us 4 percent growth

2.3 percent growth is what Trump called "a disaster"

What will you say if he's correct?

JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon says Trump's tax cut will lead to economic boom this year
  • Dimon says economic growth could hit 4 percent this year.
Jamie Dimon says Trump's tax cut will lead to economic boom this year

Trump said that about his rolling back Obama regulations.

Where are the jobs?
Considering Trump ended his first year at 2.6% compared to Obama's first year at -2.8% I'd say Trump crushed it!

Obama inherited the Bush economy (enough said about how far in the toilet that was)
Trump inherited Obama's economy, which had just gone through the longest sustained private sector job growth in American history.
Don't really care who you give credit for 3 point more or less growth, what I see is that the super rich own & control more & more of everything, while the majority of the population is treading water or slipping back.

And this is the biggest problem in the country. Not taxes so much as stagnant wages for the working class. The uber wealthy gett more and more while the working class gets less and less.

The solution to this is easy.the biggest reason wages are not going up, is because the left-wing has demanded more and more expenses on employers. do you say that with a straight face while this has been going on?


Considering Trump ended his first year at 2.6% compared to Obama's first year at -2.8% I'd say Trump crushed it!

Obama inherited the Bush economy (enough said about how far in the toilet that was)
Trump inherited Obama's economy, which had just gone through the longest sustained private sector job growth in American history.

The OP is bitching about the slow 2.3% GDP but you claim Trump inherited Obama's economy. Ironic?

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