Trump budget cuts Medicare/Medicaid by almost $1,000,000,000,000

He's not cutting anything. He's just reducing spending.

For my money they can deep six Medicaid. Let those idiots pay for their own health care instead of we the tax payer.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

From the article:

While spending would still rise under Trump’s plan, it would not climb as much as it would under current law.

Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

This is where you show your real stupidity.
People without Medicare or Medicaid will flood the ERs with their health problems.
ERs can't turn anyone away.
Guess who pays for that, MEATHEAD?
You do.

Not me fool. D\amned if I'm going to pay for your free stuff if I don't have to.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

View attachment 249936

He says he's not a politician.
The motherfucker is the WORST kind of politician.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""
Clearly, fake news. As far as Medicare and Medicaid are concerned, the budget plan anticipates savings by reducing payments to providers, not by cutting benefits to beneficiaries. It will also restructure how some services are provided to cut surcharges by providers by moving some benefits from Part B to Part D. There are no cuts to benefits.

As for Medicaid, the change will simply allow the states more control over their Medicaid programs, so they can tailor them to the needs of their populations.

The budget exposes the President as a leader who keeps his promises to both preserve Medicare and to get rid of waste in government spending.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""
Oh so the democrats are back to not caring about the deficit I see. Can you guys make up your mind? For once I want to see a lefty hold a position no matter the politics on it......a pipe dream I know.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

This should be proof to everyone that Trump can't be trusted. His entire so-called presidency is a sham.
Vought didnt even say what i am referring to. The author of this piece did.
Cant bother to read the whole thing because your confirmation bias kicked in during the first paragraph.
Lmao baaaah baaaaah

LMAO bahahahaha
He was referring to Vought when he said it.
Just keep diverting from the fact that Trump lied.

You assholes were all over Obama when he said you could keep your doctor.

Now you deflect like the cowards that you truly are.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

Who cares?
When did this happen to the GOP? Was it during Reagan?

Holy crap. This really is ugly.
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

Who cares?

You should care.
Even if you never need Medicare, you're going to pay more when the hospitals and docs raise their rates to cover the cost of taking patients through their ERs and then not getting paid.
It's that simple.
When did this happen to the GOP? Was it during Reagan?

Holy crap. This really is ugly.

Trump owns the GOP.
And the Republicans put him above office, party and country.
They are nothing more than a cult now.
Mother fuckers STILL pretending this is more than it is
But whacha gonna do :dunno:
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

LOL.....from YOUR source.

"On Monday, acting Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought said the president is "not cutting Medicare in this budget" but rather "putting forward reforms that are cutting drug prices." Medicare spending would still rise "every year by healthy margins" and no "structural changes" would take place, he said."
Fucker promised he wouldn't touch those programs.

Now he's got to make up for the deficit his tax cuts to his rich friends has caused.

Anyone who voted for him should be run off the road with your license and voter ID card taken away.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts

  • President Trump’s 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals are already using the budget plan against him.
  • The White House has denied that Trump wants to cut the popular programs, and even Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama trimmed Medicare spending.
  • .
  • .
  • His fiscal 2020 proposal unveiled Monday calls for reductions in funding for Medicare and Medicaid relative to current law. Over a decade, the plan would shave an estimated $800 billion or more off Medicare, which covers older Americans, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and various reports. It would also cut spending on Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures low-income Americans, by more than $200 billion while setting up block grants to states."""""

View attachment 249936

He says he's not a politician.
The motherfucker is the WORST kind of politician.


"While spending would still rise under Trump's plan, it would not climb as much as it would under current law."

You are a dumbasses dumbass.

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