Trump calls Adam Schiff "Adam Schitt" on Twitter

You sound like a friggin broken record. You're on here time and time again attacking progressives. Do you even know the meaning of progressive? You don't want things to progress in this country? Progress allows things to go forward. Without progress your sorry ass would still be on the reservation.

Say what?

1. I am a Chicago guy,

2. I am on multiple political forums (been banned from many)

3. I love news and politics, that's my hobby been like that since I was 7 years old maybee 5 ..

4.. How do you know I am on here unless you ghost read?

5. If you could describe me political..I would tell you straight up I am a conservative JFK Democrat..

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the broken record person who claims to be a Sioux and all of his comments are about his hating progressives.
You do realize the progressive federal government put the reservations in place, Progressives are a fucked up bunch
Well, that was a compromise for people like you, who just wanted to wipe them out via genocide. Because, brown skin.
He claims he's a full blooded Sioux, so he's not white either. The white man wanted to wipe out the Indians way back when, but for some reason,it seems this one has a hard on for the white man.
I’m not politically correct, political correctness is for fucking cowards.
If it was not for your ancestors we would still be playing around with sticks and dirt and worshiping dirt...
I don’t look at things through race at all, I’ll look at life through the eyes of an individual....
It never takes a village
Yep, But he is a saint compared to the Clintons and Obamas...
He does inferiorate progressives to no end... :abgg2q.jpg:

You sound like a friggin broken record. You're on here time and time again attacking progressives. Do you even know the meaning of progressive? You don't want things to progress in this country? Progress allows things to go forward. Without progress your sorry ass would still be on the reservation.

Say what?

1. I am a Chicago guy,

2. I am on multiple political forums (been banned from many)

3. I love news and politics, that's my hobby been like that since I was 7 years old maybee 5 ..

4.. How do you know I am on here unless you ghost read?

5. If you could describe me political..I would tell you straight up I am a conservative JFK Democrat..

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the broken record person who claims to be a Sioux and all of his comments are about his hating progressives.
You do realize the progressive federal government put the reservations in place, Progressives are a fucked up bunch
Well, that was a compromise for people like you, who just wanted to wipe them out via genocide. Because, brown skin.
It has nothing to do with Race, It’s all about the collective controlling people they disagree with
Say what?

1. I am a Chicago guy,

2. I am on multiple political forums (been banned from many)

3. I love news and politics, that's my hobby been like that since I was 7 years old maybee 5 ..

4.. How do you know I am on here unless you ghost read?

5. If you could describe me political..I would tell you straight up I am a conservative JFK Democrat..

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the broken record person who claims to be a Sioux and all of his comments are about his hating progressives.
You do realize the progressive federal government put the reservations in place, Progressives are a fucked up bunch
Well, that was a compromise for people like you, who just wanted to wipe them out via genocide. Because, brown skin.
He claims he's a full blooded Sioux, so he's not white either. The white man wanted to wipe out the Indians way back when, but for some reason,it seems this one has a hard on for the white man.
I’m not politically correct, political correctness is for fucking cowards.
If it was not for your ancestors we would still be playing around with sticks and dirt and worshiping dirt...
I don’t look at things through race at all, I’ll look at i life through the eyes of an individual....
It never takes a village

As MJ once said " but there is an I in win"
Trump’s Twitter feed makes me suspect that his entire presidency is one big act of trolling. Actually, I’ve distrusted him from the start because he was a New York liberal, friends with the Clintons, extremely pro“choice”, authoritarian tendencies, etc. I’ve said before that these days I don’t think anyone can get to the presidency unless they’re “in the club” if you know what I mean.


You get it..

View attachment 229502


Just a PS..

When cute girls like her get smart, figure stuff out we are screwed..

Yeah butter cup you figured him out.

Trump’s Twitter feed makes me suspect that his entire presidency is one big act of trolling. Actually, I’ve distrusted him from the start because he was a New York liberal, friends with the Clintons, extremely pro“choice”, authoritarian tendencies, etc. I’ve said before that these days I don’t think anyone can get to the presidency unless they’re “in the club” if you know what I mean.


You get it..

View attachment 229502


Just a PS..

When cute girls like her get smart, figure stuff out we are screwed..

Yeah butter cup you figured him out.


Well thank you, but I think I’m in a tiny minority here. (but what else is new, ha ha)
One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Why is President Trump insulting shit?
Say what?

1. I am a Chicago guy,

2. I am on multiple political forums (been banned from many)

3. I love news and politics, that's my hobby been like that since I was 7 years old maybee 5 ..

4.. How do you know I am on here unless you ghost read?

5. If you could describe me political..I would tell you straight up I am a conservative JFK Democrat..

I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the broken record person who claims to be a Sioux and all of his comments are about his hating progressives.
You do realize the progressive federal government put the reservations in place, Progressives are a fucked up bunch
Well, that was a compromise for people like you, who just wanted to wipe them out via genocide. Because, brown skin.
He claims he's a full blooded Sioux, so he's not white either. The white man wanted to wipe out the Indians way back when, but for some reason,it seems this one has a hard on for the white man.
I’m not politically correct, political correctness is for fucking cowards.
If it was not for your ancestors we would still be playing around with sticks and dirt and worshiping dirt...
I don’t look at things through race at all, I’ll look at life through the eyes of an individual....
It never takes a village
Wrong! My grandparents on my mother's side came here from Italy and my great grandfather on my father's side came here from Russia. My father's mother's ancestry goes back a few generations further, but nowhere near as far back as you're implying. None of my ancestors were responsible for what you're claiming. Unless of course, yours were in Italy or Russia at the time. Or, on my grandmother's side, England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Norway, or Denmark. She was what she liked to call, Heinz 57.
One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

People like Ted Crazier call him Drumpf constantly. About time we had someone with balls.
I’ve never called him Drumpf, AbNorman.
One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

People like Ted Crazier call him Drumpf constantly. About time we had someone with balls.
I’ve never called him Drumpf, AbNorman.
SNORT! You mean ABNormal, don't you?
One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

People like Ted Crazier call him Drumpf constantly. About time we had someone with balls.
I’ve never called him Drumpf, AbNorman.
SNORT! You mean ABNormal, don't you?
When did he called him shit?

He called him Schitt! S-C-H-I-TT :auiqs.jpg:

I love this President!!!! :laughing0301::huddle:
One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

I think Trump was too kind. Schitt ain't worth a crap anyways.

One day after Sarah Sanders told CNN reporters to act “like adults”, the president of the united states said this about the new House Intelligence Committee chair:

“So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Well, he might have learned of that reference from the Communist Broadcast Corporation (CBC). They've had this show for a few years now, with Eugene Levy and Katherine whatever her last name is from old SCTV:

Schitt's Creek


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