Trump Calls For More Taxation, And Lies Yet Again

What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

Sarcasm is my take away.

Your first paragraph lacks substance (truth), as it stereotypes an entire set of people, many of whom are to the left because they oppose authoritarianism.

Your claim that the left plays a shallow game, i.e NIGYYSOB (a game described in Games People Play) is similarly silly, and for the same reasons, is not substantive nor supported by evidence.

Ann Coulter once said "hypocrisy is when a conservative claims he hates the smell of feces then gets caught using the rest room".

You first confuse "stereotyping" with "identifying". Then you label a group as "opposed to authoritarianism". Yeah I know you used the media wiggle-word "many". But nevertheless you did it. And you lied. There are no greater authoritarians than the left. Everything from socialism to speech codes fail without threats and power to back them up.
Part of the control and power lies in trying to discourage recognition of the threat. As in "if you recognize this group you are guilty of stereotyping because they have no group identity..but they all oppose authoritarianism you see".
Wow! Do you consider yourself a Republican, a conservative or an authoritarian? Clearly you do not support democracy, nor the American system of jurisprudence.

Real conservatives had a fit when FDR tried to pack the Supreme Court, your post suggests the judiciary must be cleansed of independent thinkers. What litmust tests do you support?

Ahh another leftie defending "real conservatism". There is an epidemic of that here it seems. Keep up the good work. I am sure conservatives appreciate your zeal for ideological purity.

But it seems your question to me relies on your a priori stereotyping of what box i fit in. You have no idea therefore GIGO.
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.

If that is his concern then he needs to focus on Comcast, Verizon and AT&T. They provide shitty service and horribly high prices and your average American cannot live without Internet now, it is a utility.

Amazon is a retail reseller and if you have an account, you will know that they have the best customer service and competitive pricing amongst its merchants.

Trump is just fucking jealous of Bezos. Period. The end. Bezos is now the richest person in America and SELF MADE. Not inherited. Bezos never had to file bankruptcy in order to survive. Trump is a low life spineless scum ball
I use a novel approach to companies that provide lousy service.

I don't use them.

Try it sometime.
We do, then the asshole companies buys them & turns them into the same old crap!
Nice straw man effort, too bad you used wet straw and dressed it up in asbestos. That said, the concern of Democrats is not that Trump raised taxes, it is because he once again LIED. Any thinking person, and as a hack I don't consider you a thinker, understand this, even some Republicans; though I suspect your would call them RINOs.

I would just call them Republicans. Isnt that pejorative enough?

My taxes went down. Fact. When my CPA did my taxes this year he included a"whatif" by running them under Trumps plan. And the numbers dont lie. I would pay less taxes.

Go lie to someone who doesn't know enough to recognize that doubling the standard deduction helps poorer Americans who do not itemize. And according to the IRS 70% of America does not itemize.

The median salary is about 50000 or so in the US. That means for half of America the portion of their salary that is tax free just doubled.
non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now
What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.
non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now

Not yet, but give it time. Even you luddites will be impressed
non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now

Not yet, but give it time. Even you luddites will be impressed
I don't use them I am for them paying their fair share though..rrrigghhttt

I am for that as well, though I use the hell out of them. I get at least 2 to 3 packages a week as well as Prime TV.
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

And the Right normally suck up to big business and now they are attacking them. My how times have changed. Left is right and up is down.
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?

For you and other morons

The massive difference in how Democrats and Republicans raise money
Jul 16, 2014 - Republicans get lots of donations from wealthy individuals and corporate interests;Democrats get money from less rich individuals and a somewhat overlapping set of ... The RGA didmuch better, about $24 million raised versus under $14 million, although the DGA had more donors, about 1,500 to 400.
non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now

Not yet, but give it time. Even you luddites will be impressed
I don't use them I am for them paying their fair share though..rrrigghhttt

I am for that as well, though I use the hell out of them. I get at least 2 to 3 packages a week as well as Prime TV.
Prime tv is good. Just wish they had more up to date free movies.
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

And the Right normally suck up to big business and now they are attacking them. My how times have changed. Left is right and up is down.
I know, it's crazy right? "Cats and dogs, living together! It's mass hysteria!"

non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now

Not yet, but give it time. Even you luddites will be impressed
I don't use them I am for them paying their fair share though..rrrigghhttt

I am for that as well, though I use the hell out of them. I get at least 2 to 3 packages a week as well as Prime TV.
Prime tv is good. Just wish they had more up to date free movies.

That is a problem. I like their original stuff better than that on Netflix for the most part.
non-issue to be worked up over. I fail to see what the outrage is over.
I thought Amazon drones were supposed to be dropping your stuff from the sky by now

Not yet, but give it time. Even you luddites will be impressed
I don't use them I am for them paying their fair share though..rrrigghhttt

I am for that as well, though I use the hell out of them. I get at least 2 to 3 packages a week as well as Prime TV.
Prime tv is good. Just wish they had more up to date free movies.

That is a problem. I like their original stuff better than that on Netflix for the most part.
Yep, Amazon does have good original movies and series.

Anyway, back to topic :)
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

And the Right normally suck up to big business and now they are attacking them. My how times have changed. Left is right and up is down.
I know, it's crazy right? "Cats and dogs, sleeping together! It's mass hysteria!"


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