Trump Calls For More Taxation, And Lies Yet Again

Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.
When I told you Trump would lead you pseudocons into the far left cave, you scoffed.

Look at you now. Siding with Trump as he demands a profitable corporation be punished with higher taxes for their success!

WOW!!! :1peleas:

If it triggers the left I'm all for it.

How very patriotic of you. Fuck the country, as long as the left is "triggered".

The left are a danger to themselves and others, they must be destroyed once and for all.
Nice straw man effort, too bad you used wet straw and dressed it up in asbestos. That said, the concern of Democrats is not that Trump raised taxes, it is because he once again LIED. Any thinking person, and as a hack I don't consider you a thinker, understand this, even some Republicans; though I suspect you would call them RINOs.

I would just call them Republicans. Isnt that pejorative enough?

My taxes went down. Fact. When my CPA did my taxes this year he included a"whatif" by running them under Trumps plan. And the numbers dont lie. I would pay less taxes.

Go lie to someone who doesn't know enough to recognize that doubling the standard deduction helps poorer Americans who do not itemize. And according to the IRS 70% of America does not itemize.

The median salary is about 50000 or so in the US. That means for half of America the portion of their salary that is tax free just doubled.

I'm smart enough to realize the standard deduction today,won't be worth the the same value in five years, or maybe even in two years. However, every year people will obtain new mortgages and therein is the hidden tax (hidden for those who don't think); state taxes may rise as well as the cost of goods and services, especially for goods imported with a tariff.

You've been fooled by Ryan, McConnell and Trump, and one day you will come to realize how badly it will effect you, and if you have one, your family.

My income is well over the average, my home is worth 1.2 Million and every year the real estate tax will grow by 2%. I own another home in which one of my sons and his family reside, and we can continue to write off all of the mortgage interest, and all of the real estate taxes.

You know why, it's a business, like Trump's hotels - and this is the bottom line which makes the tax bill a faux tax cut for We the People.
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Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.
When I told you Trump would lead you pseudocons into the far left cave, you scoffed.

Look at you now. Siding with Trump as he demands a profitable corporation be punished with higher taxes for their success!

WOW!!! :1peleas:

If it triggers the left I'm all for it.

How very patriotic of you. Fuck the country, as long as the left is "triggered".

The left are a danger to themselves and others, they must be destroyed once and for all.

You have to be trolling. There's no way that you're really that dumb and hateful.

Oh well, there's no point talking with a jihadist.
President Trump plays liberals like a freaking violin and he enjoys it. Imagine being hysterical about Amazon.

Are you sure? Are you sure it's not the other way around? Because I see life long conservatives supporting liberal policies. Conservatives are being led to the other end of the spectrum and they don't even realize it.

LOL. Suddenly USMB is full of concerned leftists warning that Trump is too left wing!

Listen...who gives these marching orders? How do you all know exactly what drivel to push? Is it the DNC daily briefing?

What does this have to do with me? If you have problem with liberals then take it up with liberals.

I know in your tiny little bubble anyone who isnt a puppet of the RNC must be a liberal, but believe it or not independents do exist.
Trump tweeted this today:

"I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!"

First of all, the USPS has to make a profit, by law, in any agreement they make with Amazon. Amazon's previous response to this bullshit:

“As is the case with all of its customers, our partnership with USPS is reviewed annually by the Postal Regulatory Commission, which has spent decades reviewing and approving USPS costing and pricing practices. The Postal Regulatory Commission has consistently found that Amazon’s contracts with the USPS are profitable. Amazon has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a network of more than 20 package sortation facilities that inject directly into the USPS last mile network bypassing most of USPS network. This investment resulted in more efficient processes as well as thousands of jobs and related economic benefits in local communities.”

And let's remember what Trump said during the campaign:

LOL! So now liberals care about multi-billion-dollar corporations not having to pay too many taxes!!! Oh. My. Word.

IOW, for liberals, anything Trump does must be wrong.

I happen to disagree with Trump on this issue, but it is comical to see liberals reaching and grabbing for any excuse to attack him.
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.
When I told you Trump would lead you pseudocons into the far left cave, you scoffed.

Look at you now. Siding with Trump as he demands a profitable corporation be punished with higher taxes for their success!

WOW!!! :1peleas:

If it triggers the left I'm all for it.

How very patriotic of you. Fuck the country, as long as the left is "triggered".

The left are a danger to themselves and others, they must be destroyed once and for all.

You have to be trolling. There's no way that you're really that dumb and hateful.

Oh well, there's no point talking with a jihadist.

Dumb and hateful??? Yeah, there's a way, and in some who post on this message board, it is an epidemic.
A little more evidence that Trump*** is a liar and taxes for many will increase:

How Trump's new tax law affects homeowners at every income level from $83,000 to $336,000 a year

***Not only Trump, but the entire Republican membership in the H. or Rep. who made claim that the tax bill cut taxes across the board.

Anyone want to guess who is not hurt by this Tax Bill?

How the New U.S. Tax Law Impacts Property Owners - Mansion Global

The article you cited doesn't even support what you claim.

"Below, we've listed the affect of Trump's tax law on homeowners of the highest-value homes - the 75th percentile - in 27 of the largest US metros, ranked by home value, using Salviati's calculations."

"limited to the amount they pay on $750,000 worth of debt, down from $1 million."

Oh boo hoo people with million dollar homes, the top 25%, will not get to deduct their taxes on them.
And the headline is a lie. Unless you think people making 83,000 a year live in homes worth over one million?

But it gets worse due to the lack of understanding here. Any person, from pauper to liberal billionaire, will only be hurt as much as his state taxes him. If you lose a federal tax deduction then you simply cannot come, hat in hand, to the rest of us and ask us to pay your taxes. All these taxes are imposed by liberals in New York and New Jersey and California and Connecticut and so on. You know...the places Shumer and Schiff and Feinstein and the Clintons live. They have long shifted the load by overtaxing their citizens and then having the federal government refund their money to keep them quiet.

Nothing like a rich liberal screaming when the federal gravy train slows down a little.

If you dont like your home or state income taxes then you will have to expel the Democrats who imposed them on you. Not bitch at Trump for not taking my money and giving it to you.
What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

Consistency is the shibboleth they use. Dont fall for it. Accept that they are a corrupt bunch who lie. Rich people railing against the rich is just a way to get the vote of the poorly educated. Marxism, socialism, collectivism..these are hobbies of the filthy rich. Always have been. They use they desperately poor but make no mistake it is the rich who attend the 10000/plate fundraisers to advance socialism.
The richest corporation boards are stacked with liberals. Hollywood is infested. Wall Street is as sick with it.
And it feeds the liberal cowardice. They can feel really rebellious and so edgy while their every political expression is mirrored on in the media and by big corporations. They would truly not know what to do if they were to have an opinion not vetted and approved by the ruling elites.
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

And the Right normally suck up to big business and now they are attacking them. My how times have changed. Left is right and up is down.

Has always been a lie. At least since the 1960's. My lifetime. The left has been well funded and well represented among the rich and powerful for as long as I have been watching politics.
My income is well over the average, my home is worth 1.2 Million and every year the real estate tax will grow by 2%. I own another home in which one of my sons and his family reside, and we can continue to write off all of the mortgage interest, and all of the real estate taxes.

You know why, it's a business, like Trump's hotels - and this is the bottom line which makes the tax bill a faux tax cut for We the People.

Sure you do. As someone else commented about the leftists on are all rich saints just looking out for the working man.

But on the chance that your income is "well above average" and your several homes are worth millions,...dont bitch to me that taxes were unfairly reduced. Us working folks will worry about that.

If your state taxes rise by 2% a year dont bitch to me or President Trump. Scream at your state legislature.
President Trump plays liberals like a freaking violin and he enjoys it. Imagine being hysterical about Amazon.

Are you sure? Are you sure it's not the other way around? Because I see life long conservatives supporting liberal policies. Conservatives are being led to the other end of the spectrum and they don't even realize it.

LOL. Suddenly USMB is full of concerned leftists warning that Trump is too left wing!

Listen...who gives these marching orders? How do you all know exactly what drivel to push? Is it the DNC daily briefing?

What does this have to do with me? If you have problem with liberals then take it up with liberals.

I know in your tiny little bubble anyone who isnt a puppet of the RNC must be a liberal, but believe it or not independents do exist.

They just all independently oppose Trump. Right?
These huge corporations fund the left. What do you expect?
It does pose an interesting dilemma. The left usually rail against the rich, yet, it's the rich who sent them billions each year.

Perhaps, to be consistent, they should be refusing all of this money?

And the Right normally suck up to big business and now they are attacking them. My how times have changed. Left is right and up is down.

Has always been a lie. At least since the 1960's. My lifetime. The left has been well funded and well represented among the rich and powerful for as long as I have been watching politics.

LOL. Yes, the left always has been...and the right always has been as well. You are fooling yourself if you think the rich and powerful do not also support the right.
I'm smart enough to realize the standard deduction today,won't be worth the the same value in five years, or maybe even in two years. However, every year people will obtain new mortgages and therein is the hidden tax (hidden for those who don't think); state taxes may rise as well as the cost of goods and services, especially for goods imported with a tariff.

But you arent smart enough to realize it is indexed to inflation?
The standard deduction for 70% plus of America just jumped from 12700 to 24000. And you find a reason to bitch? 24000 means 1/2 of the salary of the bottom 50% of America is now tax free. Completely.
For the rich not so much help. Sorry.

And once again dont complain to Trump if your state is raising your taxes. Call your state legislator.
What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.

The real enemy is anyone that uses the power of the government to restrict liberty ,and you on the "right" do it every bit as much as the left.

The term "smaller government" is a joke when spoken by the likes of you
A little more evidence that Trump*** is a liar and taxes for many will increase:

How Trump's new tax law affects homeowners at every income level from $83,000 to $336,000 a year

***Not only Trump, but the entire Republican membership in the H. or Rep. who made claim that the tax bill cut taxes across the board.

Anyone want to guess who is not hurt by this Tax Bill?

How the New U.S. Tax Law Impacts Property Owners - Mansion Global

The article you cited doesn't even support what you claim.

"Below, we've listed the affect of Trump's tax law on homeowners of the highest-value homes - the 75th percentile - in 27 of the largest US metros, ranked by home value, using Salviati's calculations."

"limited to the amount they pay on $750,000 worth of debt, down from $1 million."

Oh boo hoo people with million dollar homes, the top 25%, will not get to deduct their taxes on them.
And the headline is a lie. Unless you think people making 83,000 a year live in homes worth over one million?

But it gets worse due to the lack of understanding here. Any person, from pauper to liberal billionaire, will only be hurt as much as his state taxes him. If you lose a federal tax deduction then you simply cannot come, hat in hand, to the rest of us and ask us to pay your taxes. All these taxes are imposed by liberals in New York and New Jersey and California and Connecticut and so on. You know...the places Shumer and Schiff and Feinstein and the Clintons live. They have long shifted the load by overtaxing their citizens and then having the federal government refund their money to keep them quiet.

Nothing like a rich liberal screaming when the federal gravy train slows down a little.

If you dont like your home or state income taxes then you will have to expel the Democrats who imposed them on you. Not bitch at Trump for not taking my money and giving it to you.

Nice rant. M

y dad's home was purchased for $34,000 in 1970; when he passed away we sold it for 1.6 million, and his retirement was only $50k per year. Clearly, you don't know what you're talking about.

This Tax Bill is a change from the past practices, and was used by the GOP to punish likely Democratic Voters.
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.

Amazon is not a monopoly.

I thought you guys were all about less government meddling and regulation or has that suddenly changed now that a Republican is in the White House.
What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.

The real enemy is anyone that uses the power of the government to restrict liberty ,and you on the "right" do it every bit as much as the left.

The term "smaller government" is a joke when spoken by the likes of you
And yet libs whine as useless regulations are ashcanned

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