Trump Calls For More Taxation, And Lies Yet Again

What is it like being a communist living in the US?

Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.

The real enemy is anyone that uses the power of the government to restrict liberty ,and you on the "right" do it every bit as much as the left.

The term "smaller government" is a joke when spoken by the likes of you
And yet libs whine as useless regulations are ashcanned

Yep, both sides suck right now, both sides are basically the same.
Maybe this is just hyperbole. Maybe you are severely confused. You could be enjoying that old shallow democrat game of "gotcha hypocrite now do it my way".
Or it could be the age old left wing joy in pretending to be to the right of something...anything.

Are you implying that monopoly regulation, public utility commissions and anti-trust laws are communist? All of them have purview over communications platforms by law.

I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.

The real enemy is anyone that uses the power of the government to restrict liberty ,and you on the "right" do it every bit as much as the left.

The term "smaller government" is a joke when spoken by the likes of you
And yet libs whine as useless regulations are ashcanned

Yep, both sides suck right now, both sides are basically the same.
Except one side is doing something,,,,one side hasn't in decades except author more more and more useless regs
I it is not hyperbole nor am I confused. I am a small government libertarian who favors the free market whenever possible.

I do not have an issue with public utility commissions as utilities are necessary for survival, but any anti-trust/monopoly busting action taken against a company that does not provide a necessary, I am against.

I am against punishing a company for being too good at what it does and being too successful, we are told by those on the "right" that such actions remove the desire to succeed.

Facebook is not a necessity nor does it improve one's standard of loving one iota, so I do not care if they have 99.9% of the "market share". If they do, then good for them for being very good at what they do.

Same goes for Google.

Amazon does not provide a single thing that I cannot get elsewhere, thus there is no reason to punish them for being successful.

I believe if we are going to err, it should always be on the side of liberty and not on the side of the Govt.

Oh you are certainly confused. You give that definition of what a PUC should do and then pretend it is the working definition for PUCs. It isnt. Is cable TV necessary for survival? Internet?
This is why libertarians are just a small fantasy party. Your quest for ideological purity leads you to attack those who are the enemies of your real enemy.

The real enemy is anyone that uses the power of the government to restrict liberty ,and you on the "right" do it every bit as much as the left.

The term "smaller government" is a joke when spoken by the likes of you
And yet libs whine as useless regulations are ashcanned

Yep, both sides suck right now, both sides are basically the same.
Except one side is doing something,,,,one side hasn't in decades except author more more and more useless regs


Yep, that something is stupid tariffs and attacks on private companies and passing the largest spending bill ever and being on pace to add 2.5 trillion dollars to the national debt this CY.

I really wish they would quit "doing something" and let the market do what it does
Trump tweeted this today:

"I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!"

First of all, the USPS has to make a profit, by law, in any agreement they make with Amazon. Amazon's previous response to this bullshit:

“As is the case with all of its customers, our partnership with USPS is reviewed annually by the Postal Regulatory Commission, which has spent decades reviewing and approving USPS costing and pricing practices. The Postal Regulatory Commission has consistently found that Amazon’s contracts with the USPS are profitable. Amazon has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a network of more than 20 package sortation facilities that inject directly into the USPS last mile network bypassing most of USPS network. This investment resulted in more efficient processes as well as thousands of jobs and related economic benefits in local communities.”

And let's remember what Trump said during the campaign:

You lefties always defend mega corporations.

I hope Trump busts up Amazon, Fakebook, Apple, and Microsoft for starters.

Trump on the video tape just admitted he does not pay taxes and that makes him SMART.
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Filthy Don's steak business went flat because absolutely no one considered going to the mall to pick up low quality cuts.

He still be mad! :113:
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.
When I told you Trump would lead you pseudocons into the far left cave, you scoffed.

Look at you now. Siding with Trump as he demands a profitable corporation be punished with higher taxes for their success!

WOW!!! :1peleas:

If it triggers the left I'm all for it.

How very patriotic of you. Fuck the country, as long as the left is "triggered".

The left are a danger to themselves and others, they must be destroyed once and for all.

You have to be trolling. There's no way that you're really that dumb and hateful.

Oh well, there's no point talking with a jihadist.

I hate liberals, they are liars, traitors, and scumbags.
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.

Amazon is not a monopoly.

I thought you guys were all about less government meddling and regulation or has that suddenly changed now that a Republican is in the White House.

Amazon is the modern version of AT&T, it will need to be broken apart in the future. They have a choke hold on thousands of businesses who have no choice but to play ball with them and cough up a good chunk of their profit margin to survive.

Walmart, Costco there are some other big players who are ruining businesses by throwing their weight around. I remember a story about an American pickle manufacturer that was going broke because one of those big retailers forced them to lower their price to near cost.

Allowing giant corporations to death spiral American businesses into the ground is NOT a good idea or conservative.
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.

Amazon is not a monopoly.

I thought you guys were all about less government meddling and regulation or has that suddenly changed now that a Republican is in the White House.

Amazon is the modern version of AT&T, it will need to be broken apart in the future. They have a choke hold on thousands of businesses who have no choice but to play ball with them and cough up a good chunk of their profit margin to survive.

Walmart, Costco there are some other big players who are ruining businesses by throwing their weight around. I remember a story about an American pickle manufacturer that was going broke because one of those big retailers forced them to lower their price to near cost.

Allowing giant corporations to death spiral American businesses into the ground is NOT a good idea or conservative.

How very socialist of you. Companies are too good and too successful so you want the Fed Govt to punish them.
Trump tweeted this today:

"I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!"

First of all, the USPS has to make a profit, by law, in any agreement they make with Amazon. Amazon's previous response to this bullshit:

“As is the case with all of its customers, our partnership with USPS is reviewed annually by the Postal Regulatory Commission, which has spent decades reviewing and approving USPS costing and pricing practices. The Postal Regulatory Commission has consistently found that Amazon’s contracts with the USPS are profitable. Amazon has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a network of more than 20 package sortation facilities that inject directly into the USPS last mile network bypassing most of USPS network. This investment resulted in more efficient processes as well as thousands of jobs and related economic benefits in local communities.”

And let's remember what Trump said during the campaign:

You lefties always defend mega corporations.

I hope Trump busts up Amazon, Fakebook, Apple, and Microsoft for starters.

Trump on the video tape just admitted he does not pay taxes and that makes him SMART.

So the Obama IRS lets billionaires skip taxes.
Shameful, how could you support such a lousy scoundrel like Obama?
Trump has turned the liberal's world upside down. Trump takes aim at a umpteen billion dollar monopoly, liberals bitch and cry about it.

Amazon is not a monopoly.

I thought you guys were all about less government meddling and regulation or has that suddenly changed now that a Republican is in the White House.

Amazon is the modern version of AT&T, it will need to be broken apart in the future. They have a choke hold on thousands of businesses who have no choice but to play ball with them and cough up a good chunk of their profit margin to survive.

Walmart, Costco there are some other big players who are ruining businesses by throwing their weight around. I remember a story about an American pickle manufacturer that was going broke because one of those big retailers forced them to lower their price to near cost.

Allowing giant corporations to death spiral American businesses into the ground is NOT a good idea or conservative.

How very socialist of you. Companies are too good and too successful so you want the Fed Govt to punish them.
Tell us again about Walmart.
y dad's home was purchased for $34,000 in 1970; when he passed away we sold it for 1.6 million, and his retirement was only $50k per year. Clearly, you don't know what you're talking about.

This Tax Bill is a change from the past practices, and was used by the GOP to punish likely Democratic Voters.

So you would be one of those in the top 25% hurt by the transfer of tax responsibility back to your home state which imposed it. While the other 75% of the country gets a tax break. Quite the opposite of what was claimed isnt it? But, the exceptions to the rule notwithstanding, I stand by the common sense position that few people on a salary of 83000 live in million dollar houses.

I do agree it is a change from past practices...which is exactly what we elected Trump to do. I would hope he would leave nothing unchanged when he leaves Washington. ready for more changes.

And those likely democrat voters need some punishment as far as I am concerned. It is entirely in their own hands how much punishment they will let their states dole out to them in order to keep liberalism alive.
I really wish they would quit "doing something" and let the market do what it does

You should continue to attack them and hope the Democrats take Washington again. Makes perfect sense.

My only desire is for the White House and the Senate to be controlled by different parties, could not give a shit which has which.

Logically then your best choice would be to support Trump and continue to support Senate Democrats. They only need three seats.

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