Trump calls for nationwide concealed carry

Sure to make the left's heads spin and explode...and will play well with the millions of gun owners...who vote

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump — who said he has a concealed carry permit — called for the expansion of gun rights including making those permits applicable nationwide.

In a position paper published on his website, Trump called for the elimination of gun and magazine bans, labeling them a “failure.”

It’s not a departure from what he’s said on the trail this year, though it does mark a shift from a position he took in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve,” where Trump stated that he generally opposes gun control but that he supported a ban on assault weapons and a longer waiting period to get a gun.
“If we can do that for driving — which is a privilege, not a right — then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege,” Trump touted.

Trump has apparently had a handgun permit for years; a 1987 Associated Press story said he had one at the time.

The real estate magnate called for expanding mental health treatment, saying that people with mental health issues who are violent must be off the street “before they can terrorize our communities.” Trump said the issue has been ignored.
“All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored,” Trump said. “And why does this matter to law-abiding gun owners? Once again, because they get blamed by anti-gun politicians, gun control groups and the media for the acts of deranged madmen.”

That deafening roar is the sound of the owners of 300 million American firearms owners cheering. And by the way…they vote.

Trump Calls for Nationwide Concealed Carry - Page 2 of 2 - Truth And Action

So, in other words, the Federal Government forcing their will on every state and city government.

I thought you Conservatives didn't like that sort of thing -- Common Core, Obamacare...??


those are not in the range of Federal power morons.......The Constitution specifically spells out what the Federal government is allowed to do........enforcing the protection of the Bill of Rights is one of those obligations......telling people they have to have insurance...controlling the curriculum of local schools...not part of it's power.
Sorry, but the President can only sigh a Bill once it passes Congress.
This "bill" passed Congress a long time ago.

In fact, it passed with more than a 2/3 majority of each house of Congress, and by 3/4 of the states. It's called the 2nd amendment.

And guess what - the President doesn't even need to sign it. Once the states ratify, it's law whether the Prez likes it or not... and he can't repeal it.

Contrary to some of the misuses of Executive Orders by liberals, This would be a perfectly legitimate use of an Executive Order: The President is merely doing his job, which is to issue orders that will carry out laws that are already on the books.

The 2nd amendment is already on the books. Has been for a long time, in fact. And an EO by a President declaring that people can carry concealed weapons nationwide, is merely implementing what has already been passed and enacted into law.

Just because it is called the Bill of Rights doesn't mean it was an actual Bill.

Who said, "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited."?

Such an EO would be challenged as unconstitutional.

Yeah..I think "it is not unlimited" means you can ban and confiscate everything you can get your hands on.....
I bet 2aguy got hard when he saw this thread.

Again....what is it with you anti gunners that the mere thought of guns makes you think of guys really, really need to get some counseling......before you hurt yourselves...
Just because it is called the Bill of Rights doesn't mean it was an actual Bill.
See what I mean? The liberals are saying the silliest, most irrelevant things they can, trying to pretend they have some point.

Who said, "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited."?
Whoever it was, it wasn't the 2nd amendment (or any other part of the Constitution) that said it. And they are the only ones that count.

Yeah whatever, it was just the Majority Opinion of the branch of government that interprets the Constitution and it's Amendments.
Political decisions by the Supremes are binding but that doesn't make it right. It should clue one in that they often split on ideological lines. Conservative justices tend to read the words as they are. Liberals interpret what they want into them, ala the "living breathing document".

So the SC Justice who wrote this "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited." was a liberal?

Where in the 2nd does it say this right is not unlimited? guys see that and you think it give you permission to pass so many laws that the 2nd Amendment will exist only on paper...we get it...we know how nuts you guys are.
How is this panic......can't wait for him to pass is a time for rejoicing when he does...the left is panicking...

So you can't wait for the big central federal government to start imposing its will on the states under the imperial president Trump...


Yeah......just like they imposed voting rights on the democrats in the South......getting states to obey the Bill of Rights is not a big central governnment.....that is called holding it's end of the Constitution....

No, it's called you liking the federal government's power when it advances your personal agenda, and hating it when it doesn't.

No is the federal government obeying the Constitution.....not doing whatever the left wants it to do and then not doing what it is supposed to be doing....

You proved my point and didn't even know you did it. you're retarded.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.

Funny since drivers licenses are compatible nation wide. And driving is a privilege. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right of the People. People's rights always trump state's rights.
Who the fuck is crowing about Venezuela ?! You righties just make shit up all the time .

As for this gun thing , what happend to state rights !!!!!!! Suddenly cons don't give a shit about that.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.

Funny since drivers licenses are compatible nation wide. And driving is a privilege. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right of the People. People's rights always trump state's rights.
I agree, but this is only a 2nd Amendment issue here on this thread. The issue is concealed carry. Concealed carry is not a constitutional right. My opinion is that anytime guns and registering are used in the same sentence sucks. I do not want a nationwide concealed carry law because it offers a slippery slope to federal government involvement of lists making. I also don't want federal regulations determining who gets a CC in my state. States should make their own determinations. If they want to recognize other states that is their business, not Washington DC's.
Gun rights are NOT states rights idiot. Its a national right.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.

Funny since drivers licenses are compatible nation wide. And driving is a privilege. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right of the People. People's rights always trump state's rights.
I agree, but this is only a 2nd Amendment issue here on this thread. The issue is concealed carry. Concealed carry is not a constitutional right. My opinion is that anytime guns and registering are used in the same sentence sucks. I do not want a nationwide concealed carry law because it offers a slippery slope to federal government involvement of lists making. I also don't want federal regulations determining who gets a CC in my state. States should make their own determinations. If they want to recognize other states that is their business, not Washington DC's.

Simple solution then. We do away with the requirement that anyone needs a permit in the first place. Let's face it, the concept of a conceal carry permit is a violation of the Second Amendment. You don't need a permit to go to church, right an editorial or speak your mind. But since it's unlikely that will ever occur, let's at least fix the problem with the tools we already have. National reciprocity should be the standard with each state conducting shall issue procedures. It's not perfect but it at least gets us most of the way there without developing a national database.
CC permits currently come under states rights. They determine how to issue the permits and whether they want to accept CC permits issued by other states. Trump's proposal would promote big government and a more intrusive one on the federal level.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.

Funny since drivers licenses are compatible nation wide. And driving is a privilege. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right of the People. People's rights always trump state's rights.
I agree, but this is only a 2nd Amendment issue here on this thread. The issue is concealed carry. Concealed carry is not a constitutional right. My opinion is that anytime guns and registering are used in the same sentence sucks. I do not want a nationwide concealed carry law because it offers a slippery slope to federal government involvement of lists making. I also don't want federal regulations determining who gets a CC in my state. States should make their own determinations. If they want to recognize other states that is their business, not Washington DC's.

Simple solution then. We do away with the requirement that anyone needs a permit in the first place. Let's face it, the concept of a conceal carry permit is a violation of the Second Amendment. You don't need a permit to go to church, right an editorial or speak your mind. But since it's unlikely that will ever occur, let's at least fix the problem with the tools we already have. National reciprocity should be the standard with each state conducting shall issue procedures. It's not perfect but it at least gets us most of the way there without developing a national database.
What's wrong with the system we have now?
Sure to make the left's heads spin and explode...and will play well with the millions of gun owners...who vote

Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump — who said he has a concealed carry permit — called for the expansion of gun rights including making those permits applicable nationwide.

Absolutely not. Dislike many state gun laws as I may, every state has the right to decide this on their own. Bullshit Cinos like you probably can't get that through your head. But states rights means states rights, even when that state makes laws you don't like.
See what I mean? The liberals are saying the silliest, most irrelevant things they can, trying to pretend they have some point.

Whoever it was, it wasn't the 2nd amendment (or any other part of the Constitution) that said it. And they are the only ones that count.

Yeah whatever, it was just the Majority Opinion of the branch of government that interprets the Constitution and it's Amendments.
Political decisions by the Supremes are binding but that doesn't make it right. It should clue one in that they often split on ideological lines. Conservative justices tend to read the words as they are. Liberals interpret what they want into them, ala the "living breathing document".

So the SC Justice who wrote this "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited." was a liberal?

Where in the 2nd does it say this right is not unlimited?
No right is unlimited, that says nothing. The crying fire in a movie theater is the classic argument against unlimited free speech.

But that isn't what we are talking about. A right is being suppressed in various states for no reason except fear and prejudice from the elites. My ccw hurts no one.

There is no CC right in the 2nd Amendment being suppressed. States are within their rights to allow CC permits, but any federal law or EO forcing states to permit CC would face serious challenges in the courts.
Wow, what a threat. We may take it to court and get the liberal activists on the court to shut it down.

Look, genius. Do you know what bearing arms means? Apparently NOT. It doesn't mean keeping them home in your safe.
The right to bear arms is a national right.

Concealed Carry in not a national right.
Trump just put a national registry for CC on the table. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump wants CC permits to be valid nationwide. That would mean all the states would have to compromise and adopt the same requirements for issuing a permit and maintain a nationwide list available to all law-enforcement agencies and entities, federal, state and local. Big government Trump proposal.

Funny since drivers licenses are compatible nation wide. And driving is a privilege. The right to bear arms is a Constitutional right of the People. People's rights always trump state's rights.
I agree, but this is only a 2nd Amendment issue here on this thread. The issue is concealed carry. Concealed carry is not a constitutional right. My opinion is that anytime guns and registering are used in the same sentence sucks. I do not want a nationwide concealed carry law because it offers a slippery slope to federal government involvement of lists making. I also don't want federal regulations determining who gets a CC in my state. States should make their own determinations. If they want to recognize other states that is their business, not Washington DC's.

Simple solution then. We do away with the requirement that anyone needs a permit in the first place. Let's face it, the concept of a conceal carry permit is a violation of the Second Amendment. You don't need a permit to go to church, right an editorial or speak your mind. But since it's unlikely that will ever occur, let's at least fix the problem with the tools we already have. National reciprocity should be the standard with each state conducting shall issue procedures. It's not perfect but it at least gets us most of the way there without developing a national database.
What's wrong with the system we have now?

Because some states are "may issue" vs "shall issue". In other words in a "may issue" state, you have to provide a specific need to carry in order to be granted a permit. In a "shall issue" state, unless you have a felony conviction, documented mental deficiency or some other disqualifying situation, the state must issue you a permit. "May issue" is a complete violation of the 2nd Amendment.
Because some states are "may issue" vs "shall issue". In other words in a "may issue" state, you have to provide a specific need to carry in order to be granted a permit.
And if you can't tell the govt reasons they think are "sufficient" to own and carry a gun..... they will infringe your right to do so.

Not much different from being required to explain to the govt why, when you are on trial for robbing a bank, you should get a jury trial.... and if they don't think your reasons are good enough, they can refuse you a jury trial.
Because some states are "may issue" vs "shall issue". In other words in a "may issue" state, you have to provide a specific need to carry in order to be granted a permit.
And if you can't tell the govt reasons they think are "sufficient" to own and carry a gun..... they will infringe your right to do so.

Not much different from being required to explain to the govt why, when you are on trial for robbing a bank, you should get a jury trial.... and if they don't think your reasons are good enough, they can refuse you a jury trial.

The "may issue" bullshit has been finding itself under the heat lamps as of late. I suspect in the next few years we'll see some major precedents that will effectively eliminate "may issue" laws.

Scratch that....we would have seen such precedents. Unfortunately, we've nominated Donald Trump. Since that guarantees Clinton's victory in November, Justice Obama will help make sure that the Supreme Court upholds every and any restriction on 2nd amendment rights.
Unfortunately, we've nominated Donald Trump. Since that guarantees Clinton's victory in November,
And this from the same guy who swore up and down, when Trump first announced his candidacy, that Trump would never be able to get enough delegates to become the Republican nominee.

Unfortunately, we've nominated Donald Trump. Since that guarantees Clinton's victory in November,
And this from the same guy who swore up and down, when Trump first announced his candidacy, that Trump would never be able to get enough delegates to become the Republican nominee.


Technically speaking, he still doesn't have enough delegates yet.

Yes, I doubted Trump would win the nomination. I did not believe that the GOP base would be stupid enough to fall for his fiction, but they did. I did not believe the GOP establishment would be stupid enough to tolerate him, or to allow a 2000 person shit-show to go on for so long, but they did. But that has nothing to do with the general. I mistakenly underestimated the power of stupidity in regards to the GOP primary.

But Trump winning in November is an impossibility. Trump has won over support of a fraction of a fraction of the population. That will not get him the Presidency. When 90% of the population hates a candidate, he can't win a general election. Period.
We've done this experiment before, it was referred to as the wild west. But look, if some folk need to see it again, I say go for it.
We've done this experiment before, it was referred to as the wild west. But look, if some folk need to see it again, I say go for it.
And the vast majority of the so-called "wild west" was peaceful. Everybody was allowed to carry a gun, but most didn't bother. Those who did were almost universally careful and responsible with their guns, and caused no problems. And the less-responsible ones walked vary carefully around them.

And occasionally you'd have some guy misuse his gun. Those are the ones who got all the headlines, of course. You never saw any newspaper articles about a man who went into town, bought some things, met some people, and then went home. Although that's almost always what happened. Shootings were very rare.

The "Wild West" was no more violent than the U.S. is today. And in most big cities, it was more peaceful.

Yes, we've done this experiment before. And it worked out a lot better than the experiments we're trying today, banning and restricting guns and disarming the people who obey such silly laws.

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