Trump calls for nationwide concealed carry

Executive orders have a legitimate use... but a narrow one.

Yeah, and everytime I hear that, it's from someone who wants their pet thing driven around a challenge.
Only by the liberals (and yes, that includes RINO's like George W. Bush). As most people realize already, the president is empowered over the Executive Branch. Executive Orders are simply an "official" way of telling the people under him to start acting on or complying with, an existing law passed by Congress.

Bullshit, you're just like them. All any of you do is screech and blame the "other" side for the same stuff you're all doing. I understand we cannot really have a conversation, but all "liberal" means is someone said something you didn't want to have to hear.
Not at all. I fully embrace the Constitution as it was written and I denounce any president who abuses Executive Orders. Just because you're fuming over the reality that it would be a 1,000% Constitutional for Donald Trump to issue an Executive Order on conceal carry (since the 2nd Amendment is already law and protects are right to keep and bear arms) doesn't mean that I'm "just like them". That's just you lashing out with a tantrum like a small child.
We've done this experiment before, it was referred to as the wild west. But look, if some folk need to see it again, I say go for it.
We see it in Chicago today....oddly, while the RW gets what they want in regard to guns in Chicago...they keep complaining about the violence. Go figure....:rolleyes-41:

Also...Baltimore is one of the 3 cities with extreme gun control that has increased it's murder rate.....all due to the ferguson effect...Baltimore has every last gun control law the gun grabbers want.......

Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't work on everyone.

"Baltimore has every last gun control law the gun grabbers want....."

Still waitng on your elaboration of that point and I'd like a source to check out for myself on:

"Baltimore is one of the 3 cities with extreme gun control that has increased it's murder rate.."

I'm assuming there's a study someone did and published, I'd like to read it.

I'd also like you to explain the "the ferguson effect" if you'd be so kind.
Executive orders have a legitimate use... but a narrow one.

Yeah, and everytime I hear that, it's from someone who wants their pet thing driven around a challenge.
Only by the liberals (and yes, that includes RINO's like George W. Bush). As most people realize already, the president is empowered over the Executive Branch. Executive Orders are simply an "official" way of telling the people under him to start acting on or complying with, an existing law passed by Congress.

Bullshit, you're just like them. All any of you do is screech and blame the "other" side for the same stuff you're all doing. I understand we cannot really have a conversation, but all "liberal" means is someone said something you didn't want to have to hear.
Not at all. I fully embrace the Constitution as it was written and I denounce any president who abuses Executive Orders. Just because you're fuming over the reality that it would be a 1,000% Constitutional for Donald Trump to issue an Executive Order on conceal carry (since the 2nd Amendment is already law and protects are right to keep and bear arms) doesn't mean that I'm "just like them". That's just you lashing out with a tantrum like a small child.

Sure mac, sure. No different than your "liberals" bs.
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
One would think a conservative strict constitutionalist would defend those who actually live in their city and deal with their city on a daily basis would not have to alter their city because you might visit someday. You sure as hell would caterwaul if New Yorkers attempted to alter your city and state, YOUR space.
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
I don't live in New York genius. And....I've never even visited there. Not once. This is a prime example of why.

But your comment is nonsensical. Just because New York liberal moochers elected a self-admitted communist doesn't mean it's ok for him to violate the U.S. Constitution. Are you under the impression that being elected mayor means you're above the law?
One would think a conservative strict constitutionalist would defend those who actually live in their city and deal with their city on a daily basis would not have to alter their city because you might visit someday. You sure as hell would caterwaul if New Yorkers attempted to alter your city and state, YOUR space.
Again....I am a strict constitutionalist and the Constitution clearly states that my Constitutional rights are universal across all states, all counties, all cities.

This is as stupid as saying that it's ok for New York to outlaw free speech because they have to deal with free speech in that city. That dumb on a very special kind of level.
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
I don't live in New York genius. And....I've never even visited there. Not once. This is a prime example of why.

But your comment is nonsensical. Just because New York liberal moochers elected a self-admitted communist doesn't mean it's ok for him to violate the U.S. Constitution. Are you under the impression that being elected mayor means you're above the law?

Using this one's logic any state that the citizens voted against allowing SSM has every right to ignore ones taking place in another state

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
I don't live in New York genius. And....I've never even visited there. Not once. This is a prime example of why.

But your comment is nonsensical. Just because New York liberal moochers elected a self-admitted communist doesn't mean it's ok for him to violate the U.S. Constitution. Are you under the impression that being elected mayor means you're above the law?

Using this one's logic any state that the citizens voted against allowing SSM has every right to ignore ones taking place in another state

And SIL delivers a knockout blow! I can't wait to see how they try to back track on this one now.... :lol:
of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).
so are you implying the Supreme court interpreting the 2nd over the centuries of cases have been wrong? And States can not even ask citizens for something like a back ground check, or have guns registered or even have serial numbers on them, or restrict felons or the mentally deranged...even while in prison or an institution from carrying them because that would be ''infringing'' them of their 2nd amendment right?

of course there is, and please show us in the bill of rights what says all states must permit concealed carry?

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
I don't live in New York genius. And....I've never even visited there. Not once. This is a prime example of why.

But your comment is nonsensical. Just because New York liberal moochers elected a self-admitted communist doesn't mean it's ok for him to violate the U.S. Constitution. Are you under the impression that being elected mayor means you're above the law?

Jesus. see? Can't even have a discussion with folk like you. Falling back on labels and sneering again. Fine. Don't go to New York. Are you really still laboring, floundering as it were under the impression that the law apllies equally to all in america? That is ever has? Those of substance have ALWAYS been above the law relative to the unsubstantial people. You just soil yourself over the existence of people who do not agree with you.

If he's done something illegal, alert the authorities. He's in violation of the law. Perhaps the authorities are unaware. Don't know. Don't need to carry my gun every single place I ever go forever and ever amen. Their city, their illegal mayor. If they can't handle it without me they can live with it.

2nd Amendment: "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

(*Note - there are no limitations cited anywhere in the U.S. Constitutions with regards to how I carry my firearms).

So carry anyway you want, what;s the problem. You carry, correct?
I do carry. But some cities (like New York - run by unconstitutional idiot a-hole Bill DeBlasio) will actually arrest people for having a firearm on them. It will be nice when I go anywhere in the United States and still retain all of my Constitutional rights as I was guaranteed.

Doesn't affect you, grow up and leave New York to New Yorkers, jeez. They elected him, they can unelect him if they want.
I don't live in New York genius. And....I've never even visited there. Not once. This is a prime example of why.

But your comment is nonsensical. Just because New York liberal moochers elected a self-admitted communist doesn't mean it's ok for him to violate the U.S. Constitution. Are you under the impression that being elected mayor means you're above the law?

Using this one's logic any state that the citizens voted against allowing SSM has every right to ignore ones taking place in another state

Using yours, this mayor's locked up for a very long time. and yet .....

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