Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

I won't... neither will a majority of American voters...
The American voters do not want your cheater, only fraudulent algorithms prefer Beijing Biden. If the algorithms and cheaters outnumber voters, Beijing can win in 2024 without even knowing he is running.
Watch and see. In every election going forward, we will see election fraud being discussed, just like its being discussed right now. You can thank Brandon for this. Everybody knows he cheated. The only way to end this cycle is to do to people what they did in that book 1984 where he holds up the four fingers and demands that the prisoner reports a different number.


Keep clinging, cultist.
Trump won

Poor precious snowflake. Do you need a safe space?

But but but.jpg
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Trump won. Trump can win a third time too.


If you say so, snowflake. Your entire personal identity is wrapped up in Orange Jesus. And you couldn't possibly be a loser, could you?

Get in Loser.jpg
But recent revelations of FBI interfering in ANOTHER election aren't...................LOL

I'm sure you'll be just as successful proving that in a court of law just like you were in the five dozen other ones you completely failed at during the election.
No, it's hard for the Trump cult. That's why they think 65 court decisions going against them is a "knee jerk reaction."

When you're in a cult, you'll use any excuse for the defeat of your messiah.
Only cult I subscribe to is the one with the Son of Man at the helm.
Trump made this demand this afternoon. There are grave concerns about the mental state of someone who would make such a bizarre demand, especially since all his silly accusations about a stolen election have been laughed out of court, and there is no constitutional provision for either of his demands to be met. Normally, in a case of break with reality like this, the patients family might consider an inpatient facility where he could get the care and treatment he will need to recover. Short of an inpatient facility, he should at least have round the clock care by trained professionals to gently nudge him back to reality. So far, none of his children have made any remarks about their plans for his care. There is speculation that none of them want to take the responsibility for him, but someone obviously will have to, and soon.

Trump won

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