Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

WTF is that supposed to mean? Dodge of the question noted.
You posted a video claiming it shows a Democrat threatening to kill babies , but it shows no such thing, Perhaps you can put your accusation from the video
in writing so I can more accurately call you out for being a liar. A MAGALIAR.
You posted a video claiming it shows a Democrat threatening to kill babies , but it shows no such thing, Perhaps you can put your accusation from the video
in writing so I can more accurately call you out for being a liar. A MAGALIAR.

No, I asked you what was he yelling about? That's right, threatening two Supreme Court justices for their views on abortion.
No, I asked you what was he yelling about?
NFBW: Go back and check you deplorable polarizing MAGALIAR. You posted the ambiguity of a video in response to this:

NFBW220905-#767 “no Democrat fights to kill babies

So in your own words where in the video does anyone threaten to kill babies? END2209060957
NFBW: Go back and check you deplorable polarizing MAGALIAR. You posted the ambiguity of a video in response to this:

NFBW220905-#767 “no Democrat fights to kill babies

So in your own words where in the video does anyone threaten to kill babies? END2209060957

I said your party is the party of baby killers and Shoemaker's threats are a perfect example of this. In fact Dementia is still going around preaching how he will get by the latest SC decision on giving the states the power to regulate abortion, or totally stop it if they want. Democrats are against this. They want to force all states to allow abortions is it was before the reversal of Roe.
SC decision on giving the states the power to regulate abortion, or totally stop it if they want. Democrats are against this. They want to force all states to allow abortions is it was before the reversal of Roe.
All that has nothing to do with killing babies who have brains.
I said your party is the party of baby killers
NFBW It is not a “baby” or “child” when a legal abortion is performed.

It is a development “process” of human reproductive biology that does not have it’s own exceptional human brain that is managing the functionality and success rate of the process?

So whether it’s called a fertilized egg cell, a zygote, a blastocyst or an embryo or a fetus there is a relatively long period of weeks during pregnancy when the potential new human being in “process” does not have its own brain or separate individual detectable brain waves.

Do you agree Ray From Cleveland that the pregnancy process begins as one fertilized egg that has the capacity to grow itself by DNA structured cell division that is programmed and organized by a new DNA code when and if certain biological conditions are provided . Those conditions include requiring a viable human being with a uterus and a brain able to provide nourishment, oxygenated blood and removal of waste. And until that process advances to the stage where it has its own brainwaves and is capable of surviving separate from its mother it is the pregnant woman’s choice to terminate the continuation of the process that is part of her body and her health.

You have no right to force any woman to accept your religious view that a baby or child exists inside her body from the moment of conception until it is born. END2209061354
NFBW It is not a “baby” or “child” when a legal abortion is performed.

It is a development “process” of human reproductive biology that does not have it’s own exceptional human brain that is managing the functionality and success rate of the process?

So whether it’s called a fertilized egg cell, a zygote, a blastocyst or an embryo or a fetus there is a relatively long period of weeks during pregnancy when the potential new human being in “process” does not have its own brain or separate individual detectable brain waves.

Do you agree Ray From Cleveland that the pregnancy process begins as one fertilized egg that has the capacity to grow itself by DNA structured cell division that is programmed and organized by a new DNA code when and if certain biological conditions are provided . Those conditions include requiring a viable human being with a uterus and a brain able to provide nourishment, oxygenated blood and removal of waste. And until that process advances to the stage where it has its own brainwaves and is capable of surviving separate from its mother it is the pregnant woman’s choice to terminate the continuation of the process that is part of her body and her health.

You have no right to force any woman to accept your religious view that a baby or child exists inside her body from the moment of conception until it is born. END2209061354

To be honest I could care less about the abortion issue religious or otherwise. However my point still stands of baby killing. In lib states they will be giving abortions right up to the day of birth, and that's baby killing to me.
It would be kind of hard to figure out what trump's cost would be if he were billed for the damage on January 6 when he let it all hang out. Several dead cops and a hundred plus injured? Hey, he's a business man and business is good looks like.
In lib states they will be giving abortions right up to the day of birth, and that's baby killing to me.
You’re a bigger liar than I thought. Democrats support Roe v. Wade which does not allow abortions after 28 weeks except to save a life for the mother and if it’s a rape case it should be decided before that. There is no live brain in a fetus at 24 weeks which is fine with this Democrat for a woman to have a choice only prior to that point. So apparently you are pro/choice up to 24 weeks like me. What’s with the baby killer right wing white Christian Taliban calling abortion baby killing from the moment of conception ?
It would be kind of hard to figure out what trump's cost would be if he were billed for the damage on January 6 when he let it all hang out. Several dead cops and a hundred plus injured? Hey, he's a business man and business is good looks like.

If you have to lie to make an argument, you already lost the debate.
You’re a bigger liar than I thought. Democrats support Roe v. Wade which does not allow abortions after 28 weeks except to save a life for the mother and if it’s a rape case it should be decided before that. There is no live brain in a fetus at 24 weeks which is fine with this Democrat for a woman to have a choice only prior to that point. So apparently you are pro/choice up to 24 weeks like me. What’s with the baby killer right wing white Christian Taliban calling abortion baby killing from the moment of conception ?

Abortion always comes down to "if it's a baby or not" argument. As far as abortion goes, it's none of my business what a person does. However that doesn't mean I don't support the courts decision as the Constitution not only never protected abortion, but was never discussed by the authors of the document. I'm so sick of people bastardizing the Constitution putting words in there that never existed, nor was the intention of our founders or authors that added amendments.
Ok lazy I'll do the work for you... go ahead and take another bong hit....

A redo election, also known as a revote or special election remedy, is the process of voiding election results and holding a new election.[1] The specific reasons for calling a redo election vary, but might include deliberate efforts to obscure the results such as electoral fraud or mistakes like a broken voting machine

NO EVIDENCE of election fraud.
And as far as Trump crying about the Hunter Biden story being witheld somehow affecting the election think of it like this.

Remember in 2016 when we KNEW that the Russian misinformation campaign on social media was focused on helping Trump win, but the narrative coming from Trump's campaign said "there is no evidence that Russian interference affected the vote.

It is the SAME thing with this Hunter Biden business.

NO evidence
it affected the vote.
NO EVIDENCE of election fraud.
And as far as Trump crying about the Hunter Biden story being witheld somehow affecting the election think of it like this.

Remember in 2016 when we KNEW that the Russian misinformation campaign on social media was focused on helping Trump win, but the narrative coming from Trump's campaign said "there is no evidence that Russian interference affected the vote.

It is the SAME thing with this Hunter Biden business.

NO evidence
it affected the vote.
No no no you don't get your ice cream and cake too... the FBI crushed a story that could have worked in Trump's favor... if they acted opposite of the way they did you would be burning down DC today.....
As far as abortion goes, it's none of my business what a person does.

Exactly. Its nobody’s business but the woman, her partner and her doctor. Why the ‘Dems are baby killers” bullshit then?

IF you believe in the woman’s right to choose her own health decisions and the states should butt out, you would not be happy with the five Catholic Taliban, three of whom Trump appointed, for turning every woman’s uterus over to the white Christian nationalists controlled state legislators that the Trump judges chose to allow to force all pregnancies to go to full term because that is what their (The Trump judges and the state lawmakers) religion says they must do. That coercive government activism is as unconstitutional in terms of freedom from religion as it can get.. YOU Ray From Cleveland are locked in with the Trump Taliban all the way, so fess up and own it - you want the state lawmakers to control women’s bodies for Jesus.
Exactly. Its nobody’s business but the woman, her partner and her doctor. Why the ‘Dems are baby killers” bullshit then?

IF you believe in the woman’s right to choose her own health decisions and the states should butt out, you would not be happy with the five Catholic Taliban, three of whom Trump appointed, for turning every woman’s uterus over to the white Christian nationalists controlled state legislators that the Trump judges chose to allow to force all pregnancies to go to full term because that is what their (The Trump judges and the state lawmakers) religion says they must do. That coercive government activism is as unconstitutional in terms of freedom from religion as it can get.. YOU Ray From Cleveland are locked in with the Trump Taliban all the way, so fess up and own it - you want the state lawmakers to control women’s bodies for Jesus.

Why do you keep inserting religion into this discussion when I haven't mentioned it once?

The Dobbs ruling simply stated there was no constitutional protection for abortions, and I totally agree with that. That is unless you can point to me the word "abortion" in the document. What the court did was send the matter back to the states where your vote has more power. The decision grants more power to the people than restrict it. Furthermore if abortion is that important to you, you can take a ride to your nearest liberal state and have one and nobody will stop you.

Bottom line: Nobody is going to be restricted from an abortion if they really want one. You may not get one around the corner, five blocks away, or ten minutes away, but you can still get one.

Our founders setup this form of government so that states would conduct themselves as individual countries, and only unite on federal matters. Protecting abortion is not a federal matter, and that's why states now have control over it.

Now if you don't like the restrictions or freedoms of abortions in your state, you are free to take that up with your local representative; even work for his or her opponent if they have an opposing view of yours.
NO EVIDENCE of election fraud.
And as far as Trump crying about the Hunter Biden story being witheld somehow affecting the election think of it like this.

Remember in 2016 when we KNEW that the Russian misinformation campaign on social media was focused on helping Trump win, but the narrative coming from Trump's campaign said "there is no evidence that Russian interference affected the vote.

It is the SAME thing with this Hunter Biden business.

NO evidence
it affected the vote.

Apples and oranges.

The media heavily promoted this Russian disinformation garbage, and all they really did was run some Facebook ads. Russia was just trying to screw up our elections and that's about it. On the other hand, the FBI went to Suckerberg and told him to use caution with the Hunter story even though they knew there was nothing false about it. So Suckerberg did exactly what they wanted, and that was keep the Hunter story off social media. In other words, the government silenced free speech by proxy.

Why do you keep inserting religion into this discussion when I haven't mentioned it once?
You said Dems are baby killiers. That ignorance is rooted in MAGA religion - you are a MAGALIAR.

MAGA is your political religion and worse fir you - you agree with Dems on abortion - it’s not your business what a woman does about her own pregnancy but you worship at the alter of MAGA so you parrot the anti/woman hate mongering there is killing of babies going on,
You said Dems are baby killiers. That ignorance is rooted in MAGA religion - you are a MAGALIAR.

MAGA is your political religion and worse fir you - you agree with Dems on abortion - it’s not your business what a woman does about her own pregnancy but you worship at the alter of MAGA so you parrot the anti/woman hate mongering there is killing of babies going on,

Nope. I just said abortions are not constitutionally protected which has nothing to do with religion or MAGA. It has to do with reading the debates among our founders, authors, and the understanding of the Constitution itself.
NO EVIDENCE of election fraud.
And as far as Trump crying about the Hunter Biden story being witheld somehow affecting the election think of it like this.

Remember in 2016 when we KNEW that the Russian misinformation campaign on social media was focused on helping Trump win, but the narrative coming from Trump's campaign said "there is no evidence that Russian interference affected the vote.

It is the SAME thing with this Hunter Biden business.

NO evidence
it affected the vote.
Beijing Biden cheated. Election fraud.

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