Trump calls for unity and healing

In response to Democrats planned Impeachment proceedings, Trump representative says it will affect our unity and healing

Where was Trumps “healing and unity” when....

He refused to acknowledge his election defeat?
When he accused Biden of cheating and stealing the election?
When he called a rally to “Stop the Steal” while Congress was confirming the results?
When he sent an angry mob to the Capitol to stop Congress from certifying the results?

He did not seem to give a damn that he was “further dividing our great country”

Well, no one believes it when Biden calls for any unity when in the same speech he broad brushes the opposition as 'racist' and 'extremists'.....You want unity? Start by apologizing for the damage to this country you caused for the past 4 years....Then, earn it, because words alone won't do the trick....We don't trust you.
Trust? I don’t like the scumbags.
It was too bad that many reporters from the UK wasn't there to witness the riot because of the COVID shutdown.

Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".

All I am asking for is a Federal Commission, bipartisan, to verify that the election was on the up and up.

That was done in 1876 when Liberal Sam Tilden tried to steal the Presidency.

It can be done now, too.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress
Gruesome violence may be the only answerfor you to stop Trump supporters.
Sadly, it was our own President who precipitated the violence
No. It was the coordinated and planned effort by men in dresses.
Not playing Troll
Sorry. I didn't know what section this was. Man around here you have to have a 10 point check list before you make a post.

Bro I'mjust bustin ballz this morn.
If Trump is sincerely calling for unity and healing......

In eleven days, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President. Indications are that angry Trump mobs will attempt to disrupt the inauguration.

Trump needs to call off his mob.
Trump needs to be clear that there was no significant voter fraud found and that it was a fair and honest election

If he doesn’t, there may be more bloodshed
Division or Unity, like everything else that comes out of Trump's mouth are just means to his selfserving.

He didn't want be seen as a loser in an election and so he was talking about it being stolen, greatly dividing the country.

Now he doesn't want to be impeached and things about unity are coming out of his mouth that he thinks will help him avoid it.

There is nothing more to that process, there is no moral or ideological there there.

I'm just curious....How in the hell is trying to impeach Trump, for yet another BS charge, supposed to unite the American people?
If Trump is sincerely calling for unity and healing......

In eleven days, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President. Indications are that angry Trump mobs will attempt to disrupt the inauguration.

Trump needs to call off his mob.
Trump needs to be clear that there was no significant voter fraud found and that it was a fair and honest election

If he doesn’t, there may be more bloodshed

After all 'more bloodshed' is what people like you want....
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".

All I am asking for is a Federal Commission, bipartisan, to verify that the election was on the up and up.

That was done in 1876 when Liberal Sam Tilden tried to steal the Presidency.

It can be done now, too.
The truth stops this. We'll know eventually.
Division or Unity, like everything else that comes out of Trump's mouth are just means to his selfserving.

He doesn't want to be impeached and now things are coming out of his mouth that he thinks will help him avoid it. There is nothing more to that process, there is no moral or ideological there there.

So? We can use him as a tool to calm down his lunatics. You should encourage this behavior regardless of why he is doing it.
You act like you aren’t a “ lunatic” of the left pretending to be a centrist.
All I am asking for is a Federal Commission, bipartisan, to verify that the election was on the up and up.

Would Trump “Stop the Steal” Conspiracy theorists accept the findings of that Federal Commission or will they treat it like the Warren Report, 9-11 Commission report and Obamas Birth Certificate?

Are you trying to tell us that Trump would EVER accept the findings of that Commission?
Division or Unity, like everything else that comes out of Trump's mouth are just means to his selfserving.

He didn't want be seen as a loser in an election and so he was talking about it being stolen, greatly dividing the country.

Now he doesn't want to be impeached and things about unity are coming out of his mouth that he thinks will help him avoid it.

There is nothing more to that process, there is no moral or ideological there there.

I'm just curious....How in the hell is trying to impeach Trump, for yet another BS charge, supposed to unite the American people?

Justice is ultimately unifying.

Presidents will know that Congress WILL hold them accountable for their wrongdoing and ultimately that is in this country's interest.
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".

All I am asking for is a Federal Commission, bipartisan, to verify that the election was on the up and up.

That was done in 1876 when Liberal Sam Tilden tried to steal the Presidency.

It can be done now, too.

This went through every court in the land, do we really need to waste money on a Commission. Why aren't Trump Humpers calling for recounts in states that Trump won?
My position is clear...I am against violence, and against what the small group of people did Wednesday... They unfortunately did what the radical left has demonstrated that they do with the tacid approval of the larger establishment....

For as long as I have been politically active, what you request here is the tactic that the liberal left has always used...And that is using Republican's better nature to back them down....While clearly having no intention of changing the ways of the liberal left to match...Kind of like a 'Lucy and the football' kind of thing...

We are tired of it...So, no, now we will employ the very same tactics you employ. Let's see how you like it....

You complained about being stereotyped and then did the exact same thing to me.

Maybe you missed this part....

" now we will employ the very same tactics you employ. Let's see how you like it.... "

Read the entire tip...
Division or Unity, like everything else that comes out of Trump's mouth are just means to his selfserving.

He didn't want be seen as a loser in an election and so he was talking about it being stolen, greatly dividing the country.

Now he doesn't want to be impeached and things about unity are coming out of his mouth that he thinks will help him avoid it.

There is nothing more to that process, there is no moral or ideological there there.

I'm just curious....How in the hell is trying to impeach Trump, for yet another BS charge, supposed to unite the American people?

Justice is ultimately unifying.

Yep, it sure is...But I have the feeling that "Justice" means something totally different to you, than it does to me...
You are labeling others while spouting lunatic left propaganda. You are part of the problem.

The people fueling violence and violent rhetoric are out of control and need to be talked down. You disagree?
Actions Trump can take for unity and healing:

1. Admit we had a fair and honest election
2. Admit that Joe Biden won and congratulate him
3. Address a joint session of Congress and apologize for his role in the attack on the Capitol
4. Resign at the end of his address to Congress

The people know better, Sleepy Joe may have won, but it wasn't legit.
Exactly why we had people killed this week
They acted on the same lies you spout

The biggest step towards unity is to admit we had a fair and honest election

Neither you nor I have the personal knowledge to ascertain the election was "fair and honest"

So until you can prove it wasn't, as far as, America is concerned it was "fair and honest".
This election was as fair and honest as every election before it.

If we are going to have unity and healing, Trump needs to acknowledge it

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