Trump Calls Out Jon Stewart as "Jonathan Leibowitz"; Gets Attacked as Anti-Semite

He's a fucking asshole that is trying to gather the asshole vote, don't get offended that he is ruffling feathers in that pursuit.

Apparently there are enough assholes in the GOP primary voter pool to put him in the lead.
Trump is obviously trying to build support but has only knifed the GOP in the back twice now. Add Santorum to the list of assailants with his broad comment this morning that all undocumented immigrants come here with bad intent. I want to say the GOP can repair this and pick up some of the Hispanic vote, but as everyone can see it doesn't take many rotten eggs to ruin the potato salad.

Trump didn't say that all undocumented immigrants come here with bad intent. He insinuated that most do.
Conservatives absolutely hate Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert because their political wit is like the finest samarai sword and the best wit any conservative has is a dull bent stick.

Both Stewart and Colbert know something that most conservative comedians don't: the comedy comes first.

There are few funny conservative comedians. And by 'conservative comedians', I mean comedians that use conservative ideals as part of their comedy. One of the few exceptions would be Ron White. That drunk fuck is hilarious.
I think an earlier poster nailed it: Trump is just an asshole.
Conservatives absolutely hate Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert because their political wit is like the finest samarai sword and the best wit any conservative has is a dull bent stick.

Both Stewart and Colbert know something that most conservative comedians don't: the comedy comes first.

There are few funny conservative comedians. And by 'conservative comedians', I mean comedians that use conservative ideals as part of their comedy. One of the few exceptions would be Ron White. That drunk fuck is hilarious.

Also Dennis Miller.

Jon Stewart is hardly ashamed of his Jewish heritage since he talks about being Jewish a lot. But nice try.
Bernie for The Democrat Party - Trump for Republicans....

First in the recent history of their parties to dare to speak truth!

No good can come from this!
Not likely to happen. The billionaire class will once again get the POTUS they can influence and control. They know they can't control Bernie or the Donald, so both will ultimately be marginalized. The Donald is being marginalized now by the Left and the establishment Rs. Bernie will be marginalized by the Right and the establishment Ds.

Oh well, same old story repeated over and over again.

The billionaires want a Clinton/Bush race and will likely get their way.
The question is whether Jon Stewart is ashamed of his Jewish heritage. If it's reasonable for democrats to fund a no holds barred investigation into Sara Palin's family why should they be offended by Jonathan Liebowitz's real name?

Barack Obama is not ashamed of his heritage....yet consevatives insist on calling him "Barry"

What about Piyush Jindal and Rafael Cruz?
They are gunning for Trump for three VERY simple reasons. He is white. He is a Christian. He tells the truth.


Trump is not a Christian.

So much upset over gay marriage and worry it'll make marriage meaningless, well what does Trump claiming to be Christian make Christianity if not meaningless?
The truth isn't T

rump's friend: four bankruptcies, three marriages. His reputation as a successful businessman is mostly manufactured by his PR firm.

I can't imagine he would play well with Congress. Most self-made people are control freaks who chafe at consulting others when directing their firms. They make poor politicians because government has too many checks and balances.

And yes, he's a Christian. In fact he met his mistress at church. Maybe he thought that commandment about adultery didn't apply to him.
Irrelevant to Trump calling out the Jew by his real name.


The Trump name and Judaism do not seem to go hand-in-hand, but that is not the case with The Donald’s oldest daughter Ivanka. In July 2009, after studying with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on East 85th Street in Manhattan, Ivanka converted to Judaism and took the name Yael.

On October 25, 2009, Trump married Jared Kushner in an Orthodox ceremony at Trump National Golf Course in New Jersey
. The 500 guests at the wedding included Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Walters, Anna Wintour, Rudy Giuliani, Joel Klein, and Sheldon Silver, as well as Newark Mayor Cory Booker, former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, and ex-New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, along with Hollywood actors Russell Crowe, Natalie Portman, and Emmy Rossum.

Ivanka Trump Oy Such a Nice Jewish Girl
Conservatives absolutely hate Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert because their political wit is like the finest samarai sword and the best wit any conservative has is a dull bent stick.

Both Stewart and Colbert know something that most conservative comedians don't: the comedy comes first.

There are few funny conservative comedians. And by 'conservative comedians', I mean comedians that use conservative ideals as part of their comedy. One of the few exceptions would be Ron White. That drunk fuck is hilarious.
The irony is that both Stewart and Colbert live very conservative lifestyles.
"TRUTH" Trump called out for the TRUTH..... Now, saying a Jewish name is Anti-Semite????? But where were you little Fascist pig Liberals when this happened?....Hiding, of course!


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