Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

You HYPOCRISY is pathetic!
What, you don't remember the outcries of Trump being an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, Russian asset, and all the rest of YOUR election denial in 2016??????????????????????????????

Ah, the attempt at the "Johnny did it first" defense, complete with the childish language.

Nope. You own the support of "I am a very proud election denier." I will not be surprised to see cries of rigged election when he loses in '24.

It's how the new cultist GOP rolls now.
The semantics of dehumanizing "the enemy" is commonplace among authoritarians.
You can always chage your name and get a new USMB signon because Orwell was exceedingly conservative on all social issues, says his biographer.
You HYPOCRISY is pathetic!
What, you don't remember the outcries of Trump being an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, Russian asset, and all the rest of YOUR election denial in 2016??????????????????????????????
You confuse discussions of Trump being illegitimate, vs taking any action, from lawsuits to protests to insurrections occurring.
Ah, the attempt at the "Johnny did it first" defense, complete with the childish language.

Nope. You own the support of "I am a very proud election denier." I will not be surprised to see cries of rigged election when he loses in '24.

It's how the new cultist GOP rolls now.
So you deny your 2016 election denial?
Weird. :cuckoo:
You confuse discussions of Trump being illegitimate, vs taking any action, from lawsuits to protests to insurrections occurring.
You dismiss your HYPOCRISY.
There's the lack of self-awareness you demented zombies are famous for.
"We will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally to destroy America, and the American Dream" --Donald Trump in a campaign speech

Holy Mein Kampf, Batman, Trump's been sniffing crazy glue!

“The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear,” said Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do.”
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University, said in an email to The Washington Post that “calling people 'vermin’ was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence.”
“Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians ‘communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left’ to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom,” Ben-Ghiat said. “Mussolini promised freedom to his people too and then declared dictatorship.”
I seem to recall Republicans having a conniption when Hillary called them ''deplorables', but how silent they are when Trump acts like a second rate wannabe dictator.​
But Republicans love this type of rhetoric. It's not about making America Great, it's about owning the libs. Not a very good basis to run a country, and forget about unity, not with this guy.​
He's making plans, if he regains office.....​

Trump planning sweeping raids, detention camps, and mass deportations if re-elected in 2025, NYT reports​

Trump is going to lose middle America, now he's getting scary.​

Ok, so then since Biden called 70 million people a threat to the country, then I suppose we should take him at face value? So that was a rallying call to the left for the execution of republicans?

I mean, if you want to play that game, it goes both ways.
Play all the "games" you want. You lose
I was just quoting YOU. You apparently feel that calling people deplorable is not dehumanizing. So, it would appear that you believe that only the right is capable of that. That’s not strawman, that’s just simple observation.

Calling people "deplorable" is not dehumanizing at all. In fact, only humans have the ability to recognize that their behaviour violates normal human decency. Human behaviour can be called "deplorable" because humans should know better. I thought you were proud of your bigotry and xenophobia and proudly proclaiming your deplorable label.

Calling people "vermin" or an "infestation" is calling them rats or a disease, and is dehumanizing. Fascists use dehumanizing language.

Why do the leftists on this board have to constandly explain to you clowns how offensive your behaviour is to others?
Just as guilty?

In 2016 Hillary didn't file a single lawsuit to challenge the election results. She didn't organize a single rally, she even gave a concession speech before the counting was over.
The subject is trump calling swamp rats in washington “vermin”

Libs on this forum including partisans such as Mac1958 are incensed toward trump but silent about hillary who attacked half the voters in America

Which is how libs usually roll
Ok, so then since Biden called 70 million people a threat to the country, then I suppose we should take him at face value? So that was a rallying call to the left for the execution of republicans?

I mean, if you want to play that game, it goes both ways.
Not when you go spinning off the guard rails to find completely remote equivalents. As Biden was referring to Trump voters, not republicans. And as we have a secret ballot, you can't distinguish a Trump voter, unless they're wearing a hat or T-shirt identifying themselves.
The subject is trump calling swamp rats in washington “vermin”

Libs on this forum including partisans such as Mac1958 are incensed toward trump but silent about hillary who attacked half the voters in America

Which is how libs usually roll
There is a difference between "attacking" (justifiably) someone...and dehumanizing them.

When you make a group out to be less than human you excuse all sorts of violence against them.

Dictators often do this...
Not when you go spinning off the guard rails to find completely remote equivalents. As Biden was referring to Trump voters, not republicans. And as we have a secret ballot, you can't distinguish a Trump voter, unless they're wearing a hat or T-shirt identifying themselves.
In libdom attacking voters is ok, but not the privileged few in washington who abuse the voters

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