Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

"Deplorable" does not dehumanize ya friggin retard.
The Trumpsters don't care. This is the only card they have to play. Try to change the subject to Hillary.

So while their God is trying to take us back to 1930's Europe, they're going to concentrate on the word "deplorables", and how it hurt their feelings.

So again, my question remains: Do they not understand what is happening here, or is a right wing dictatorship what they actually want?

There is a difference between "attacking" (justifiably) someone...and dehumanizing them.

When you make a group out to be less than human you excuse all sorts of violence against them.

Dictators often do this...
Its the same

Hillary smeared trump voters en mass with the vilest insults that liberish has to offer
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Calling people "vermin" or an "infestation" is calling them rats or a disease, and is dehumanizing. Fascists use dehumanizing language.

Why do the leftists on this board have to constandly explain to you clowns how offensive your behaviour is to others?
They enjoy turning politics into entertainment. A supersized version of the apprentice.
Name calling is no defense for following an election denier. Since there is no defense, I suppose posting like a 10 year old child is all you have.
Your continued HYPOCRISY is not a good look.

The more you know........
The Trumpsters don't care. This is the only card they have to play. Try to change the subject to Hillary.

So while their God is trying to take us back to 1930's Europe, they're going to concentrate on the word "deplorables", and how it hurt their feelings.

So again, my question remains: Do they not understand what is happening here, or is a right wing dictatorship what they actually want?

Hitlery wants to send 71 million people to camps to be programmed to agree with her, Vermin.
Your continued HYPOCRISY is not a good look.

The more you know........

When dealing with mentally dysfunctional people, it is often necessary to move closer to their reality in order to jolt them back to the real world.

I'm reminded of a friend who received an obscene phone call. The caller said "I know who you are and where you live. I'm coming to your house and I'm going to do this, this and this to you", and he detailed some graphic sex acts. My friend said "When you get here, I'm going to do this, this, and this to YOU", and she detailed the most perverted sexual practices she'd ever heard of. The caller freaked out and said "THAT''S DISGUSTING. You're sick. I don't have to listen to this stuff" and hung up on her.

That's today's Republicans.
We are a bitterly divided nation thanks almost entirely to libs

When you point your finger and blame someone else, there are four more pointing back at YOU.

What have YOU done, to improve political discourse, other than attack and blame liberals? What solutions do you offer other than "getting rid of liberals".
WASHINGTON (TND) — Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for the “formal deprogramming” of “MAGA extremists.”

The comments came during an interview with CNN Thursday, where Clinton addressed “GOP chaos,” former President Donald Trump and the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

“Sadly, so many of those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump who has no credibility left by any measure,” she said. “He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself against civil actions and criminal actions. When do they break with him?”

Clinton continued, calling for formal action against Trump’s most dedicated supporters.
“At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” she said. “Something needs to happen."

READ MORE | Hillary Clinton suggests 'MAGA' Republicans are causing extreme heat waves, gets ridiculed on social media

When asked how she would accomplish such a feat, Clinton stated “we have to defeat them."

Earlier in the conversation, however, she admitted that the few House Republicans who sided with Democratic efforts to pass a defense funding bill last week proved there was “common sense” and a “sane part” of the Republican party.

Clinton's remarks drew the ire of social media commenters who disagreed with the extreme nature of her demand.

“'Re-education camp'. See: Concentration camp,” one user on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, said. “This language should bother you. No matter your political leanings or views. It should send a shiver down everyone's backs.”

Vermin, the Democrats are very good at silencing the Republicans. This is one major contention they have with Trump. They have not been able to silence Trump.

Democrats are nothing but vile evil spewing vermin, I listened to them on CNN and elsewhere while Trump was president, nothing but hate soaked insults, not one or two, but a constant rant from commercial to commercial.

That Vermin is an issue is proof that Democrats are tyrants that have no place in the world.

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