Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini

You are wrong, it is dehumanizing and your opinion doesn’t seem to be correct.

Two kinds of dehumanization were measured, subtle dehumanization and blatant dehumanization. Research postulates that subtle dehumanization can take two forms:

  1. Animalistic dehumanization signals a denial of human uniqueness (e.g. those people are uncouth, stupid, deplorable).

When we dehumanize a group we oppose we justify any sort of opposition — including violence.

Clinton began by calling at least half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”. More recently she attacked Bernie Sanders’ supporters by suggesting they are “basement dwellers” explaining they somehow they were less than human because they lived in their parents basements. The reason they’re living in their parents basement can be found in the last 8 years of the Democratic Party’s rule of America.

Assuming Bernie supporters represented about half of the Democrat Party and Trump’s basket of deplorables represent about half of the Republican Party — Hillary has managed to dehumanize half of the American electorate. Has this ever happened in history?

Now spin your answer but we all know you are wrong and you tried to dehumanize myself by calling me a retard.

It’s only dehumanizing because YOU are making it that way. You all keep bringing up all these other things, like Rawanda and hitler and Mussolini…you do realize that trump never mentioned any of that. It was the left wing media who came up with all that nonsense.

“Vermin” is a term that many people use, have been for hundreds of years. It was YOU folks who brought up the comparison to hitler and all that, of course , in order to heap another pile of “get trump” on him.

What do you think Hillary meant by “basket of deplorables”. She didn’t say “those people are deplorable”. She said they are a “basket of deplorable”. That’s a descriptive term refering to those people. Obviously she was meaning it in a very negative connotation.

But put aside that term. You people have been painting a target on the backs of all right wingers with your constant attacks. You all can’t go 5 minutes without calling them racist, or homophobic or all that nonsense. You call them scum, you call them terrorists. Seriously you can’t believe that the things you all say about the right are fine and not at all dehumanizing.

If liberals are "painting a target on the backs of all right wingers", why is it that it's racial and religious minorities as well as the gays and trans people who are being assault, harrassed, attacked and murdered in record numbers????

"Racist, homophobic, terrorists, deplorable, are all HUMAN characteristics so there is NOTHING dehumanizing about these terms.

"Vermin" and "infestation", "swarm" are not terms we use to describe human beings.

Vermin are defined as "wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease, e.g., rodents.
When you use dehumanizing terms normally used to described animals to described people, it becomes acceptable to do deplorable things to them, because they're not really human at all.
If liberals are "painting a target on the backs of all right wingers", why is it that it's racial and religious minorities as well as the gays and trans people who are being assault, harrassed, attacked and murdered in record numbers????

"Racist, homophobic, terrorists, deplorable, are all HUMAN characteristics so there is NOTHING dehumanizing about these terms.

"Vermin" and "infestation", "swarm" are not terms we use to describe human beings.

Vermin are defined as "wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease, e.g., rodents.
When you use dehumanizing terms normally used to described animals to described people, it becomes acceptable to do deplorable things to them, because they're not really human at all.

“magat”. Does that ring a bell? Deplorable? How about that?

And yes, having liberals making the blanket statements like you all do can be dehumanizing, it’s also very dangerous because, I hear it every day on these progressive talk shows and I can tell you, the callers are very angry, some have even started talking about “arming up” when it comes to the topics being discussed and how they feel they may need to defend against “those maga people”..all because the hosts of these shows spend every waking moment of their time in the radio show telling their listeners that “those maga people” want to take away their freedoms, and all white/christian/republicans are all racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-semites. There literally isn’t a topic that comes up where they don’t try and tie it into racism and there is literally not Republican that they talk about where they don’t label them as a racist, anti gay..etc..

The problem is, I come to these forums and I see the very same rhetoric from you lefty’s, which tells me that the thought pattern is the same amongst most of you all.

I’m sorry, but your insults and attacks on the people of the right are no less dehumanizing and dangerous as anything said by the left.
The only poll that matters is the 2024 election, and Trump hasn't won a single primary yet.
Trump is ahead by 6 points in Georgia.

10 points in Nevada.

Trump has the highest early primary numbers in history. Even CNN admits it.

The way it looks now, it's Trump 47.
“magat”. Does that ring a bell? Deplorable? How about that?

And yes, having liberals making the blanket statements like you all do can be dehumanizing, it’s also very dangerous because, I hear it every day on these progressive talk shows and I can tell you, the callers are very angry, some have even started talking about “arming up” when it comes to the topics being discussed and how they feel they may need to defend against “those maga people”..all because the hosts of these shows spend every waking moment of their time in the radio show telling their listeners that “those maga people” want to take away their freedoms, and all white/christian/republicans are all racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-semites. There literally isn’t a topic that comes up where they don’t try and tie it into racism and there is literally not Republican that they talk about where they don’t label them as a racist, anti gay..etc..

The problem is, I come to these forums and I see the very same rhetoric from you lefty’s, which tells me that the thought pattern is the same amongst most of you all.

I’m sorry, but your insults and attacks on the people of the right are no less dehumanizing and dangerous as anything said by the left.
Please. Of course here on our insignificant USMB discussion board there are one or two Liberals who use the term “vermin” — but no leading Democrat or even other normal Republican candidates use it. Those who use it here, like those who have resorted to similar anti MAGA terms, are mostly just responding in kind to the overwhelmingly despicable language and epithets and threats of civil war of so many MAGA supporters who started this and who mimic Trump’s language and have run wild on the internet in recent years.

The internet of course has played a big part in encouraging and emboldening this popular divisive extremism, especially after Obama was elected twice, when many sick and angry white reactionaries felt isolated and their opposition stance in every area hardened, along with that of many new Republican leaders. Of course that was when Trump was able to launch his political rise by leading the “he wasn’t born here” movement.

There is no doubt that Trump consciously and demagogically brought about a new low in American presidential politics with his insults, as in general with his infantile narcissistic behavior, which it turns out has only endeared him to his base. What is more shocking has been his ability to use that base and evangelicals too to turn the Republican Party into “the Trump Party” and to now again have a shot at winning the presidency in 2024.
Please. Of course here on our insignificant USMB discussion board there are one or two Liberals who use the term “vermin” — but no leading Democrat or even other normal Republican candidates use it. Those who use it here, like those who have resorted to similar anti MAGA terms, are mostly just responding in kind to the overwhelmingly despicable language and epithets and threats of civil war of so many MAGA supporters who started this and who mimic Trump’s language and have run wild on the internet in recent years.

The internet of course has played a big part in encouraging and emboldening this popular divisive extremism, especially after Obama was elected twice, when many sick and angry white reactionaries felt isolated and their opposition stance in every area hardened, along with that of many new Republican leaders. Of course that was when Trump was able to launch his political rise by leading the “he wasn’t born here” movement.

There is no doubt that Trump consciously and demagogically brought about a new low in American presidential politics with his insults, as in general with his infantile narcissistic behavior, which it turns out has only endeared him to his base. What is more shocking has been his ability to use that base and evangelicals too to turn the Republican Party into “the Trump Party” and to now again have a shot at winning the presidency in 2024.

I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, sure, “leading democrats” may not use the word “magat”, but they are no less culpable for trying to spread a message of hate by throwing around terms like “racist” and “anti gay” and associating anyone on the right as “maga” and calling them a threat to the country.

Yes, your “leading democrats” say these things too, but, I wasn’t talking about them, I’m talking about the left in general. When I hear these lefty talk shows spouting these things, then I come to a place like this and hear the same things….that’s an indicator.
Please. Of course here on our insignificant USMB discussion board there are one or two Liberals who use the term “vermin” — but no leading Democrat or even other normal Republican candidates use it. Those who use it here, like those who have resorted to similar anti MAGA terms, are mostly just responding in kind to the overwhelmingly despicable language and epithets and threats of civil war of so many MAGA supporters who started this and who mimic Trump’s language and have run wild on the internet in recent years.

The internet of course has played a big part in encouraging and emboldening this popular divisive extremism, especially after Obama was elected twice, when many sick and angry white reactionaries felt isolated and their opposition stance in every area hardened, along with that of many new Republican leaders. Of course that was when Trump was able to launch his political rise by leading the “he wasn’t born here” movement.

There is no doubt that Trump consciously and demagogically brought about a new low in American presidential politics with his insults, as in general with his infantile narcissistic behavior, which it turns out has only endeared him to his base. What is more shocking has been his ability to use that base and evangelicals too to turn the Republican Party into “the Trump Party” and to now again have a shot at winning the presidency in 2024.
/—-/ And how do you describe Hillary’s hate filled rants about conservatives.
/—-/ And how do you describe Hillary’s hate filled rants about conservatives
I have no need to “explain” anything as I never voted for her, not even when I lived in FL in 2016 and the state seemed “in play.” You are responsible for your own conduct and should accept that your candidate Trump has acted the demagogue and clown and divided the country with his lies.

As for Hillary and her language … I recently wrote: Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’
"We will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, lie, steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally to destroy America, and the American Dream" --Donald Trump in a campaign speech

Holy Mein Kampf, Batman, Trump's been sniffing crazy glue!

“The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear,” said Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. “When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do.”
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University, said in an email to The Washington Post that “calling people 'vermin’ was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence.”
“Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians ‘communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left’ to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom,” Ben-Ghiat said. “Mussolini promised freedom to his people too and then declared dictatorship.”
I seem to recall Republicans having a conniption when Hillary called them ''deplorables', but how silent they are when Trump acts like a second rate wannabe dictator.​
But Republicans love this type of rhetoric. It's not about making America Great, it's about owning the libs. Not a very good basis to run a country, and forget about unity, not with this guy.​
He's making plans, if he regains office.....​

Trump planning sweeping raids, detention camps, and mass deportations if re-elected in 2025, NYT reports​

Trump is going to lose middle America, now he's getting scary.​

I was wondering if Trump becoming more Hitler like played into Colorado's decision to not put him on their ballot because he lead the insurrection?
I was wondering if Trump becoming more Hitler like played into Colorado's decision to not put him on their ballot because he lead the insurrection?
/----/ I was wondering how much George Soros is paying you to post that nonsensical dribble. 4 cents a post?
I'm afraid I'm not convinced that he'll lose Middle America.

It's beginning to look as if this is what they have wanted all along.
Trump is clearly following the steps in the How to become a Dictator playbook.

Reminds me of Kim Jung Un's daddy

Kim shot 38 under, including 11 holes-in-one, at the 7,700-yard championship course at Pyongyang in the VERY FIRST golf round of his life, according to North Korean state media. This was in 1994, when Kim was 52 years old. Even more impressive, Kim stood just 5-foot-3, yet he was able to overpower a course as long as any ever played in major championship history.

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